
Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

author:Coke tells stories

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Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

——【Foreword·】 ——

Vegetables are an important part of our daily diet, and their texture and taste also vary from person to person. Some vegetables may be very delicious for some people and difficult to swallow for others. The following are the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle people, and all of them are gods.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

——【·“ The most unpalatable "vegetable" ·

Momordica charantia

Bitter gourd, as a vegetable, is not very common in our daily diet, but for some people, it is a regular at the table. The taste of bitter melon is very unique, and some people like its refreshing taste, while others shy away from its bitter taste. However, whether you like it or not, you have to admit that bitter melon is very nutritious.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

First of all, bitter melon is rich in vitamin C, which is higher than citrus fruits. Vitamin C helps boost immunity and prevent colds and other illnesses. Secondly, bitter gourd also contains a lot of dietary fiber, which helps to promote intestinal peristalsis and improve constipation. In addition, bitter melon also contains some special compounds, such as flavonoids and saponins, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and are very beneficial for human health.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

Although bitter gourd has a somewhat bitter taste, with proper cooking, we can turn it into a delicious dish. Bitter gourd can be cooked in a variety of ways such as stir-frying, boiling, and stewing. During the cooking process, we can use some other ingredients, such as eggs, shredded meat, etc., to enhance the taste and nutritional value of bitter gourd.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

Houttuynia cordata

Houttuynia cordata, also known as folded ear root, is a very popular wild vegetable in the southwest. However, the taste of this vegetable is so unique that those who love it can't put it down, and those who hate it scoff at it. For those who try Houttuynia for the first time, its strong fishy flavor does take some getting used to.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

The taste of Houttuynia cordata actually comes from one of the ingredients, decanoyl acetaldehyde, which is quite high in Houttuynia cordata, which is why Houttuynia cordata has such a strong smell. However, it is precisely because of this special smell that Houttuynia cordata is unique among vegetables and has also made it a favorite of many diners.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

Although Houttuynia cordata has a unique taste, it is a nutritious vegetable. Houttuynia cordata is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E and a variety of minerals, which are very beneficial to human health. Not only that, Houttuynia cordata also has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and reducing swelling, and is often used to treat colds, coughs, pneumonia and other diseases.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

For those who have doubts about Houttuynia cordata, you can actually try to try and accept this vegetable slowly. At the beginning, you can try some processed Houttuynia cordata, such as cold salad with folded ear root, fried meat with folded ear root, etc., these methods can reduce the fishy smell of Houttuynia cordata and make it easier for people to accept.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods


Celery, as an "alternative" to the vegetable world, has always been controversial for its unique taste and texture. For many picky eaters, celery is undoubtedly a difficult vegetable to accept, but for those who dare to try it, they may find the unique charm of celery.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

Celery, also known as celery and herbaceous, is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Apiaceae family. Its stems and leaves contain a volatile component that gives celery a unique aroma that some people describe as fragrant and aromatic, while others find it a somewhat pungent taste. This taste is different from the sweetness or lightness of other vegetables, so many people shy away from celery.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

However, the nutritional value of celery should not be underestimated. It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, dietary fiber, and a variety of minerals, especially potassium. The dietary fiber in celery helps promote intestinal peristalsis and improve constipation. At the same time, celery is also a low-calorie, high-fiber vegetable that helps with weight control and is a very good ingredient for people who are losing weight.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods


Have you ever come across a vegetable at the dinner table that makes you frown and hard to swallow? For some, toon is the vegetable that makes them shy away. However, although the flavor of toon may be too strong for some people, it is packed with nutrients and has many benefits for the human body.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

First of all, we have to admit that the taste of toon is really not acceptable to everyone. It has a strong smell and an indescribably weird smell that makes many people daunted. It also has a relatively special taste, and sometimes it can even make people feel a little "pungy". Therefore, for those who have not tried toon or are not Xi to its taste, it may be considered the "worst vegetable".

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

However, despite its unique taste, toon is a very nutritious vegetable. Toon is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, iron and other nutrients, which have many benefits for human health. For example, vitamin C in toon can help boost immunity, and vitamin E has an antioxidant effect that can help the body fight disease. In addition, toon also contains some special bioactive substances, such as flavonoids and saponins, which have anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and other pharmacological effects.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods


When it comes to fennel, many people may immediately think of its unique scent, but there are also many people who are deeply intimidated by its taste. For me, fennel is the vegetable I love and hate.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

Fennel has a strong fragrance, which is its charm. But at the same time, it has a unique flavor that can sometimes even be said to be "hard to swallow". I remember the first time I tried fennel as a kid, the strong smell was almost unbearable. Since then, I've stayed away every time I see fennel.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

However, as much as I was a little intimidated by the taste of fennel, I admired its nutritional value. Fennel is rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, and various minerals, which have many benefits for the body. So, even though I'm a little resistant to the taste of fennel, I'll try to incorporate it into my dishes.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods


Okra is known as the "king of vegetables", but in some people's mouths, it is one of the "most unpalatable vegetables". There is actually a certain reason behind this seemingly contradictory phenomenon.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

First of all, okra has a special texture and taste. Its flesh is tender, but it has a sticky juice that is not pleasing to some people. In addition, okra also has a certain bitter taste, which can seriously affect its taste if not properly treated.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

Secondly, although okra has a high nutritional value, not everyone needs to eat it. For some people, excessive gumbo intake may cause physical discomfort such as diarrhea, etc.

However, although okra is difficult to swallow in the eyes of some, in the eyes of others, it is a delicious vegetable. This is mainly due to the different cooking methods and ingredients that can effectively mask the bitterness of okra and highlight its delicious taste.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods


In the world of vegetables, there is one vegetable that is controversial because of its unique taste, and that is coriander. For many people, the taste of coriander is unacceptable and has even been described as "bed bug smell". However, despite its unique taste, coriander is still a nutritious vegetable with many health benefits.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

First, let's talk about the nutritional value of coriander. Coriander is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, dietary fiber, and a variety of minerals, such as calcium, iron, etc. These nutrients are all great benefits for our body. Vitamin C helps to improve immunity and prevent colds and other diseases, vitamin A helps maintain healthy vision and prevent eye diseases such as night blindness, dietary fiber helps regulate intestinal function and improve constipation, and minerals such as calcium and iron help maintain normal physiological functions of the body.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods

However, despite the fact that cilantro is so nutritious, many people still can't accept its taste. This is mainly because the unique taste of coriander comes from the chemicals in it, such as aldehydes and alcohols. These chemicals give cilantro a very unique taste that is found very delicious by those who like it, and unbearable by those who don't.

Of the 7 "most unpalatable" vegetables in China, half of them are cattle, and all of them are gods


Each of the above seven vegetables has its own characteristics, and each has its own supporters and opponents. Their nutritional value and health benefits are also well recognized. So, although their texture and taste may not be ideal for some people, eating these vegetables in moderation is still good for the body. And for those who have eaten it all, they are undoubtedly the "great gods" in this field, worthy of our admiration and Xi.

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