
Liu Yan asked Guo Degang: "What should I do if I am pregnant with your child?" Guo Degang replied so that the audience laughed

author:Ah Jie has something to say
Liu Yan asked Guo Degang: "What should I do if I am pregnant with your child?" Guo Degang replied so that the audience laughed

Once, Liu Yan asked Guo Degang in a panic: "What should I do if I am pregnant with your child?" In the face of such a tricky ridicule, Guo Degang replied calmly, amusing the audience!

Once, on a variety show with relatively popular ratings, Guo Degang and Liu Yan were invited to participate together.

In order to create a pleasant atmosphere, Liu Yan suddenly asked a tricky and strange question: What should I do if I am pregnant with your child?

This bold and direct question immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the room, and made the latter look forward to seeing how Guo Degang would solve this delicate challenge.

No one can really understand Liu Yan's inner feelings at that time, but the moment she threw this question, we have no reason not to believe that her nervousness and worry are just stage effects trying to mobilize the atmosphere of the scene.

This is undoubtedly an extremely risky move, because if Guo Degang fails to answer properly.

This will undoubtedly start a frenzy of discussion on the Internet, which may lead to the impact on the reputation of Liu Yan and even Guo Degang himself.

As a sharp-tongued questioner, Liu Yan first took the risk of public opinion.

However, as a storyteller with thick eyebrows and big eyes who came out of the tea house, Guo Degang resolved this embarrassing situation with his Xi thinking and quick reaction.

Throughout the event, he appropriately unleashed his sense of humor, and he brought the audience more enjoyment than expected, allowing the incident to easily overcome the crisis.

When Liu Yan was still nervous, Guo Degang had already improvised a retort: "You are pregnant with my child, what does it have to do with me? You are looking for my child!"

This sentence relieved the tension of the scene very well and turned it into a joke, which was both concise and bright, and caused the audience to laugh, showing its proud adaptability.

Through the performance of this event, we once again realized that Guo Degang's sharp words actually represent his extraordinary emotional intelligence.

Because of his high emotional intelligence, he can maintain grace in the face of danger every time, master the rhythm, and avoid offending others with his words and deeds.

Liu Yan asked Guo Degang: "What should I do if I am pregnant with your child?" Guo Degang replied so that the audience laughed

In the entertainment industry, only people with high emotional intelligence and good at language arts can be widely welcomed by the audience and are more likely to succeed in the fierce competition.

Guo Degang is such a person, who uses his wisdom and inspiration to deal with the world lightly and become a star in people's minds.

In the public eye, Liu Yan is popular for his cheerful personality and unique aesthetic standards. She has openly stated on several occasions that she prefers male subjects who are humorous and plump.

Surprisingly, she finally confessed directly to the married person Guo Degang, and generously said that if he was unmarried, he would definitely become her dream lover, because he selflessly brought joy to countless people.

And Guo Degang also had a wonderful confrontation with Liu Yan at an event,

"Originally, there were other arrangements, but when I heard that you would be there, I changed my plans. ”

He teasingly explained why he was on the show: "I heard that we also prepared a romantic candlelight stewed dinner. ”

Liu Yan, who reacted, smiled and asked, "Is it a princess-style candlelight dinner?"

Guo Degang replied helplessly: "Actually, it's boiled, do you know the pig's large intestine, that's it." ”

Liu Yan responded with a sigh: "I've eaten it, it's delicious!"

Guo Degang said naughtily: "Why are you so angry." ”

Liu Yan easily entered the role, picked up the line card and pretended to be annoyed and pounced on him.

After this battle, the audience laughed heartily.

On another occasion, Guo Degang asked Liu Yan a rather provocative question: "Do you Xi used to wearing underwear when you sleep?"

Liu Yan replied calmly: "Because it is not good for blood circulation, I never wear it." ”

ushered in Guo Degang smiled and asked: "How do you understand everything?"

This humorous and witty interaction allowed the two stars to show off their demeanor and provide a steady stream of joy to the audience.

Guo Degang is known as a "cultural hooligan". His cross talk performance is not afraid to state bold topics, even a little vulgar, which can be reflected in his conversation with Liu Yan, which has caused him to be criticized a lot.

However, Guo Degang was recognized for his super high emotional intelligence. He was able to deal with it at all times, neither embarrassing the guests, nor did he fail to pick up the chapter.

His on-the-spot reaction and language arts talent is top-notch!

Each of his performances seems to challenge tradition and constantly reshape the boundaries of Chinese comedy, making us respect him for the well-deserved title of "cultural hooligan".

After all, who can resist someone who is good at expression? As we step out of school and into society, we all have to admit that communication and expression are undoubtedly a vital art.

Because people who have this art are often more popular and more likely to succeed in life. And if they don't use the language skillfully, success can become out of reach.

Inevitably, some people will scoff at it, thinking that people who are like a river are nothing more than clever and clever but mistaken by cleverness.

But in fact, when we really integrate into society, we will begin to realize that using language effectively can make you likable and increase the likability of others.

It is important that people who are good at words are able to avoid all kinds of hidden risks and pitfalls. Protecting yourself from the bad comments you have can also help reduce resistance and push yourself to success quickly.

However, in this world, the most frightening thing is not actually one's own silence, but the lack of awareness of this wordless truth.

Liu Yan asked Guo Degang: "What should I do if I am pregnant with your child?" Guo Degang replied so that the audience laughed

People who are aware of this problem can choose to speak less, let actions replace words, and remain reserved;

And for those who are ignorant, their reckless words may invisibly hurt those around them, bringing unforeseen consequences.

This is the reason why people with high emotional intelligence can always find someone to assist them wherever they go.

Because they have mastered the art of speech with precision, discerning when to speak and when to remain silent, they have been able to gain a foothold in a complex social environment.

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