
The "sky-high pension" tore off Li Shuangjiang's last fig leaf, and who else can be blamed for the ending of the son's debt and father's repayment

author:79 says history

1. His father's debts are difficult to repay, and Li Shuangjiang is lonely and old

Time flies, and the octogenarian Li Shuangjiang sits in isolation in his simple home, looking at the withered yellow branches and leaves of the woods outside the window trembling in the cold wind, and his heart is full of desolation and emotion.

Looking back on the past, this tenor diva, known as the "Voice of the East", is undoubtedly the focus of attention and everyone's favorite object! His singing voice is like a heavenly sound, and every performance will attract thunderous applause and cheers from the audience.

The "sky-high pension" tore off Li Shuangjiang's last fig leaf, and who else can be blamed for the ending of the son's debt and father's repayment

At that time, he was glorious, high-spirited, and his singing voice was penetrating, and every performance would arouse warm applause and cheers from the audience. However, now he can only face the difficulties of life alone, and the glory of the past has become an unattainable memory.

Li Shuangjiang lowered his once proud head, and he could only silently bear the indifference and ridicule of the world with no money and four walls.

The people around him either regretted his current situation, or gloated about his plight, and some even had no idea of his former glory, and only laughed at him for being "poor, white, and ugly".

The "sky-high pension" tore off Li Shuangjiang's last fig leaf, and who else can be blamed for the ending of the son's debt and father's repayment

All the misfortunes stemmed from the fact that after his spoiled son Li Tianyi went through ten years in prison, this "demon king of the mixed world" had already left home, leaving only endless debts and endless humiliation, all of which were left to Li Shuangjiang to bear alone.

Sitting alone in a small rental house, scenes of the past flashed in Li Shuangjiang's mind like a movie screen. He remembered his singing career and the Cambodian prince who had cheered for him...... However, now he can only face his lonely old age alone.

Li Shuangjiang turned his head to look at the old-fashioned stereo on the side, and his heart was mixed. This stereo used to be his most cherished treasure, but now it lies quietly in the corner, as if it had become a useless ornament.

The "sky-high pension" tore off Li Shuangjiang's last fig leaf, and who else can be blamed for the ending of the son's debt and father's repayment

He no longer has the strength to play those once shocking songs, because the cruelty of reality has made him lose the courage to sing.

2. Li Shuangjiang's glorious past

The past is like smoke, Li Shuangjiang recalled his glorious years, and those glories seemed to be just yesterday. With his outstanding musical talent, he was known as the "Voice of the East" and became a household name for the tenor diva.

The "sky-high pension" tore off Li Shuangjiang's last fig leaf, and who else can be blamed for the ending of the son's debt and father's repayment

Every time he straightens his waist and steps on the stage, the audience will burst into warm applause, Li Shuangjiang with his unique voice, interprets every song deeply into the hearts of the people, and the aftermath lingers.

The eyes of the entire hall were firmly attracted to him, as if he were like a dazzling star in the center of the stage, surrounded by the spotlights of honor and warm applause, he appeared so dazzling.

Li Shuangjiang's charismatic voice has long been widely praised in China, but amazingly, even the prince of the Cambodian royal family has been deeply intoxicated by his moving and beautiful singing.

The "sky-high pension" tore off Li Shuangjiang's last fig leaf, and who else can be blamed for the ending of the son's debt and father's repayment

At the end of a performance, the prince actually walked backstage in person and had a cordial conversation with Li Shuangjiang in a warm manner.

The prince did not hesitate to praise his wonderful performance, and Li Shuangjiang seemed to have become the focus of attention at this moment, like a shining star.

However, all these glorious days are now a good memory of the past. Li Shuangjiang can no longer display his talents on the stage, and his voice has lost its former style.

The "sky-high pension" tore off Li Shuangjiang's last fig leaf, and who else can be blamed for the ending of the son's debt and father's repayment

In his place, people were indifferent and ridiculed at him.

From the glory of the past to the neglect now, this is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Li Shuangjiang.

He looked helplessly around the furnishings of the cramped rental house, the old-fashioned stereo in the corner, a testament to his glorious past. However, now, it can only lie there quietly, completely forgotten by Li Shuangjiang.

The "sky-high pension" tore off Li Shuangjiang's last fig leaf, and who else can be blamed for the ending of the son's debt and father's repayment

3. Dodging caused trouble and gave birth to the "Demon King of the Mixed World"

Although Li Shuangjiang once enjoyed great prestige, he was finally destroyed by his only son, Li Tianyi, with his own hands. All the misfortunes stem from his endless doting on this son.

From childhood to adulthood, Li Shuangjiang has always regarded Li Tianyi as a pearl in his palm and responds to requests. Even when Li Tianyi was just a child, he had already shown some bad behavior, such as pushing a classmate's bicycle into the river or retaliating by beating others, Li Shuangjiang chose to turn a blind eye.

The "sky-high pension" tore off Li Shuangjiang's last fig leaf, and who else can be blamed for the ending of the son's debt and father's repayment

Whenever he received a complaint call from the school, Li Shuangjiang always replied with a smile: "Child, it's normal to be naughty." He only saw the love of his son, but he never thought about the serious consequences that his actions might bring.

However, it was this excessive doting that made Li Tianyi lawless. After entering junior high school, Li Tianyi's bad behavior intensified. He often beats his peers for no reason, and even has no reverence for his teachers, and punches and kicks at every turn.

The school's management measures are clearly ineffective, because instead of stopping them, Li Shuangjiang shielded and condoned his son's violent acts.

The "sky-high pension" tore off Li Shuangjiang's last fig leaf, and who else can be blamed for the ending of the son's debt and father's repayment

The most surprising fact is that Li Tianyi, who is only 18 years old, has already driven a luxurious and exquisite BMW! The elegant décor of this large limousine contrasts sharply with the violent and crazy character of its entertainer, and it is hard to help but laugh.

