
I was 63 years old and was blasted out the door by my ex-daughter-in-law, who threw me a packet of instant noodles and cried loudly when I opened it

author:Loving Home Harry 5R5n

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I was 63 years old and was blasted out the door by my ex-daughter-in-law, who threw me a packet of instant noodles and cried loudly when I opened it

My name is Uncle Wang, and I am 63 years old this year. I have a son named Wang Xiaoming, and he married a daughter-in-law, Sister Feng. I have always been amiable and very nice to this daughter-in-law. Every day, I like to exercise in my own yard and grow flowers and grass.

A few days ago, I suddenly received a call from my son, who said that he and Sister Feng had divorced and had moved out. When I heard the news, I was instantly dumbfounded, and the water pipe in my hand fell to the ground with a "bang".

"Dad, you can move out too, let me live in that house with Sister Feng. The son's voice came from the phone.

"Xiao Ming, how can you do this! How can my old bones still adapt to moving!" I said anxiously.

I was 63 years old and was blasted out the door by my ex-daughter-in-law, who threw me a packet of instant noodles and cried loudly when I opened it

"Dad, that's it, you should cooperate. "My son is resolute.

"Xiao Ming, you have to think clearly, I have lived in that house for decades, how can you suddenly kick me out?" I pleaded, "How can my old bones stand such a big change!"

"Dad, Sister Feng and I really can't continue to live together, you can understand it as a son. The son said.

I heard that my son's attitude was very resolute, and my heart was very uncomfortable, and I couldn't help but cry. This house is full of memories for me, I spent my youth here, and now I am going to be kicked out, and my heart is like being hollowed out alive, and my heart hurts.

However, my son's attitude is so resolute, as a father, I can only choose to respect his decision. I wiped away my tears and said heavily, "Okay, now that you've decided, I'll move out." ”

I was 63 years old and was blasted out the door by my ex-daughter-in-law, who threw me a packet of instant noodles and cried loudly when I opened it

"That's good, I'll send someone to help you pack your things in a few days, and you can get ready. After the son finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

In this way, under my son's arrangement, I packed my bags and moved to an old house that my son bought outside.

I hurriedly went to take Sister Feng's hand and said softly, "Sister Feng, don't be angry." Those furniture have a special meaning to me, you let me take them all, and it's not too late for you and Xiao Ming to buy them again. ”

I was 63 years old and was blasted out the door by my ex-daughter-in-law, who threw me a packet of instant noodles and cried loudly when I opened it

"Buying new furniture and spending money, do you want your son to break the bank?" Sister Feng shook off my hand and said in a tough tone.

"No, no, I didn't mean that. I explained, "Just think of the old man's willfulness, can you fulfill my last wish and let me take all the furniture with me?"

"Uncle, things don't just do what you want. Sister Feng was unmoved, "I'm going to move the rest of the furniture today, don't stop me." ”

After speaking, Sister Feng was about to go inside, and I hurriedly blocked in front of her and said, "Sister Feng, listen to my explanation, we can discuss this matter!"

"Get out of the way!" Sister Feng roared angrily, pushed me away with a palm, and turned around to clean up the rest of the furniture.

I was 63 years old and was blasted out the door by my ex-daughter-in-law, who threw me a packet of instant noodles and cried loudly when I opened it

I looked at her back, and my heart was like a knife, and I could only watch as she carried my furniture into the car one by one and took it away.

A few days later, Sister Feng suddenly visited again. As soon as I opened the door, I saw her standing outside the door, her face very ugly.

"Sister Feng, why are you here again?" I was a little nervous.

"I'm here this time to ask you to move out all the things that are still living in Xiao Ming's house!" Sister Feng said, "I've asked you to take most of the furniture away, don't want the rest, I'll give you half an hour to clean up and move everything out!"

I was 63 years old and was blasted out the door by my ex-daughter-in-law, who threw me a packet of instant noodles and cried loudly when I opened it

I was very surprised: "Sister Feng, how can this be? I just moved things here a few days ago, and you asked me to move out again, how can I stand such a toss with this old bone!"

