
Internet celebrity snow ivy, maintenance is done at 5 points, and the leaves are rounded and evenly beautiful

author:Blue Demon Garden

If you want to raise an ornamental plant that is good-looking, easy to raise, shade-tolerant, heat-resistant and can purify the air, then the Blue Demon recommends that you must raise a pot of snow ivy. Xueying is a kind of evergreen ivy with flowers and leaves, its rounded leaf edges will show a white gradient, with high ornamentality, and it is relatively small, very suitable for balcony potted plants, or small space cultivation, can be used for modeling and hanging ornamentation.

Essentials of the maintenance of ivy and ivy

Internet celebrity snow ivy, maintenance is done at 5 points, and the leaves are rounded and evenly beautiful

The biggest feature of the snow ivy is the brocade of the leaves, so how to maintain the brocade of the snow leaves will not turn green, and it can be more obvious and good-looking?

1. The potting soil should be well drained

Ivy is generally kept on indoor balconies, and the relative environmental ventilation is poor, so the potting soil must be loose, breathable and drainable, and it is recommended to plant it with general nutrient soil. At the same time, it should be noted that the flower pot should not be too deep, and the short and fat pot or clay pot is more suitable for the growth of snow ying.

When potting, it is recommended to add a sufficient amount of fermented organic fertilizer to the bottom of the pot as base fertilizer, the bottom fertilizer is sufficient, and we can water less watering for our daily management.

2. Avoid direct sunlight

Internet celebrity snow ivy, maintenance is done at 5 points, and the leaves are rounded and evenly beautiful

Ivy is shade-tolerant and prefers soft light or bright diffused light environments. Generally speaking, in winter and early spring can give full sunshine, starting from the end of April, to the end of October, this time of light will be stronger, it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight, put in a bright scattered light place to maintain.

It should be noted that in summer, attention should be paid to keeping the environment ventilated, and try to keep it in a ventilated place without direct light.

3. Rational water fertilization

Xueying ivy on the requirements for water is not very high, usually maintenance watering should insist on dry watering, the surface of the pot soil 2cm deep to dry can be watered, the summer weather is hot, see the surface of the pot soil dry can be watered, each watering to water thoroughly, avoid watering half of the water. Avoid excessive drought, otherwise the snow ivy is prone to leaf scorching.

It is recommended to fertilize the growth fertilizer with a balanced amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which can be maintained for about 15 days. Of course, if you want Xue Ying to grow faster, you can apply it once every 7-10 days. It should be noted that nitrogen fertilizer should not be used excessively, otherwise the brocade of the snowy leaves will easily turn green.

4. Properly prune and clean up the yellow leaves

Internet celebrity snow ivy, maintenance is done at 5 points, and the leaves are rounded and evenly beautiful

Ivy does not grow very quickly, so it is very suitable for small space cultivation and ornamentation. The leaves of ivy are round when the temperature is low, and the leaves will be longer and not rounded when the temperature is high.

If you like round leaves, it is recommended to prune Xue Ying once a year in October, cut off the branches of the long leaf part and re-grow them, and the newly grown leaves will be more rounded.

Since Xueying is an evergreen plant in all seasons, it is inevitable that some metabolic yellow leaves will appear at the base, and attention should be paid to cleaning these metabolic yellow leaves.

5. Avoid low temperature in winter

The cold hardiness of the snow ivy is average, it can withstand a short time of -5 degrees of low temperature, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai areas are in the indoor balcony, which can be safely wintered, and the cold areas in the north need to overwinter in the heating room.

In general, the maintenance difficulty of Xueying is very small, and it can be said that it is a novice and stress-free variety.

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(Part of the picture is from the Internet, if there is anything wrong, please contact to replace) More practical experience and skills about family flower raising are all on the WeChat public account: Blue Demon Garden (ilanyao)

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