
This fish is a treasure all over its body, more fragrant than the fish, more tender than the sea bass, and it is delicious no matter how you do it

author:Fresh citrus DL

Skinned fish, known as the treasure of the deep sea, is highly prized for its delicious taste, unique aroma and multifaceted nutritional value. The whole body is full of treasures, and every inch of meat is like a gift from the sea, which is more mellow than hairtail fish and more tender than sea bass. This amazing fish species not only provides gourmets with unlimited cooking possibilities, but also becomes a delicious delicacy on the table, satisfying people's needs for both deliciousness and health. Whether in the heat of summer or in the cold of winter, the skinned fish exudes an alluring aroma, like a gift from the ocean, allowing people to feel the generosity of nature and the unique charm of fish in taste.

This fish is a treasure all over its body, more fragrant than the fish, more tender than the sea bass, and it is delicious no matter how you do it

Nutritional benefits of peeled fish:

1) Skinned fish is a tender and delicious deep-sea fish, in addition to being delicious, it is also rich in nutritional value and has many benefits for health:

2) High-quality protein: Skinned fish is a good source of high-quality protein, which plays an important role in maintaining muscle structure and promoting growth and development.

3) Rich in unsaturated fatty acids: Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which help maintain cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health, reduce blood lipids, and prevent arteriosclerosis.

4) Rich in trace elements: including zinc, selenium, copper and other trace elements, which play an important role in the normal functioning of the immune system and body metabolism.

5) Vitamin B12: A key vitamin for the synthesis of red blood cells and the maintenance of nervous system health.

6) Rich in minerals: including calcium, phosphorus, potassium, etc., which contribute to the formation of bones and the maintenance of normal physiological functions of the body.

7) Promotes brain development: DHA in fish has a positive effect on brain development and the functioning of the nervous system, helping to improve intelligence.

8) Improved mood: Skinned fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids has been linked to improved mood and depression.

This fish is a treasure all over its body, more fragrant than the fish, more tender than the sea bass, and it is delicious no matter how you do it

Four delicious ways to make skinned fish:

1. Pan-fried peeled fish

Ingredients: Peeled Fish: Appropriate amount, Salt: Appropriate amount, Ginger: Appropriate amount, Cooking wine: Appropriate amount, Light soy sauce: Appropriate amount, Edible oil: Appropriate amount, Finely chopped green onion: Appropriate amount, Minced garlic: appropriate amount, Green and red pepper: appropriate amount (optional)


1. Preparation: Peel the fish cleanly, remove the internal organs, wash it well, and dry it with a kitchen paper towel. Cut the ginger into slices and set aside.

2. Marine: Sprinkle an appropriate amount of salt evenly on both sides of the fish, wipe well, add some ginger slices, sprinkle with some cooking wine, and marinate for 15 minutes.

3. Heat the pan with cold oil: Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pan, heat until the oil temperature is six or seven hot, put the marinated peeled fish into the pan, and slowly fry it over medium-low heat until golden brown and crispy.

4. Flip: Once one side is golden brown, gently flip and continue frying on the other side, making sure both sides are crispy.

5. Seasoning: After frying, pour out the excess oil in the pan, leave some base oil, add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, sprinkle with chopped green onion and minced garlic, add some ginger slices, and continue to fry over low heat until fragrant.

6. Serving: Remove the pan-fried peeled fish and place it on a plate, garnish with some sliced green and red peppers according to your taste.

7. Enjoy: Once the pan-fried and skinned fish is out of the pan, it is tender and fragrant, and it is served with a light dipping sauce, making it a delicious home-cooked dish.

This fish is a treasure all over its body, more fragrant than the fish, more tender than the sea bass, and it is delicious no matter how you do it


(1) When frying fish, the heat should be moderate to maintain the tenderness and texture of the fish.

(2) Be gentle when turning over so as not to spoil the shape of the fish.

(3) When seasoning, you can adjust the amount of salt and light soy sauce according to your personal taste.

(4) The addition of green and red peppers can add some color and texture.

2. Braised and skinned fish

Ingredients: 1 carp or grass carp, ginger: appropriate amount, sliced, green onion: appropriate amount, cut into sections, cooking wine: appropriate amount, light soy sauce: appropriate amount, dark soy sauce: appropriate amount, rock sugar: appropriate amount, water: appropriate amount, salt: appropriate amount, cooking oil: appropriate amount, green garlic: appropriate amount, cut into sections (optional)


1. Preparation stage: Carp or grass carp are slaughtered, scaled, gutted, washed and set aside.

2. Chop the fishy: Cut the fish with a few knives, coat it with some salt, add some cooking wine, and marinate for a while.

3. Fry the fish in oil: Heat the pan, add an appropriate amount of cooking oil, fry the marinated fish until golden brown on both sides, remove and set aside.

4. Stir-fry seasoning: Leave the bottom oil, add ginger slices and green onions, stir-fry until fragrant, add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce and dark soy sauce, and season to taste.

5. Add rock sugar: Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar and stir-fry until the rock sugar melts.

6. Add water: Add enough water and add the fried fish pieces.

7. Simmer: Cover the pot and simmer over medium-low heat for 20-30 minutes to allow the fish pieces to absorb the flavor.

