
Bai Yansong: Why do ordinary people dare not spend money when they have money?

author:Loose riders often serve Uncle Ji at night

Ordinary people dare not spend money, this is a complex issue that involves many aspects. Here's a closer look at the issue from different perspectives:

Bai Yansong: Why do ordinary people dare not spend money when they have money?

1. Income level and distribution

Income level is the most direct factor affecting consumption. On the mainland, although the total economic volume continues to grow, the per capita income level is relatively low, and the income gap between urban and rural areas, regions and different groups is large. As a result, most people's incomes cannot grow at the same rate as economic development, and disposable income is limited.

In addition, wage income accounts for a large proportion of residents' income, while property income accounts for a small proportion. This means that the source of income of residents is relatively simple, and they rely heavily on wage income. Once wage income is affected, the spending power of residents will be greatly limited.

Bai Yansong: Why do ordinary people dare not spend money when they have money?

Second, the imperfection of the social security system

The social security system plays an important role in reducing the burden on residents and improving consumer confidence. However, there are still many problems in the mainland's social security system. For example, the coverage of social security is not extensive enough, and residents in some areas or groups are unable to enjoy social security benefits; the level of social security benefits is low, which cannot meet the basic living needs of residents; the social security funds are poorly managed, and there are phenomena of misappropriation and waste, and so on. The existence of these problems makes residents uncertain about the future and dare not easily increase consumption.

Bai Yansong: Why do ordinary people dare not spend money when they have money?

3. Debt pressure

As urbanization accelerates and housing prices continue to rise, many households are saddled with heavy mortgage pressure. Especially in some large cities, many families need to bear high mortgage expenses, which makes their spending power in other areas very limited. In addition, some households are also burdened with other forms of debt stress, such as car loans, credit card debts, etc. These debt pressures have made them more cautious and conservative in the face of consumption.

Bai Yansong: Why do ordinary people dare not spend money when they have money?

Fourth, the pressure of rigid expenditures such as education and medical care

Rigid expenditures such as education and medical care are what every family must face. With the intensification of social competition and the increasing importance of people's education, education expenditure has become an important part of family expenditure. At the same time, medical costs are rising, especially for serious illnesses and high-tech medical services. The pressure of these rigid expenditures has made residents more cautious and conservative in the face of other consumption.

Bai Yansong: Why do ordinary people dare not spend money when they have money?

5. The influence of consumption concepts and Xi

In addition to the above-mentioned economic factors, consumption concepts and Xi habits are also important factors affecting residents' consumption. The traditional culture of the mainland emphasizes frugality and saving, and many residents have a strong sense of saving, and they prefer to deposit their income in the bank rather than use it for consumption. In addition, some residents also have the phenomenon of overconsumption, which can cause them to be unable to respond effectively in the face of economic pressures.

Bai Yansong: Why do ordinary people dare not spend money when they have money?

To sum up, there are many reasons why people dare not spend money, among which income level and distribution problems, the imperfection of the social security system, debt pressure, the pressure of rigid expenditures such as education and medical care, and the influence of consumption concepts and Xi habits are all important factors. In order to promote consumption growth and promote economic development, it is necessary to start from many aspects, improve the income level of residents, improve the social security system, reduce debt pressure, optimize the rigid expenditure structure, and guide residents to establish correct consumption concepts and Xi. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen market supervision and policy guidance to prevent illegal businesses and illegal acts from infringing on the rights and interests of consumers, and improve consumer confidence and satisfaction. Only in this way can we truly promote consumption growth, promote economic development, and achieve sustainable social and economic development.

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