
Applying hairspray and lipstick, fighting and staying in a hotel, are these anti-Japanese dramas worthy of the former soldiers?

author:Kang Tsai said gossip

1. Anti-Japanese War dramas have been popular for years, but now they have entered a trough

Since the eighties and nineties of the last century, the Anti-Japanese War drama has been like a fresh spring, nourishing the hearts of the audience who love art, and has won the warm welcome and pursuit of the audience.

Like the joy of manna after a long drought, the long-awaited heroism and inspiring scenes of the artists on the screen are finally presented.

Applying hairspray and lipstick, fighting and staying in a hotel, are these anti-Japanese dramas worthy of the former soldiers?

Masterpieces such as "Bright Sword" and "Young People in Our Village" vividly depict the images of those heroic and fearless anti-Japanese martyrs with their simple and unpretentious but touching brushstrokes.

Their spirit of seeing death as home, perseverance, and fearlessness of hardships and dangers has deeply shocked the hearts of countless audiences, and the audience has not hesitated to offer the highest praise and respect for these outstanding artists.

However, good times are always short-lived. In recent years, the overall quality of anti-Japanese war dramas has taken a sharp turn for the worse, and a large number of ridiculous and vulgar works have emerged. In order to please the audience, some crews are keen to integrate elements such as hairspray, lipstick, and fashion trends into the battlefield environment filled with gunpowder, and seriously distort and desecrate the image of the martyrs, which is undoubtedly a blatant provocation to the history of the war.

Applying hairspray and lipstick, fighting and staying in a hotel, are these anti-Japanese dramas worthy of the former soldiers?

When the audience witnessed these ridiculous plots, they all felt extremely indignant. As the descendants of the anti-Japanese martyrs, can we continue to endure such irresponsible film and television works? Now is the right time to bring the Anti-Japanese War drama back to life and restore the true face of history! .

2. Absurd plot and deviation from common sense

The most distressing thing is "Bright Sword 3: Thunder General" broadcast in 2017. As a sequel to the classic anti-Japanese war drama "Bright Sword", it made the audience jaw-dropping. The actors in the play are all dressed up brightly and well-dressed, and even the actor Zhang Yunlong is also greased and powdered, like a supermodel on the catwalk stage.

Applying hairspray and lipstick, fighting and staying in a hotel, are these anti-Japanese dramas worthy of the former soldiers?

What's even more funny is that after the victory of the regiment commander played by Zhang Yunlong, his first action was to flatter the beauties, rather than motivate the army and boost morale. In addition to this, the female characters in the play are equally pretentious and unacceptable.

A female medical soldier who played the role of saving lives and helping the wounded walked on the battlefield wearing high heels as high as five centimeters, no wonder she was later fiercely criticized by netizens - "A few feet above the ground, and the battle is really dragging".

Dressed in such a costume, I am afraid that it will be difficult to even move freely on the battlefield, let alone rescue wounded comrades!

Applying hairspray and lipstick, fighting and staying in a hotel, are these anti-Japanese dramas worthy of the former soldiers?

Plots like this, which defy common sense, are also common in another 2014 high-profile TV series, "Towards the Fire". The role of "Lei Ye" played by Wu Qilong in the play is different from beginning to end, with leather jackets, sunglasses, and motorcycles, all of which are showing off his "handsomeness".

However, for this image, the screenwriters seem to have completely lost their way, and even let Lei Ye ride a motorcycle and hold a gun in one hand to sweep the enemy position, this kind of almost "open" operation is really laughable.

Compared with the above two dramas, "Youth Fire", which was broadcast in the same year, is even more ridiculous. The heroine in the play, Ye Xuan, always puts on makeup and lipstick leisurely before every mission, as if this is a beauty contest rather than a life-and-death battle.

Applying hairspray and lipstick, fighting and staying in a hotel, are these anti-Japanese dramas worthy of the former soldiers?

What's even more outrageous is that she is also dressed extremely funny, whether it is tights, lace masks or leather boots, completely ignoring the harshness of the actual combat environment, only pursuing her personal fashion sense.

And the most ridiculous thing is undoubtedly the TV series "Plainclothes Troops Behind Enemy Lines", which can be called a masterpiece. The play is full of "otherworldly" plots: several warriors show disgust as they enjoy the baked cakes, as if this is someone's feast; At the critical moment of the war, the crew let them put down luxurious ingredients such as eggs.

