
After the Zhu Ling case, Peking University Fudan reappeared in the serious poisoning case, and their motives were so similar

author:Shallow world

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Recently, everyone in the society deeply regrets Zhu Ling's death.

Phoenix Weekly depicts her final moments with delicate portrayals: her father is smiling and sticking Zhu Ling's forehead to it.

At the funeral, the mother leaned over and stroked Zhu Ling's face and said her final goodbye to her daughter. This scene is touching and makes people feel sorry for Zhu Ling's death.

However, Zhu Ling's death is not the only tragedy on campus.

Do you remember the two university poisoning cases that occurred at Tsinghua University and Peking University, both of which happened in this kind of academic tyrant?

After the Zhu Ling case, Peking University Fudan reappeared in the serious poisoning case, and their motives were so similar

In this case, the poisoners were highly intelligent people who embarked on the path of crime because of psychological unhealth, interpersonal problems, and oversensitivity to jokes.


In 1997, a poisoning case occurred at Tsinghua University triggered by Wang Xiaolong.

He is a top student with excellent grades, but he can't handle interpersonal relationships well, so he poisons his friends in retaliation. In the end, he was sentenced to 11 years.

After the Zhu Ling case, Peking University Fudan reappeared in the serious poisoning case, and their motives were so similar

We can't imagine that an excellent Peking University top student would ruin his future in such a naïve way.


Equally shocking was the poisoning of Lin Senhao at Fudan University in 2013.

is also a high-achieving student, but in the case of psychological inferiority and emotional frustration, he chose to poison his roommate.

In this case, the poisoner even provided medical assistance to migrant workers when he was in the Xi hospital, which does not show that he is a heinous murderer.

After the Zhu Ling case, Peking University Fudan reappeared in the serious poisoning case, and their motives were so similar

Eventually, because of his character flaws and inability to handle interpersonal relationships, it eventually led to a tragedy in which he was sentenced to death.


It's really embarrassing to hear about these cases. The high-IQ scholars from these institutions of higher learning should have a bright future, but because of their momentary impulses and emotions, they could not be reasonably released, and finally paid a heavy price.

The cases of Zhu Ling at Tsinghua University, Wang Xiaolong at Peking University, and Lin Senhao at Fudan University were all tragedies caused by interpersonal problems and poor mental health.

These cases all tell us that children should pay more attention to and cultivate students' mental health in their Xi, educate them how to correctly handle interpersonal relationships, and avoid similar incidents.

After the Zhu Ling case, Peking University Fudan reappeared in the serious poisoning case, and their motives were so similar

The stories of Zhu Ling, Wang Xiaolong, and Lin Senhao are all portrayals of the shadow behind high IQ.

While pursuing knowledge, we should also care about the mental health of students, and strive to create a positive academic environment, so that every student can thrive in a healthy mental state.

On the road of life, high IQ does not equal a good life, we need to cultivate students' all-round quality, so that they can become responsible, emotionally intelligent social pillars.

In this regard, we have to reflect on the degree of attention to students' mental health in college education.

While knowledge transfer is important, we also need to develop students' ability to deal with emotional problems positively.

Especially for those students with high IQ and excellent academics, they need to put more effort into psychological counseling.

High IQ tends to be accompanied by a more sensitive personality, they tend to be more demanding of themselves, and they are easily frustrated by momentary fluctuations.

Therefore, schools should provide them with more comprehensive support so that they can better understand and process their emotions while studying.

Relationship issues are a big part of these tragedies.

Schools can help students build good interpersonal relationships and develop conflict resolution skills by offering relevant courses.

Through multi-perspective and all-round education, we can enable students to better adapt to the complexities of society.

In our daily life, we should pay more attention to the physical and mental health of children.

After the Zhu Ling case, Peking University Fudan reappeared in the serious poisoning case, and their motives were so similar

I hope my sharing is helpful to everyone, thank you for reading and support#2023年度创作挑战ing! #

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