"Don't give me this set!" Sister Feng said impatiently, "This house is now owned by me and Xiao Ming, and you are not qualified to live in it anymore." Also, your son said that if you don't move out, your living expenses will be stopped!"

"Uncle, I'll give you half an hour!" Sister Feng was unmoved, and was about to leave.

I hurriedly grabbed her arm: "Sister Feng, listen to me, this house was built by me and his mother brick by brick, and it means a lot to me, how can you just kick me out?"

"Uncle, times are different, and I'm not interested in the past. Sister Feng shook off my hand, "I want you to move all your things today!"

I was 63 years old and was blasted out the door by my ex-daughter-in-law, who threw me a packet of instant noodles and cried loudly when I opened it

Sister Feng looked at me coldly, stood aside without saying a word, and supervised me to pack my luggage. Trembling, I packed my clothes and daily necessities into a suitcase, and found a small wooden box for family photos and paperwork.

"Alright, you take all of this with you, and I'll take care of the rest. Sister Feng said coldly.

I nodded with red eyes, picked up the box and walked out the door. When I passed by Sister Feng, she suddenly kicked me to the ground! I screamed in pain, and the box fell, and the clothes and photos inside were scattered all over the ground.

"You shameless old thing, you still want to take my family's things?" Sister Feng roared angrily, "These photos and documents must be left, you get out of here!"

I was 63 years old and was blasted out the door by my ex-daughter-in-law, who threw me a packet of instant noodles and cried loudly when I opened it

"Shut up!" Sister Feng kicked me to the ground again, "This is my home, everything belongs to me and Xiao Ming!

With that, she spat in my face again, and I could only curl up on the ground with my head in my hands, and let her destroy me.

"Sister Feng, don't go too far!" I choked up and said, "I'm your father-in-law, you can't insult me like this!"

"I think you're getting impatient!" Sister Feng wanted to kick me again, so I quickly got up and escaped with the box.

I limped to the door of the community, my heart like ashes. It turned out that the people closest to me in my life, my son and daughter-in-law, actually poisoned me like this, and my life was ruined from then on.

I was 63 years old and was blasted out the door by my ex-daughter-in-law, who threw me a packet of instant noodles and cried loudly when I opened it

Just then, I suddenly saw a crumpled object fall at my feet. I bent down to see that it was a pack of instant instant noodles with the words "Passion is like fire, instant noodles are rice". This is obviously something that Sister Feng threw out to mock me.

I picked up the instant noodles with trembling hands, the last straw that finally made me break down and cry bitterly. I crouched on the ground, tears welling up in my eyes, and I cried loudly.

At this time, I heard someone calling my name: "Uncle!

I looked up and saw that it was Sister Feng who chased after her, and she was also full of tears: "Uncle, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that to you!" Sister Feng cried and said, "Actually, those words just now were all taught to you by Xiao Ming, and I was also forced to be helpless!"

I looked at her in surprise, wiped away my tears and asked, "What?

I was 63 years old and was blasted out the door by my ex-daughter-in-law, who threw me a packet of instant noodles and cried loudly when I opened it

Sister Feng nodded, and also wiped away her tears: "Yes, uncle, Xiao Ming, he threatened me, if I don't drive you out as he said, he will divorce me and not give me a penny!"

I was shocked: "How can this be? How did Xiao Ming become like this?"

So Sister Feng told me the truth. It turned out that Xiao Ming had recently lost money in gambling, owed a loan shark, and was being chased for debts. He wanted to sell the old house to pay off the debt, but he knew that I would definitely oppose it, so he came up with this way to kick me out.

When I heard this, I felt that my heart was like a knife. It turned out that it was all because of Xiao Ming's gambling fault!

"Uncle, I'm sorry, it's all my fault!" Sister Feng said and began to cry again.

