
Micro-observation of current affairs丨Running towards better days

author:Bright Net
Micro-observation of current affairs丨Running towards better days

"At this beautiful moment of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, I would like to extend my New Year's wishes to all of you in Beijing!"

As the year 2024 comes, President Xi's New Year's message arrives as promised. The warm and firm voice accompanies us to look back on the past and look forward.

In 2023, we will continue to work hard with pride and enthusiasm, and we will be able to modernize our Chinese style.

In 2024, we will be full of confidence and stride forward to continuously expand the space for the development of Chinese-style modernization.

In his New Year's message, President Xi said sincerely: "Our goal is grand and simple, and in the final analysis, it is to make the people live a better life." "Let everyone be happy, have a brilliant life, and make their dreams come true." ”

Continuing the struggle - "made a heavy harvest"

Looking back on 2023, President Xi Jinping is full of affection:

"We have walked very solidly this year. ”

"This year, we have walked with strength. ”

"This year, we have walked very brightly. ”

"This year's pace, we have walked with confidence. ”

In the past year, we have made remarkable achievements step by step:

"China's economy has strengthened its body and strengthened its muscles and bones in the wind and waves" -- important progress has been made in the construction of a modern industrial system. The transformation and upgrading of traditional industries has been accelerated, strategic emerging industries have flourished, future industries have been laid out in an orderly manner, and advanced manufacturing and modern service industries have been deeply integrated.

"China is striving to climb with the spirit of self-improvement, and there are rapid creations everywhere" - the construction of the national laboratory system has been vigorously promoted, the implementation of major national science and technology projects has been accelerated, the traditional shortcomings such as aero engines and gas turbines have made great progress, and the new scientific and technological tracks such as artificial intelligence and quantum technology are in the first echelon in the world.

The Chengdu Universiade and the Hangzhou Asian Games were splendid, the "village" competition became popular, all kinds of activities were vigorous, and all walks of life accelerated to "move", showing the appearance of "a vibrant and steaming China".

Micro-observation of current affairs丨Running towards better days

△On November 4, 2023, the mainland's first domestically produced large-scale cruise ship "Aida Modu" was officially named and delivered, and its first commercial voyage will start on January 1, 2024.

In the beautiful scenery of 2023, there is also a continuous cultural context that has flourished for thousands of years.

The dawn of civilization in Liangzhu and Erlitou, the literary inheritance of the oracle bones in Yinxu, the cultural treasures of Sanxingdui, and the cultural context of the National Version Museum continues...... The great civilization that is constantly growing is the foundation of our self-confidence and the source of our strength.

Recently, the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution to designate the Spring Festival as a United Nations holiday. As a traditional Chinese folk festival, the Spring Festival inherits the concepts of Chinese civilization such as peace, harmony and harmony, and also carries the common values of all mankind, such as family harmony, social tolerance, and harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Like a mighty river, Chinese civilization has been enriched and developed through exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations in the world, giving Chinese modernization a profound foundation.

Only a nation with cultural self-confidence can stand, stand firm, and go far.

On the way forward, all kinds of risks and challenges cannot be avoided or avoided. Only by forging ahead bravely with the spirit of "breaking" and forging ahead with the momentum of "creating" can we overcome difficulties and win the future.

Praise the people - "every ordinary person has made extraordinary contributions"

"The hard-working peasants, the hard-working workers, the entrepreneurs who dare to break new ground and dare to fight, the soldiers who defend the homeland and the country, people from all walks of life are sweating, and every ordinary person has made extraordinary contributions! The people will always be our greatest reliance in overcoming all difficulties and challenges. In his New Year's message, President Xi Jinping praised the people with deep affection.

The people are the driving force behind history.

Taking the commercial flight of the C919 large aircraft mentioned in the New Year's message, Chinese scientific and technological workers lack reference materials, so they simulate and calculate again and again, and have no experience to follow, so they test and verify it again and again...... The C919 has been able to achieve more than 100 key technological breakthroughs.

In the face of difficulties, the Chinese who have united and struggled have never lacked confidence and confidence.

"Some enterprises are facing operating pressure, some people are experiencing difficulties in employment and life, and natural disasters such as floods, typhoons, and earthquakes have occurred in some places." This year, President Xi was deeply moved by "everyone is not afraid of wind and rain, watching and helping each other, facing challenges and overcoming difficulties".

