
Earn 3 billion! The "affordable" lipstick, which is more expensive than Armani, is bloodbathing the wallets of Chinese women!

author:Brother Yong talks about the world

Cheap disguise, high price truth

In 2018, Guangzhou Meishang Cosmetics Co., Ltd. was established, and Li Qinya created the Kolaqi lipstick brand. As an emerging domestic lipstick, Kelaqi positions itself as the "king of cost performance" and enters the market with a good attitude.

Relevant data shows that the actual price of Kolachi lipstick may be beyond the imagination of many consumers. A 69 yuan Kolaqi lipstick contains only 1 lipstick in its tube. 7 grams.

Earn 3 billion! The "affordable" lipstick, which is more expensive than Armani, is bloodbathing the wallets of Chinese women!

This means that the price per gram of Kolachi lipstick is as high as 40. 59 yuan, which converts to silver and is worth about 8 grams. This is not a low price for a lipstick.

In comparison, Armani, which is also a high-port red, has a price of about 47 yuan per gram; MAC, which was once all the rage, is only 30 yuan per gram during the promotion season; Even the lipstick of the rookie Korean makeup brand 3CE is only 22 per gram. 5 yuan, less than half of Kelaqi.

This shows that the real pricing of Kelaqi not only exceeds that of domestic brands of the same type, but is even comparable to that of international first-line brands.

So, what is the price of a true "affordable" lipstick? Take Perfect Diary, for example, which has lipstick of about 19 per gram. 6 yuan; Zhiyouquan is only 13 per gram. 83 yuan, less than one-third of Kolaqi.

Earn 3 billion! The "affordable" lipstick, which is more expensive than Armani, is bloodbathing the wallets of Chinese women!

These are the real affordable lipsticks. In contrast, the high price of Kolaki lipstick is like a "pit", waiting for consumers to throw themselves into the net.

As a new brand, Kolaki has successfully packaged its "affordable" image, which undoubtedly shows the excellent business acumen of its operations team. But at the same time, we must also be wary of this kind of parity disguise that confuses the public, and beware of becoming a "lipstick trap" set by capitalists.

As rational consumers, we need to be cautious in judging the true pricing of goods, and not be confused by superficial low-price gimmicks, so as to avoid spending money in vain.

Marketing first, quality to be examined

From the very beginning, Kolachi Lipstick has shown amazing business acumen and has devoted almost all of its resources to marketing. We seem to see Kelaqi everywhere: the advertorial advertisements of today's headlines, the reviews of various big Vs on Douyin, and the various grass evaluations on Xiaohongshu...... The pervasive marketing model quickly opened up the popularity in a short period of time, and people began to pay attention to this new brand.

Earn 3 billion! The "affordable" lipstick, which is more expensive than Armani, is bloodbathing the wallets of Chinese women!

Subsequently, Kelaqi invited the popular idol Meng Meiqi and the popular goddess Di Lieba to serve as brand spokespersons, which undoubtedly further enhanced the beauty and popularity of the brand.

Such a high-density marketing bombardment has won a loyal consumer group for Kolaqi, and people seem to have been "brainwashed", automatically regard it as the king of cost performance and the light of domestic products.

However, behind the marketing, we seem to ignore a more essential question - what is the quality of the brand's lipstick, what is the real reputation of users? The overly strong marketing aura makes people a little "can't see" the product itself.

Earn 3 billion! The "affordable" lipstick, which is more expensive than Armani, is bloodbathing the wallets of Chinese women!

A closer look at the use reviews reveals that there are some doubts about Kolachi's lipstick. For example, the actual content of the product is small, resulting in a shorter life cycle of lipstick than the same type of products.

The smoothness and color are also rated differently, and there is a certain gap with the "perfection" advertised. This shows that behind the rapid commercial promotion, the product quality itself still needs to be tested.

Of course, it is also understandable to use small and large business methods. But relying too much on marketing packaging is not advisable in the long run. A truly high-quality brand should win with the quality of the product itself.

We should not be fooled by the momentary marketing craze, and we should remain rational in examining the actual merits of the product.

Earn 3 billion! The "affordable" lipstick, which is more expensive than Armani, is bloodbathing the wallets of Chinese women!

If Kolaki wants to win the long-term trust of consumers, it must not stop at marketing methods, but pay more attention to R&D and improvement, and truly improve the cost performance of products.

Only when consumers have the image benchmark of the brand in their hearts can they be invincible in the market. Compared to gimmicks of gimmicks, quality is always the most reliable pillar of a brand.

Licking the dog effect, stimulating consumption

Behind the rapid growth of Kolachi, the "licking dog economy" has also played a role in fueling the flames. We seem to see that the target customer group of merchants is clearly targeted at women.

Earn 3 billion! The "affordable" lipstick, which is more expensive than Armani, is bloodbathing the wallets of Chinese women!

Tanabata, 520, Women's Day...... Traditional festivals have been given a new meaning of "shopping" and have become a golden opportunity to sell to women.

"If you love her, you should give her the best. ”

"Make her the brightest jewel on the dance floor. ”

While creating the perfect female image, merchants are also instilling the awareness of "licking the dog" in male consumers. Buying gifts for girlfriends has become a necessary embodiment of a man's "qualification".

