
"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

author:79 says history

1. Looking back at the past years at this moment

It was a summer afternoon with blazing sunshine and temperatures, but the cafés on the streets of Paris had a laid-back atmosphere. I sat alone under an outdoor parasol, sipping on a fragrant espresso and aimlessly playing with the pattern of the milk in the cup.

At this moment, I inadvertently looked up into the distance, my gaze passed through the bustling streets, and stopped at an unfamiliar back. It was a young woman dressed in casual clothes and carrying a huge backpack.

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

She walked steadily, as if she had an endless curiosity and longing for the city.

Before I knew it, she was walking in my direction, exuding unwavering confidence and independence with every step. She quickly sat down at the table across from me, smiled and gave me a gentle look, and began rummaging through her pockets to get her order.

My heart throbbed, and I was completely captivated by her presence. This unknown woman gave me a sense of intimacy that I had never felt before, as if we were destined to meet at this moment.

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

She pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket and tapped them lightly on the table to signal if I would like to share one. I shook my head in no, but it became a topic of conversation.

"Don't you smoke? Or is it because of concerns about adverse effects on your health? She was the first to break the silence, her tone tinged with curiosity and teasing.

"That's true, and I hope to live a little longer." I smiled in response, quietly scrutinizing her countenance.

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

Her face is beautiful and temperamental, and her short and neat hair sets off a delicate jawline.

2. A wonderful encounter of fate

"Are you a traveler?" I looked at her huge backpack and asked, confused.

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

"It can be understood that way." She smiled slightly, "But I prefer to define myself as an 'explorer.'" ”

I was fascinated by her unique personality and couldn't help but ask, "So where is your adventure going?" ”

"Long story...... she winked mysteriously, "maybe we can leave this topic for later?" The adventure of life never ends, so we might as well talk about it slowly. ”

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

I nodded knowingly, thinking that this beautiful stranger really had his own unique way of thinking and decision-making ability.

"Your dress is a story," I said half-jokingly, "because you can't run away from home?" ”

You might understand it this way. "But it's not just a runaway from home, it's more an adventure to explore a new way of life."

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

Infected by her sunny and bookish words, I am convinced that this woman must have hidden extraordinary wisdom and courage in her heart. I tried to get a glimpse of her unique and fascinating charm through the poetry in her eyes and her yearning for a new world.

"At this moment, I am also standing at a critical juncture in my life." I told her honestly, "I wonder if you can take the time to listen to me?" ”

"Of course I do!" Without hesitation, she replied, "As an 'explorer', I look forward to sharing our insights and experiences with passionate people." ”

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

And so we had an unreserved, in-depth conversation. I confided in her about the confusion and confusion of the future, and she answered my doubts with her rich experience and deep insight.

It was this mysterious "explorer" who gave me the strength to forge ahead and make me realize that there are always countless possibilities in life that are worth pursuing......

3. Struggles and contradictions

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

Although there is always an end to the journey, the good times we met were as short as meteors.

One morning a month later, when I woke up from my dream, I found that she had left quietly. All that's left in the room is a short sticky note and the travel bag she's used to carrying.

I clutched the fluttering note and had mixed feelings. Indeed, she is a free-spirited "explorer" who may not be able to stay anywhere for long.

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

The weight of reality quickly pulled me back to the harsh reality. As a young person who has just stepped out of school, I am constantly worried about finding a job and making ends meet.

The time I spent with her made me feel as if I had forgotten these troubles for a while and devoted myself to unfettered freedom.

But now, all the compromises and helplessness that go against my heart are once again hanging over me. On the one hand, I aspire to realize that hard-won dream and win the respect of society; On the other hand, I was afraid that I would be swallowed up by this oppressive atmosphere and eventually lose my love for life.

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

I have never been able to shake the question in my mind: Will it be an eternal topic to stand in the ordinary and the mediocre? Could it be that on the road of life, I am destined to have to make the final choice out of many choices? Every time I recall the moment I met her, it was as if I had found some kind of new answer.

I felt mixed feelings in my heart, and my inner struggle had been going on for a long time. Eventually, I made up my mind and decided to put aside the burden of my studies and become an explorer. So, I packed my bags again and embarked on a journey to find my true voice.

Fourth, the echo of romantic feelings

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

Although that relationship was like a spring dream, it brought me unprecedented experience and insight. The time spent on the benches on the streets of Paris, in the bars by the river, in the cafes under the umbrellas, has been deeply imprinted in my memory, and has become an indelible emotional trace.

I often feel that my generation seems to be born bound by the heavy shackles of reality. The education you receive from an early age is to follow the rules, go to school, work, get married, have children...... This seemingly standard life path seems to have been carefully mapped for us.

However, her presence is like a fresh and unearthly force, teaching me how to live my true self and how to bravely chase my heart's desires.

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

We used to drink in wine-making taverns and explore the true meaning of freedom. I poured out my strong belief in my dreams, and she gave me endless encouragement with her sincere smile.

At that moment, my heart was filled with passion that I had never experienced before, as if the whole world had become infinitely possible.