In just over half a year, this BMW car has accumulated a record of 32 traffic violations in his hands, which shows how arrogant and domineering his behavior is.

As a sane father, Li Shuangjiang should have corrected and stopped his son's misbehavior in due course, however, regrettably, he turned a deaf ear to it and let it go. Even when Li Tian was only 16 years old, when he clashed with people on the street, he even beat the other couple in public and seriously injured them and hospitalized them, Li Shuangjiang still chose to shield the people.

The "sky-high pension" tore off Li Shuangjiang's last fig leaf, and who else can be blamed for the ending of the son's debt and father's repayment

At that time, in order to avoid his son being punished by the law, Li Shuangjiang was full of shame and knelt down to apologize to the victim with tears in his eyes. It can be seen that his excessive love for his son has reached an irreparable point, and he has successfully shaped Li Tianyi into a "demon king of the mixed world".

Fourth, the causes and consequences of sky-high pensions

If Li Shuangjiang's doting on his son is the root cause of this tragedy, then his legendary sky-high pension is undoubtedly the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The "sky-high pension" tore off Li Shuangjiang's last fig leaf, and who else can be blamed for the ending of the son's debt and father's repayment

According to people familiar with the matter, as a retired cadre who once held a leading position in a literary and artistic institution, Li Shuangjiang's monthly pension is as high as 30,000 yuan. Such an income is undoubtedly an astronomical amount for ordinary people.

However, it is a pity that this huge amount of money was finally squandered by Li Shuangjiang and his wife Mengge without restraint, and all of it was used to satisfy the extravagant life of their "demon king" son Li Tianyi.

Once this news was exposed on the Internet, it immediately attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. The majority of netizens expressed their grief and deep regret for Li Shuangjiang's behavior of wasting state property.

The "sky-high pension" tore off Li Shuangjiang's last fig leaf, and who else can be blamed for the ending of the son's debt and father's repayment

If he could have been a little more sensible and used this pension for his old age, why would he have fallen to the point where he is today? While people accuse him of conniving at his son, they are also questioning whether he is abusing the fruits of taxpayers' hard work.

What is even more ironic is that Li Shuangjiang finally had to pay a heavy price for his crime of doting on his son. In 2013, Li Tianyi was sentenced to 10 years in prison for allegedly sexually assaulting a barmaid in a high-end bar.

After this case was exposed, the whole society was shocked! Li Shuangjiang, a figure with a background in a musical family with a glorious past, is now in an unprecedented predicament.

The "sky-high pension" tore off Li Shuangjiang's last fig leaf, and who else can be blamed for the ending of the son's debt and father's repayment

It turned out that everyone generally believed that he came from a musical family and should receive a good family education, who would have thought that such a shameless and lawless villain would be cultivated! All of a sudden, the anger of the people came at Li Shuangjiang and his wife, who not only raised a son who committed heinous crimes, but even tried to clear his name and divert public attention.

However, this act of shielding and protecting makes their image in society collapse in an instant, and their reputation is lost.

The family decayed, the reputation was discredited, and Li Tianyi was imprisoned, and the lives of Li Shuangjiang and Mengge fell into extreme hardship for a while. The huge pension that could have provided them with a comfortable old age ended up having to pay for their son's living expenses in prison.

The "sky-high pension" tore off Li Shuangjiang's last fig leaf, and who else can be blamed for the ending of the son's debt and father's repayment

Part 5: Family decay and social rejection

During the days when Li Tianyi was imprisoned for rape, the lives of Li Shuangjiang and his wife Mengge can be said to have fallen to the bottom. What was once a proud musical family is now the object of scorn by everyone.

For a time, all walks of life condemned their family one after another, and Li Shuangjiang's former prestige and honor were also seriously damaged.

The "sky-high pension" tore off Li Shuangjiang's last fig leaf, and who else can be blamed for the ending of the son's debt and father's repayment

In the eyes of onlookers, Li Shuangjiang and Mengge not only cultivated a villain son like a "demon king of the mixed world" in a doting way, but also tried to exonerate Li Tianyi and divert his attention after he was arrested and imprisoned.

This kind of behavior of covering up and protecting has undoubtedly caused their image in society to plummet and become the target of public criticism.

What's even more chilling is that many young generations don't know anything about Li Shuangjiang, a former legend in the entertainment industry. They just ridiculed Li Shuangjiang for being "poor, white, and ugly", as if he had been abandoned by the times on the streets and alleys.

The "sky-high pension" tore off Li Shuangjiang's last fig leaf, and who else can be blamed for the ending of the son's debt and father's repayment

These insults and ridicules of Li Shuangjiang undoubtedly pierced the heart of the elderly artist like a sharp dagger.

The decline of the family and the unity of thousands of horses are really a heavy blow to Li Shuangjiang, who is close to his old age. The singer who was once known as the "Voice of the East" can now only rely on his wife Mengge to do odd jobs to barely make a living for a family of three.

In this cramped and humble rental house, the huge pension that was supposed to allow the elderly to enjoy their old age is now very little, and all of them are used up to pay for the nutrition needed for his son's life in prison!

The "sky-high pension" tore off Li Shuangjiang's last fig leaf, and who else can be blamed for the ending of the son's debt and father's repayment

When Li Shuangjiang looked around and saw his dilapidated rental house, he had mixed feelings in his heart and couldn't help but burst into tears. His gaze rested on the old-fashioned stereo abandoned in the corner, and his mind was mixed.

What was once a treasure can now only be used as an ornament, forgotten by him in the corner. Yes, now he has lost his love and passion for singing, and the once praised and beautiful voice is no longer as glorious as it once was.

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