
Shatian: Stop fighting! Who is stronger between Shi Hao and Ye Fan, just look at the strength of the 100w year old!

author:Xiao Yi CJ

Shi Hao and Ye Fan, who is stronger? In this duel, let's take the 100-year-old as the boundary to see who is more powerful in the same age group!

Shatian: Stop fighting! Who is stronger between Shi Hao and Ye Fan, just look at the strength of the 100w year old!

First of all, let's start with the strength of the 5-year-old. At that time, Shi Hao was already able to lift an object weighing 10,000 catties, and he was simply the overlord of the village, and Ye Fan was still being bullied by little girls in kindergarten.

It seems that at this age, Shi Hao is already ahead of the curve.

Shatian: Stop fighting! Who is stronger between Shi Hao and Ye Fan, just look at the strength of the 100w year old!

When he was 10 years old, Shi Hao had already carved his name everywhere, and even dared to argue with His Holiness, but Ye Fan was still being bullied by girls pinching his nose in elementary school.

It seems that at this age, Shi Hao is still ahead.

Shatian: Stop fighting! Who is stronger between Shi Hao and Ye Fan, just look at the strength of the 100w year old!

When he was 15 years old, Shi Hao was already the emperor of Shi Guoren, and his combat effectiveness had already dominated one side.

As for Ye Fan, he still had a crush on a female classmate in the second year of junior high school. At this age, Shi Hao is still the winner.

Shatian: Stop fighting! Who is stronger between Shi Hao and Ye Fan, just look at the strength of the 100w year old!

When he was 20 years old, Shi Hao was already a three-way immortal qi body, and he was an invincible existence by killing people and emperors in the border wilderness, and slaughtering Dunyi.

As for Ye Fan, he is still hiding in the dormitory in college to watch movies...... At this age, Shi Hao won again.

Shatian: Stop fighting! Who is stronger between Shi Hao and Ye Fan, just look at the strength of the 100w year old!

Let's take a look at the 25-year-olds. At this time, Shi Hao was already invincible below the supreme, and Ye Fan was still slowly chasing after Dao Gong and Hualong. In this age group, Shi Hao is still ahead.

What about the next 50, 1000, 1w, 50w, and 100w years old?

In their hundred-year-old war

The 50w-year-old Shi Hao was able to kill the true immortal and become a true red dust immortal, while the 50w-year-old Ye Fan was still sleeping and giving birth to a son, claiming to be a red dust immortal.

It seems that at this age, Shi Hao has left Ye Fan far behind.

Shatian: Stop fighting! Who is stronger between Shi Hao and Ye Fan, just look at the strength of the 100w year old!

The 100w-year-old Shi Hao is already an immortal king giant, and he can also be respected in the boundary sea, while the 100w-year-old Ye Fan stabbed Lou Zi in the broken immortal realm, and has just reached the level of the immortal king.

At this age, Shi Hao is still the winner.

Shatian: Stop fighting! Who is stronger between Shi Hao and Ye Fan, just look at the strength of the 100w year old!

From the above comparison, we can see that from 5 years old to 100w years old, no matter what age group, Shi Hao is ahead of Ye Fan.

So the question is: who is stronger? The answer is - Shi Hao!

Shatian: Stop fighting! Who is stronger between Shi Hao and Ye Fan, just look at the strength of the 100w year old!

Although we can't deny Ye Fan's strength and fast growth, in the hundred-year-old war, Shi Hao's performance was indeed even better.

He has grown from a small village boy to a fairy king, experienced countless hardships and challenges, and showed unrivaled strength and talent.

Shatian: Stop fighting! Who is stronger between Shi Hao and Ye Fan, just look at the strength of the 100w year old!

Of course, this is just a comparison in the world of the novel "Covering the Sky".

In real life, each of us has our own unique talents and potentials, as long as we work hard to explore and temper, we can create our own brilliance on our own life path!

Well, that's all for today's nonsense!

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