It was also during that short period of time that I found my truest self. We have walked under the stars and embraced each other affectionately on street corners in the early morning, as innocent and fiery as all young people who fall in love.

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

Looking back now, every time I think back to my decision to come to Paris that summer, I think it was the wisest choice I ever made in my life. Because it was this trip that allowed me to meet her, the "explorer" who led me to new horizons.

Yes, each of us has had our youth and is full of endless hopes for the future. And this movie accurately captures this youthful purity and idealism.

Although the audience may feel various emotional tastes due to the continuous detachment of the protagonist, the deeper emotion is the moving and enlightenment brought by the passionate courage to pursue oneself.

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

5. Permanent memory

Although the two of us ended up on different paths, the wonderful moments we spent in Paris have been etched in my heart and have become the most precious treasures of my life.

In the early morning of the day of separation, the air was still filled with the cool smell of late summer. And I, sitting quietly on the bench alone, stared at her gradually moving away, tears could not help but quietly welled up.

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

Behind the bustling cityscape and busy streets, I felt lonely and lost like never before. We've only known each other for a few weeks, but it's as if we've known each other for a lifetime.

Now she was gone as if nothing had happened. I'm beginning to regret why I didn't muster up the courage to leave her behind, and maybe now we can still enjoy hot drinks and talk about life's joys and sorrows in the cafes on the streets.

No, she is an "adventurer" who naturally yearns for freedom. I told myself that she was destined to leave, like a gust of fresh wind, and could never be restrained or imprisoned by anyone.

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

I just happened to meet her on her wandering journeys.

Even so, I am deeply grateful for this wonderful relationship. It was she who made me understand what true freedom is, what true ideals are; It was she who gave me the strength to bravely step into the unknown and challenge a new life; It is also her unique personality, charm and wisdom that have deeply influenced and shaped me today.

I took a deep breath of fresh air and tried to keep myself calm. I thought to myself, if it hadn't been for my encounter with her, I'd probably still be living an uneventful, suffocating life.

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

At that moment, my phone rang suddenly. I hurriedly took my phone out of my pocket, my fingers trembling so much that I could barely make a call.

"Hey, it's me." The familiar voice rang on the other end of the phone, "I've arrived in the next city and am about to embark on a new adventure." ”

"The next city?" I was a little confused, "Where the hell is that?" When will we see each other again? ”

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

She was silent for a moment, clearly deep in thought. Immediately afterward, she whispered, "Perhaps... Two years later, we met again in Vienna? At that time, we can start from scratch and start a new chapter.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but get excited, and nodded vigorously in agreement, even if she couldn't see it, "Then it's agreed!" See you in Vienna in two years' time, and I am willing to wait for your return whenever and wherever you are..." So, on this hot summer morning, I had endless hopes for the future, and our story began.

6. Deep thinking

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

Although that passionate summer is long gone, its lasting impact continues to linger in my life. This unique experience is like a seed, deeply rooted in the soil of my soul, which has given me a new understanding and understanding of life and myself.

Take love, for example. Before I met her, my understanding of love often had a hint of romanticism. I used to naively think that love is nothing more than two people meeting, acquaintance, and falling in love with each other, so simple and clear.

However, she opened up new horizons for me. In our conversations, she frequently referred to the idea of a "soul mate". She taught me that true love is not just about the physical and superficial, but about a deep connection between the spirit and the soul.

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

Otherwise, it can only be regarded as a superficial fascination and a short-lived novelty.

I nodded silently, deeply impressed by the insightfulness of her words. Indeed, love is by no means limited to the physical and superficial, but more importantly, it is more important to be able to find the power to inspire and inspire each other in every detail of daily life.

That's why we've been able to build such a deep bond in just a few weeks.

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

In addition to this, this experience has prompted me to re-examine the value and meaning of life. Before I met her, I had always wanted to be successful and socially recognized, but I often lost myself because of it.

However, she is an "adventurer" by nature, with an uncompromising quest for freedom and an independent and detached attitude towards the real world. She once half-jokingly said to me, "Why do you want to confine yourself to a cage? The world is so vast that there are opportunities waiting to be discovered everywhere.

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

At the time, I couldn't help but be surprised by her bluntness, but after much consideration, I realized that what she said was not unreasonable. We are often confined to the narrow world we have constructed, but we ignore the wider external space waiting to be explored and discovered.

It was her teachings that gave me the courage to break free and boldly try new ways of life.

I think I've found my own answer to the true meaning of life. She once explained to me that the value of life lies precisely in the pursuit of the wonderful, not just in the end result.

"Love at Dawn", experiencing separation and reunion in nagging, the sweetness of love is heartwarming

Every step we take, we need to keep an open and curious mind, and bravely move forward to explore the unknown territory of life, which is the highest respect for life. I couldn't agree that life is the way it should be.

We should learn to appreciate the beauty of the journey, rather than blindly chasing a destined disappointing destination.

Time flies, four years have passed, and I have transformed from a confused and helpless graduate to an "adventurer" with a unique insight into life. And she will always be the most precious lesson in my heart, which I will remember for the rest of my life.

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