
can't sing Jacky Cheung, can't dance Aaron Kwok, but is the head of the four heavenly kings, why Liming?

author:Seriously see the world on a rainy day

First, Dawn emerged and broke through the encirclement with its unpretentious quality!

Dawn was born in an ordinary and difficult family, and his life was not rich since he was a child. When his father needed surgery due to illness, he had to leave his beloved campus temporarily and devote himself to sales to earn the necessary medical funds.

Although his poor family background once brought him heavy pressure, this did not overwhelm his innocent and resolute heart, he was tenacious and never gave up easily.

can't sing Jacky Cheung, can't dance Aaron Kwok, but is the head of the four heavenly kings, why Liming?

When Liming just entered the entertainment industry, he was questioned and ridiculed by the media. There are even Hong Kong media who maliciously fabricated the absurd news that "Liming was trapped by love and chose to commit suicide", but in fact he was just sleeping deeply at home.

During an important musical performance, Dawn unfortunately broke his voice twice due to the high pitch given by the orchestra conductor, which made him labeled as "lacking strength", which dealt a great blow to his young mind.

However, no matter what difficulties he faced, as long as he stood on the stage with a microphone in hand, he was always able to complete every performance with great courage and determination.

can't sing Jacky Cheung, can't dance Aaron Kwok, but is the head of the four heavenly kings, why Liming?

However, just as everyone was questioning Dawn's talent, he had already made his mark in the world of film and music. With its unique charm and unremitting efforts, Liming successfully broke through many obstacles and successfully held a solo concert at the Hung Hom Stadium in Hong Kong.

At the scene, the enthusiastic fans cheered constantly, and the deafening screams seemed to have become Dawn's exclusive concert. His die-hard fans have carefully prepared top-notch support programs, holding high-made banners and support colors, witnessing the arduous journey of their idols from being questioned to being recognized by the public.

Second, the starting point of charity and public welfare, to win the praise and respect of all walks of life!

can't sing Jacky Cheung, can't dance Aaron Kwok, but is the head of the four heavenly kings, why Liming?

Charity and public welfare, since the moment Liming stepped into the entertainment industry, has become his unswerving pursuit. In 1991, when he was just in the early stages of the entertainment industry, he learned that Central China had suffered severe flooding.

As a young man, he did not hesitate to step forward and began to actively prepare relief supplies and raise funds for the people in the disaster area. In order to raise more funds, Dawn did not hesitate to risk his own safety during the performance, he asked the staff to wrap steel tightly around his neck, and almost fell into the crisis of suffocation, but in the end he was lucky to save the day.

It is through such an amazing act that he successfully raised a large amount of money for the disaster area, which effectively alleviated the living difficulties of the disaster victims.

can't sing Jacky Cheung, can't dance Aaron Kwok, but is the head of the four heavenly kings, why Liming?

Shortly thereafter, Liming's acting career entered a glorious period, and the workload became increasingly huge. However, he has never forgotten his passion for public welfare. After learning that children with polio in some parts of the mainland were in trouble because they could not afford to pay for medical treatment, he did not hesitate to donate all the proceeds from his solo concert to fund the prevention and treatment of polio, which significantly reduced the incidence of polio.

In 1997, the high-profile return of Hong Kong to the motherland arrived, but it caused heated discussions in the society that some people planned to emigrate abroad. In view of this situation, Li Ming took a firm attitude and impassionedly appealed to the vast number of Hong Kong compatriots to stick to their homeland and never leave their homeland.

In the course of his performance, he skillfully adjusted the configuration of the instruments on the stage to Chinese style, expressing his pride and pride in being a son and daughter of China with practical actions. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has paid high tribute to him for his patriotic spirit and conferred medals and commendations on him on three occasions, fully demonstrating that he has been widely recognized by the Government and the people.

can't sing Jacky Cheung, can't dance Aaron Kwok, but is the head of the four heavenly kings, why Liming?

Most notably, the United Nations has also issued a special red pass to Liming for its long-term and unremitting outstanding contributions in the field of public welfare and charity. Lai Ming is one of only three Chinese in the world to receive this award.

This rare honor undoubtedly demonstrates his hard work and firm belief in public welfare and charity.

Comparison of the three and four heavenly kings in the past and present

can't sing Jacky Cheung, can't dance Aaron Kwok, but is the head of the four heavenly kings, why Liming?

Let's look back on the past, those superstars who are known as the "Four Heavenly Kings" now show a huge contrast in their respective circumstances.

Once upon a time, actor Andy Lau was peerless and a leader in the industry. However, a recent Spring Festival film called "Mr. Red Carpet" dealt him a heavy blow, and the box office performance failed miserably.

Even if it was decided to withdraw the film and re-release it, it still failed to save the decline in the end, which seems to indicate that Andy Lau's once powerful "king" influence has gradually faded.

can't sing Jacky Cheung, can't dance Aaron Kwok, but is the head of the four heavenly kings, why Liming?