Earn 3 billion! The "affordable" lipstick, which is more expensive than Armani, is bloodbathing the wallets of Chinese women!

As a result, the dog-licking culture came into being, allowing men to consciously consume for women in order to gain the favor of each other.

Under such a consumption orientation, women have undoubtedly become the key breakthrough point for businesses. They have more say and more purchasing power. This provides a positive market for beauty brands with women as their main customers.

Brands such as Kelaqi have responded to this consumption orientation, quickly opened up the female market, and achieved explosive growth.

However, we should also note that there is a certain tendency to this business model. Only one target group is closely targeted, while other potential consumers are ignored, and the most "neglected" of them is the large group of men.

Earn 3 billion! The "affordable" lipstick, which is more expensive than Armani, is bloodbathing the wallets of Chinese women!

If we can properly expand our horizons and develop diversified customers, it will undoubtedly bring greater growth momentum to the brand.

The trap of speed, the risk of the tuyere

Relying on strong marketing tools, Kolaki has achieved amazing rapid growth. From its establishment in 2018 to 2021, lipstick sales will be at the forefront of the industry, and this growth rate is beyond the reach of peers.

However, we should also note that there are risks lurking behind too rapid expansion that cannot be ignored.

Earn 3 billion! The "affordable" lipstick, which is more expensive than Armani, is bloodbathing the wallets of Chinese women!

The first is the questioning of the product itself. Does Kolaki lipstick have the quality to match its hot sales? As a new brand, is its R&D ability and product formula excellent? This needs to withstand the test of the market and time.

At the same time, rapid expansion is also easy to cause product homogeneity and lack of originality. This can affect brand reputation.

Secondly, the brand influence of the enterprise is not stable enough. Compared to established giants such as Shiseido and Max Root, Kolaqi's brand history is too short and its market position is not so solid.

If the economic environment deteriorates and consumption declines, cutting-edge brands that do not have such deep accumulation will be more vulnerable to impact.

Earn 3 billion! The "affordable" lipstick, which is more expensive than Armani, is bloodbathing the wallets of Chinese women!

Finally, the counterattack of competitors cannot be ignored either. There is no strong player in the market who does not dare to attack. If other brands adjust their strategies and form an effective siege against Kolachi, will an immature brand be able to support it?

So, speed isn't everything. Behind the blind pursuit of growth rate, there is a huge risk of declining quality, reputation and brand influence. is like a boat on the tuyere, which seems to be smooth sailing, but in fact, it may capsize and die in the wind and waves.

Kolaki must assess the situation and work steadily in order to gain a long-term foothold on this cusp.

Enhance the connotation and get the first opportunity

In the face of doubts from all sides, Kolaki is not at a loss. As a dynamic and cutting-edge brand, it also has ample opportunities to enhance its strength and truly gain the recognition and trust of consumers.

Earn 3 billion! The "affordable" lipstick, which is more expensive than Armani, is bloodbathing the wallets of Chinese women!

First, Kelaki can increase investment in product research and development, starting from increasing the content of lipstick, improving the texture and taste, etc., to truly improve the cost performance and user experience of lipstick.

Good products with quality and quantity are always the foundation of the brand.

Second, it can strengthen the construction of brand culture and make consumers have a deeper impression of Kolaki through active brand marketing. Create a brand story, spread positivity, and build an emotional connection with consumers for long-term support.

Third, don't rely too much on the "licking dog economy", you can expand the target group appropriately. Develop young and middle-aged men and let them also become potential consumer power.

Earn 3 billion! The "affordable" lipstick, which is more expensive than Armani, is bloodbathing the wallets of Chinese women!

Diversifying the consumer structure will not limit the development space of the brand.

Fourth, we should also pay attention to product innovation, introduce more lipstick categories, and avoid homogenization. Maintaining a differentiated competitive advantage has enabled Kolachi to occupy a distinctive position in the field of lipsticks.

As long as we seize these opportunities and take the initiative, we will be able to stand out in the market competition and achieve the rapid development of the brand. I believe that a cutting-edge brand with strategic vision and action will definitely occupy an important position in the lipstick industry.

Look at yourself and be cautious in your spending

After analyzing the development history of Kolachi, we, as consumers, should also examine our own consumption philosophy.

Earn 3 billion! The "affordable" lipstick, which is more expensive than Armani, is bloodbathing the wallets of Chinese women!

First of all, we need to judge the true value of the product and not be confused by flashy packaging. Rationally analyze the quality and price of products, and do not blindly follow the purchase.

Secondly, we should be wary of merchants using festivals to stimulate consumption. Don't just go with the flow because of the so-called "festive atmosphere", and insist on rational autonomy.

Furthermore, it is necessary to pay attention to maintaining the diversification of consumption. Don't be in a certain brand or group, but consume according to your actual needs.

Earn 3 billion! The "affordable" lipstick, which is more expensive than Armani, is bloodbathing the wallets of Chinese women!

Finally, don't be a "licking dog" because of the merchant's marketing methods. It is necessary to maintain a sober concept of consumption and avoid being used by capital operation.

As rational consumers, we must maintain independent thinking and consume cautiously according to our actual needs. Prevent being led into "leeks" by capital marketing methods and chasing the superficial glimpses of the surface.

Let's work together to raise awareness of consumption and create a more rational consumption environment.

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