3. Misleading cognition and blaspheming the heroic spirit

Applying hairspray and lipstick, fighting and staying in a hotel, are these anti-Japanese dramas worthy of the former soldiers?

The plots that violate common sense in the above-mentioned many anti-Japanese dramas may just be laughed at by the majority of audiences, without thinking deeply about the absurdity. However, if we look at these films and television works from a higher perspective, it is not difficult to find that they have brought about a harmful effect, that is, the distortion and desecration of history.

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was undoubtedly the darkest and bloodiest period for the Chinese people. Due to the country's weak strength and backward weapons and equipment, our army can only rely on unswerving perseverance to wage a desperate struggle against the enemy.

During those difficult years, it was common to not have enough food, clothing, and disabilities. The warriors were often left to bran for their food, and their clothes were already tattered, covered with dirt and pincer marks.

Applying hairspray and lipstick, fighting and staying in a hotel, are these anti-Japanese dramas worthy of the former soldiers?

Regrettably, however, the lives of the warriors are portrayed as if they were on vacation in a leisure resort, with carefree meals and neat clothing.

It's no wonder that many older viewers will indignantly ask after watching it: "What kind of ridiculous content is this showing?" For them, the image presented in the play is in stark contrast to the harsh reality they have experienced, which is simply a grave desecration of countless revolutionary martyrs.

What's more serious is that there are still a lot of deliberately beautified details in film and television works. For example, the actors' makeup and hairstyles are always meticulous, as if they are in the rear rather than in the smoke of the battlefield.

Applying hairspray and lipstick, fighting and staying in a hotel, are these anti-Japanese dramas worthy of the former soldiers?

Another example is that the female characters are always dressed up brightly and with heavy makeup, without the slightest simplicity and bravery that a soldier should have.

It is true that film and television works require moderate artistic processing, but if they are completely divorced from historical facts, it is undoubtedly a blatant insult to revolutionary martyrs! What is even more tragic is that this kind of wrong shaping and expression can easily mislead the younger generation in their understanding of history.

They regard the fictional scenes in the play as real history and ignore the suffering of their predecessors, doesn't this plant a distorted concept in their hearts that "the motherland is beautiful and picturesque, and the mountains and rivers are unharmed"? In the long run, young people will lose their reverence for history and lack a sense of identity with the country, which is undoubtedly a devastating blow to the Chinese nation.

Applying hairspray and lipstick, fighting and staying in a hotel, are these anti-Japanese dramas worthy of the former soldiers?

Fourth, the contrast is stark and provokes deep thought

In order to let the general public have a deeper understanding of the historical background of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs, we might as well look back at the various hardships experienced in that arduous era.

According to historical records, during the eight-year War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Chinese military and civilians paid great sacrifices, with an average of about 10,000 soldiers falling on the battlefield every day, and more than 300,000 compatriots were brutally killed in the Nanjing Massacre alone.

Applying hairspray and lipstick, fighting and staying in a hotel, are these anti-Japanese dramas worthy of the former soldiers?

In those years, military life was full of endless hardships. Due to the lack of logistical supply lines, most of the fighters were fed in extremely poor conditions, often relying on wheat noodles and pickled vegetables to survive.

According to records, during the Battle of Xuzhou in 1948, the People's Liberation Army even went to the point where even the bark was considered a delicacy.

Because of the warlords and the continuous war, the movement of soldiers is very frequent, and some heroic soldiers even encountered the life and death of their loved ones and friends in the smoke of war! According to historical records, in the 1937 Battle of Nanjing, the legendary generals Ye Ting and Zuo Quan both personally raised their weapons and mercilessly shot several of their former comrades-in-arms, including their own brothers.

Applying hairspray and lipstick, fighting and staying in a hotel, are these anti-Japanese dramas worthy of the former soldiers?

In the face of relatives and friends, they still did not waver, and forged the dignity of every inch of the motherland with their blood, which is enough to witness how severe and difficult the situation was at that time.

Looking back on that era full of blood and tears, it is not difficult for us to find that the scenes depicted in some film and television works today are far from the real situation, and the screenwriters ignore the sacrifice of life and the harsh living environment, but over-beautify the image of the martyrs, which is really sinful and outrageous.

As latecomers, we should learn from this and deeply remember the suffering of our ancestors, so that we can be worthy of their heroic sacrifice.

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