As for Aaron Kwok, who is revered as the "King of Dance", his current living situation is also quite embarrassing. Some media broke the news that his wife and daughter could only buy economy class tickets when they traveled, so Aaron Kwok was labeled as "stingy".

What makes the situation even more aggravating is that Aaron Kwok's solo concert tickets are facing an embarrassing situation like a disaster, and everyone is avoiding, and the situation is really shocking!

In comparison, Andy Lau and Aaron Kwok are the two kings, and Jacky Cheung may be the most active of the four kings. However, who would have expected that this "god of songs" who has been in the music scene for decades would have such a tortuous and difficult life today.

can't sing Jacky Cheung, can't dance Aaron Kwok, but is the head of the four heavenly kings, why Liming?

Suffering from hearing loss and balance disorders, Jacky Cheung repeatedly faced the risk of falling down during performances. However, there is no more difficult challenge than to fill the financial hole created by his wife's failed investments, and he has to work hard to earn money, and is even forced to sell his cherished mansion to pay off his debts.

Among the four heavenly kings, only Dawn was able to stay strong and become the final victor. The years have witnessed all this, which has made him reach the double peak of career and honor, and behind this glory is his simple and kind quality.

It is worth mentioning that Liming has made achievements in the entertainment industry, the music industry and the film industry, and resolutely resists the temptation to chase awards.

can't sing Jacky Cheung, can't dance Aaron Kwok, but is the head of the four heavenly kings, why Liming?

In the film industry, Dawn is the best. He was born into a family of scholars and was loved and expected by his family since he was a child. After becoming an adult, he lived up to expectations, and became the "Prince of Literary Films" with the movie "Sweet Honey", and became famous in the film industry.

In the development of the music industry, Liming is also a leader in the powerful faction. Not only was he able to successfully hold his high-profile solo concert at the Hong Kong Red Pavilion, but when he attended the awards ceremony and performed live, the enthusiastic cheers from the audience often made people mistakenly think that this was a private solo concert belonging to Dawn.

Throughout his experience since his debut, Liming has won many large and small awards, but for him, awards are not the ultimate goal of his pursuit.

can't sing Jacky Cheung, can't dance Aaron Kwok, but is the head of the four heavenly kings, why Liming?

In 1999, a decision that shook the entire Hong Kong music scene was born in Liming's chest - he publicly announced that he would completely withdraw from the competition for various honors and awards in the Hong Kong music industry! As soon as this move spread, everyone was dumbfounded, and there were all kinds of speculations about whether he gave up his endless pursuit and yearning for his career because of fame, fortune and power.

However, this is not the case!

The dawn of life is not a short-sighted person who only knows how to pursue profits. He just wants to "concentrate on his job" and devote all his energy to the field of art that he is best at and loves.

can't sing Jacky Cheung, can't dance Aaron Kwok, but is the head of the four heavenly kings, why Liming?

It is this innocent and flawless original intention that inspires and guides him to move forward bravely on the road of his career.

As his reputation grew, he took the initiative to reduce the pressure of his work and devote more time and energy to the philanthropy he was passionate about. Dawn's detached attitude towards life and his composure in his career are undoubtedly the key factors in his brilliant achievements.

Fifth, the family and country have a deep feeling, and set an example by example

can't sing Jacky Cheung, can't dance Aaron Kwok, but is the head of the four heavenly kings, why Liming?

Dawn's love for the country has been deeply imprinted in his soul since the day he stepped into the entertainment industry, reflected in his every word and deed. Although he grew up in Hong Kong, he always insisted on using standard Mandarin pronunciation in public, making no secret of his northern accent.

In order to show the world his Beijing roots, he even carefully composed a song called "I am from Beijing".

In 1997, the historic moment of Hong Kong's return to the motherland was approaching. This year, there were some signs of alienation in Hong Kong society, and many people planned to emigrate overseas and turn their backs on their homeland.

can't sing Jacky Cheung, can't dance Aaron Kwok, but is the head of the four heavenly kings, why Liming?

Faced with such a situation, Li Ming called on Hong Kong compatriots to stay here and protect this land that belongs to them in a grand public performance, and he even changed the musical instrument arrangement on the stage to Chinese style with ingenuity, expressing his pride and pride as a Chinese with practical actions.

It is precisely because of Liming's long-standing deep affection for his family and country and his outstanding contributions to the promotion of Chinese culture that the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has awarded him the Honourable Medal on three occasions.

This supreme honor fully reflects the high appreciation and affirmation of the Hong Kong government and the people of Hong Kong.

can't sing Jacky Cheung, can't dance Aaron Kwok, but is the head of the four heavenly kings, why Liming?

When he first stepped on the door of the showbiz, he was greeted not only with countless applause and cheers, but also with questions and ridicule one after another! However, over time, his efforts and talents have earned him many prestigious awards from international organizations and local governments.

With his personal experience, Comrade Liming vividly showed in the most authentic way how an entertainer's deep affection for the motherland is hidden in the deeds and words of daily life.

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