When the torrential rain hit, residents of Luopoling Community in Mentougou District, Beijing Municipality made every effort to help the stranded passengers, and when a 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province, rescue forces from all sides were quickly assembled, and the whole society extended a helping hand...... The power of unity allows us to overcome one difficulty after another and forge ahead.

By the people, but also for the people.

In his New Year's message, President Xi pointed out that our goal is grand and simple, and in the final analysis, it is to make the people live a better life.

This grand and simple goal includes the raising and education of children, the employment and success of young people, and the medical care for the elderly. The most urgent expectations of these people, President Xi has always been concerned.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨Running towards better days

△Shanghai Minhang District "New Era Builders and Managers' Home"

Where the heart is connected, what is done. This year, from the coast of the South China Sea to the embankment of the Jiujiang River, from the shore of Xizi Lake to the bank of the Huangpu River, from the Northeast Plain to the land of Bagui, no matter how busy he is, General Secretary Xi Jinping will take time to walk around and take a look at various places. This concern of "always being at ease" is full of sincere feelings of the people and interprets the solemn promise of the communists in the new era - "let all the Chinese people move towards modernization together".

Nowadays, the pace of society is fast, everyone is busy, and the work and life are very stressful. In his New Year's message, President Xi cared for Yin:

"We need to create a warm and harmonious social atmosphere, expand the space for inclusive and active innovation, and create convenient and comfortable living conditions, so that everyone can be happy, have a brilliant life, and make their dreams come true. ”

Chinese-style modernization is the common cause of all the people. The people are the logical starting point of Chinese-style modernization, and they are also the purpose of values. The people's daily affairs, intimate things, and specific things are constantly being integrated into the top-level design of China's national development, and constantly becoming the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.

Forging ahead - "Confidence in the future"

The time and people are urging each other, and the winter solstice is coming again. Everything in the New Year is new, and everything is full of life.

In his New Year's message, President Xi Jinping first stressed the need to unswervingly promote Chinese-style modernization.

At the previous Central Economic Work Conference and the New Year Tea Party of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "we must take the promotion of Chinese-style modernization as the biggest politics" and comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization "is the biggest politics in the new era."

The key to promoting Chinese-style modernization lies in doing things and implementing them. In his New Year's message, President Xi detailed the highlights for 2024:

"We must adhere to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability with progress, establishing first and then breaking down, consolidating and enhancing the upward trend of the economy, and achieving stable and far-reaching economic development. ”

"It is necessary to deepen reform and opening up in an all-round way, further boost confidence in development, enhance economic vitality, and make greater efforts to run education, develop science and technology, and cultivate talents. ”

"We must continue to support Hong Kong and Macao to give full play to their own advantages and maintain long-term prosperity and stability while better integrating into the overall development of the country. ”


Micro-observation of current affairs丨Running towards better days

△On January 1, 2024, Tiananmen Square ushered in the first flag-raising ceremony of the New Year.

The year 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and a crucial year for the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan. To promote high-quality development on the new journey, it is necessary to implement the major decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee on economic work with high quality.

At the Central Economic Work Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave action guidelines from four aspects: "grasping implementation to the letter", "grasping implementation vigorously", "seeking truth and pragmatic implementation", and "daring to do good to grasp implementation".

Fully implement the opinions on promoting the development and growth of the private economy, implement the reform of the financial system, do a good job in supporting the implementation of the eight actions of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and implement the reform of the collective forest tenure system...... and the word "implementation" runs through the various deployment requirements for economic work in 2024.

On the way forward, wind and rain are the norm. Guided by the "biggest politics" and always focusing on the central task of economic construction and the primary task of high-quality development, we are full of confidence that we will be able to turn the grand blueprint of Chinese-style modernization into a beautiful reality step by step!

Micro-observation of current affairs丨Running towards better days

△ The golden cloud landscape of the Badaling Great Wall in Yanqing District, Beijing

"Let us all wish the motherland prosperity and world peace and tranquility!

This is the affectionate message of the people's leader, and it is also the direction we strive for.

"It's good to ride the wind, the sky is thousands of miles, and you can look down at the mountains and rivers. "In 2024, let's continue to stride forward together towards our ambitious and unpretentious goals.

Source: CCTV News

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