
"New Year's Wish": "Urban Beautician" hopes to successfully complete the cleaning task and give tourists a clean and tidy environment

author:Wave after wave news

Chase Wave News Reporter: Wang Chao

Correspondent: Wang Kai

Editor-in-charge: Dabai

Editor: Lu Jun

The New Year's Day holiday is also the peak period for everyone to travel and play, and the "urban beautician" always sticks to his post, with responsibility and responsibility, and does his best to protect the city's environmental sanitation.

"New Year's Wish": "Urban Beautician" hopes to successfully complete the cleaning task and give tourists a clean and tidy environment

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter came to Wuhan Jianghan Road Zhongbai Square with the flow of people, as in previous years, Jianghan Road is one of the main destinations for citizens and tourists to play, but it is difficult to see a little garbage where the flow of people passes, and the pavement of the whole street is refreshing and clean. Zhang Xiuqin, dressed in an orange uniform, and her colleagues are methodically cleaning up.

"New Year's Wish": "Urban Beautician" hopes to successfully complete the cleaning task and give tourists a clean and tidy environment

Zhang Xiuqin's Jianghan Road cleaning class undertakes the cleaning task of the 1,700-meter section from Minyi 4th Road to Jianghan Road on Zhongshan Avenue, with a cleaning area of 65,000 square meters, and there are more than 40 sanitation workers in their class and 4 domestic garbage collection vehicles, 5 small sweepers, and 5 small high-pressure cleaning vehicles in the high-speed operation of the road section to maintain the environmental sanitation of Jianghan Road at all times.

"New Year's Wish": "Urban Beautician" hopes to successfully complete the cleaning task and give tourists a clean and tidy environment

There are many urban furniture on Jianghan Road, there are more than 40 fruit leather boxes alone, more than 100 street seats, electric light poles, flower beds and flower pots can be seen everywhere, Zhang Xiuqin told reporters that these urban furniture are like the face of a city, and their cleanliness represents the urban environment. For these urban furniture, the sanitation workers of the Jianghan Road cleaning class clean and clean no less than 3 times a day, the peel box no less than 4 times, and the sanitation container is disinfected no less than 2 times. When communicating with reporters, Zhang Xiuqin's walkie-talkie sounded: "There is vomit in a peel box near Minyi 4th Road, which needs to be cleaned immediately." Taking out a brush and cleaning liquid from her waist bag, Zhang Xiuqin rushed to the place where the incident occurred.

"New Year's Wish": "Urban Beautician" hopes to successfully complete the cleaning task and give tourists a clean and tidy environment

Living at home, you won't mop the floor every day. But Jianghan Road has to be washed every day. When the crowds disperse after Chinese New Year's Eve, Zhang Xiuqin and her colleagues will clean from the streets to the end of the street, so that Jianghan Road will be clean and clean to welcome tourists on New Year's Day. Zhang Xiuqin's wish is simple and simple, and she looks forward to successfully completing the cleaning task on Chinese New Year's Eve and allowing tourists to have fun in a clean and clean environment.

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