I was 63 years old and was blasted out the door by my ex-daughter-in-law, who threw me a packet of instant noodles and cried loudly when I opened it

I was very distressed, and I also shed tears, took Sister Feng's hand and said, "Sister Feng, don't be sad, it's not your fault." It's Xiao Ming himself who has taken the wrong path, you have done a good job, and it is not easy to tell me the truth. ”

"Uncle, forgive me, I'm really sorry for you!" Sister Feng cried even more sadly.

"Okay, Sister Feng, I don't blame you, I understand that this is Xiao Ming's own doing. I comforted her softly.

"Uncle, I will find a way to pay off Xiao Ming's debts, and we will definitely find a solution. Sister Feng wiped away her tears and regained some composure.

I nodded and said, "Okay, let's figure it out slowly." Xiao Ming is my son after all, and I can't watch him collapse like this. ”

I was 63 years old and was blasted out the door by my ex-daughter-in-law, who threw me a packet of instant noodles and cried loudly when I opened it

"Uncle, you can go back to live first, I promise that Xiao Ming will not embarrass you again. Sister Feng helped me stand up.

I looked at Sister Feng, and a glimmer of hope rose in my heart. We slowly walked on our way home. I know that there is still a long way to go, but at least, Sister Feng and I have re-established trust. We'll get through this!

Sister Feng and I went back to the old house, both of us exhausted.

"Uncle, you can rest for a while, and I'll cook you some porridge. Sister Feng said.

I was 63 years old and was blasted out the door by my ex-daughter-in-law, who threw me a packet of instant noodles and cried loudly when I opened it

I nodded and sat down in my chair. Looking at this familiar house, I have mixed feelings in my heart.

After a while, Sister Feng came over with hot porridge, I took the bowl, and whispered, "Thank you, Sister Feng." ”

"Uncle, don't say that, it's me who should say I'm sorry. Sister Feng's eyes filled with tears again.

I hurriedly comforted her: "Sister Feng, you don't have to blame yourself, I understand." What we have to think about now is how to help Xiao Ming get out of the predicament. ”

"yes. Sister Feng sighed and sat down as well, "Uncle, what do we say?"

I was 63 years old and was blasted out the door by my ex-daughter-in-law, who threw me a packet of instant noodles and cried loudly when I opened it

I thought for a while and said, "I think, let's talk to Xiao Ming first." He's my son after all, and I need to know how much debt he owes before I can figure it out. ”

Sister Feng nodded: "You're right, let's talk to Xiao Ming tomorrow." I know where he lives now. ”

The door opened, and Xiao Ming was surprised to see us: "Dad, Sister Feng, why are you here?"

"Xiao Ming, we are here to have a good talk with you. I said solemnly.

Xiao Ming's face became ugly: "What is there to talk about? I let you move out, you should be obedient!"

I was 63 years old and was blasted out the door by my ex-daughter-in-law, who threw me a packet of instant noodles and cried loudly when I opened it

"Xiao Ming, I know everything, you owe usury, that's why you want to drive us out, right?" I asked bluntly.

Xiao Ming's face turned white: "You, you all know?"

"I told my uncle. Sister Feng spoke, "Xiao Ming, you can't deceive us anymore. How much debt do you really owe?"

Xiao Ming's face was gloomy, and it took a long time to spit out a number: "Six hundred thousand." ”

Sister Feng and I both gasped. Our family's savings don't add up to that much!

I was 63 years old and was blasted out the door by my ex-daughter-in-law, who threw me a packet of instant noodles and cried loudly when I opened it

"Xiao Ming, how can you gamble so much money?" I was disappointed.

Xiao Ming's face was extremely ugly: "I'm just addicted to gambling! Don't I just want to make a fortune!"

"But your gambling has made the whole family sad!" I said solemnly, "Xiao Ming, you have taken the wrong path, you must stop!"

Xiao Ming's face was cloudy, and he said sullenly for a long time: "I know." But I really don't have the money to pay my debts. ”

I was 63 years old and was blasted out the door by my ex-daughter-in-law, who threw me a packet of instant noodles and cried loudly when I opened it

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