8. Juice removal: After the soup is thickened, add an appropriate amount of salt and stir-fry evenly to ensure that the seasoning is even.

9. Remove from the pan: Finally, sprinkle some green garlic pieces, stir well and serve.

This fish is a treasure all over its body, more fragrant than the fish, more tender than the sea bass, and it is delicious no matter how you do it


(1) Choice of fish: Choose fresh carp or grass carp to ensure a fresh and tender taste.

(2) Simmering time: The simmering time can be adjusted according to the size of the fish and the individual taste to ensure that the fish is flavorful.

(3) Seasoning: The amount of soy sauce can be increased or decreased according to personal taste.

3. Peel the fish with salt and pepper

Ingredients: 1 peeled fish (or other fish suitable for frying), appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of ginger, sliced, appropriate amount of garlic, minced garlic, 1 green pepper, shredded, 1 red pepper, shredded, appropriate amount of cooking oil, appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of chicken essence (optional), appropriate amount of white pepper powder, appropriate amount of egg white, appropriate amount of corn starch (cornstarch).


1. Prepare the peeled fish: Handle the skinned fish, remove the internal organs, wash it, and drain the water.

2. Marinate the fish: Evenly spread a thin layer of salt on the surface of the fish, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine and stir well, and marinate for 15-20 minutes.

3. Pickled pepper and salt: Shred the green and red peppers, and mince the garlic.

4. Fried fish with salt and pepper:

1) Heat the oil until it is 70% hot, evenly coat the marinated fish with a layer of cornstarch, when the oil temperature reaches 180 degrees Celsius, put in the fish and fry it until golden brown and crispy, remove and drain the oil.

2) Leave a small amount of base oil in the pot, stir-fry the ginger slices and minced garlic until fragrant, add the chopped green pepper and red pepper and stir-fry evenly.

5. Salt and pepper dipping sauce: Add an appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence and white pepper to the fried salt and pepper, and stir well.

6. Mix the fish and salt and pepper: Put the fried fish evenly into the salt and pepper dipping sauce, and mix gently so that the salt and pepper are evenly attached to the fish.

7. Remove from the pot and put on the plate: Before serving, you can sprinkle some egg whites to make the salt and pepper better attached to the fish, and then put the mixed fish into the plate.

8. Plate decoration: You can put some green and red pepper shreds on the side of the plate to enhance the overall appearance.

This fish is a treasure all over its body, more fragrant than the fish, more tender than the sea bass, and it is delicious no matter how you do it


(1) The oil temperature should be moderate, if it is too hot, it will be easy to scorch, and if it is too low, the fish will not be easy to become crispy.

(2) When frying the fish, pay attention to turning so that the fish is evenly heated.

(3) The amount of salt and seasoning can be increased or decreased according to personal taste.

Fourth, boiled peeled fish with watercress

Ingredients: 500 grams of peeled fish, appropriate amount of green garlic, appropriate amount of ginger slices

Seasoning: 2 tablespoons bean paste, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon red oil bean paste, appropriate amount of chicken essence, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of chicken essence, appropriate amount of cooking oil, appropriate amount of chicken essence


1. Cut the peeled fish into cubes, cut the green garlic into sections, and slice the ginger for later use.

2. Boil a pot of water, blanch the skinned fish after the water boils, add ginger slices and cooking wine to remove the smell.

3. After removing the blanching water, put an appropriate amount of cooking oil in the pot, add the bean paste and red oil bean paste and stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, soy sauce, chicken essence, and some water, and bring to a boil.

5. Put the blanched peeled fish into a boiled pot and simmer for 10 minutes to let the fish absorb the flavor.

6. Finally, add an appropriate amount of salt, season to taste, sprinkle with green garlic and bring to a boil.

This fish is a treasure all over its body, more fragrant than the fish, more tender than the sea bass, and it is delicious no matter how you do it


(1) Selection of peeled fish: Choose fresh peeled fish to ensure that the fish meat is tender and has a better taste.

(2) Dosage of bean paste: Add an appropriate amount of bean paste according to personal taste, and increase it appropriately if you like heavy flavors.

(3) Cooking time: When boiling peeled fish, do not add salt too early to avoid affecting the texture of the fish. It's best to add salt to the final seasoning.

(4) Fresh ingredients: Use fresh ingredients, such as sliced ginger and green garlic, to enhance the aroma of the dish.

(5) Master the heat: When simmering, the heat should be moderate, as overheating will easily cause the fish to rot.

(6) Season evenly: At the end of the seasoning, sprinkle the seasoning evenly over the fish to ensure that the flavor is evenly absorbed.

(7) Pairing suggestion: This dish can be eaten with rice or noodles, or it can be served with some refreshing vegetables for a richer taste.

In general, the skinned fish has become the focus of gourmets with its characteristic of being a treasure all over its body. Its delicious meat is not only rich in taste, but also rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids, trace elements and other nutrients, which is of great benefit to human health. In terms of cooking, the variety of peeled fish is amazing, whether it is steamed, braised or fried, pan-fried or stewed, this fish can bring out different flavors. In the kitchen, it is like a colorful canvas, waiting for the chefs to use their creativity and skill to interpret it into mouth-watering dishes. Skinned fish is not only a delicacy, but also a gift of beauty, and it is the best choice for people to pursue health and taste life.

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