
In 94, the engineer went abroad for further study, earned 560,000 yuan in seven years to take care of his family, and found that his identity was cancelled after returning to China

author:Cheng Cheng talks about the world

Young and promising Yang Jingshan

On a sunny morning in 1994, 38-year-old Yang Jingshan pressed the alarm clock on the table and looked at his wife, Wang, who was still asleep, with a gentle smile on his face.

In 94, the engineer went abroad for further study, earned 560,000 yuan in seven years to take care of his family, and found that his identity was cancelled after returning to China

He got up lightly, washed up briefly, made a freshly squeezed juice for Wang, left a note and went to work.

Yang Jingshan works in a machinery factory in Beijing, and he is not only capable of outstanding ability, but also has a serious and responsible work attitude, and is already the technical backbone of the factory. Colleagues said that Yang Jingshan has a bright future, and if he continues to develop like this, he will be promoted to factory director just around the corner.

What makes everyone even more praised is that Yang Jingshan is simply considerate to his wife Wang. Wang is a few years younger than Yang Jingshan and is a beautiful and gentle woman. The two have been in a good relationship since they got married.

Yang Jingshan often takes the initiative to take on housework, and sometimes intimately massages and relaxes for Wang's. He tried all kinds of ways to make Wang happy, and Wang also sincerely supported Yang Jingshan's work.

In August of that year, Yang Jingshan was selected by the company for his excellent work and was ready to go to Japan for one year of training. After receiving the notice, he told Wang as soon as possible. Wang happily said that this is a good opportunity for her husband's career to rise, and he must cherish it.

In 94, the engineer went abroad for further study, earned 560,000 yuan in seven years to take care of his family, and found that his identity was cancelled after returning to China

She encouraged Yang Jingshan to work hard when studying Xi in Japan, and that he would have a better development after returning to China in the future. Yang Jingshan was very moved, and he also strengthened his determination to study Xi in Japan.

He wants to master advanced technology well, create greater value for the company after returning to China in the future, and let his wife live a better life.

In September, Yang Jingshan took the woolen scarf that Wang had carefully woven for him and stepped on a plane to Japan. At the moment of the plane's takeoff, he silently assured his wife that I would work hard to learn Xi and live up to your expectations and support for me.

The training in Japan was postponed, and the husband and wife were temporarily separated

At 7 o'clock in the morning Tokyo time, Yang Jingshan arrived at the training base on time. Doing a day's work and Xi has become a Xi habit for him. Although he is thousands of miles away from his wife, Yang Jingshan still does his best in order to make greater achievements in his work after returning to China after completing his studies.

In 94, the engineer went abroad for further study, earned 560,000 yuan in seven years to take care of his family, and found that his identity was cancelled after returning to China

Originally, Yang Jingshan's training period was one year, but just one month before the expiration of the period, the Japanese company suddenly notified that the training period would be extended for one year. Before Yang Jingshan could digest the news, he began to silently calculate in his heart that the date of going home would be postponed again.

He misses his wife Wang very much and has begun to count down to the days of missing home. However, he also understands that the company does this in the hope that he will learn more advanced knowledge and technology, so that he can create greater value for the company when he returns to China in the future.

After careful consideration, Yang Jingshan still accepted the postponement arrangement. He called Wang and said that the company needed to extend the training for another year, and he reluctantly agreed.

Wang on the other end of the phone comforted softly: "Jingshan, I understand, you can rest assured to go and Xi, I will wait patiently."

A month later, Yang Jingshan finally had the opportunity to return to China to visit his relatives for ten days. Holding his wife who had missed him for a long time, looking at her tearful eyes, Yang Jingshan felt bitter and apologetic.

In 94, the engineer went abroad for further study, earned 560,000 yuan in seven years to take care of his family, and found that his identity was cancelled after returning to China

Before leaving, he handed over all the $9,000 he had saved from his frugality this year to Wang's safekeeping, hoping that his wife could take good care of herself and not miss him too much.

Wang nodded and told Yang Jingshan to pay attention to his body and take good care of himself in Japan.

Ten days of family time passed in a flash, and Yang Jingshan was about to leave for Japan to continue his studies.

His wife proposed to break up, and Yang Jingshan had no hope of returning to China

In the blink of an eye, Yang Jingshan has been studying in Japan for six years. He studied Xi diligently, and his work was also recognized and appreciated by the Japanese leaders. Now that he can finally prepare to return to China, he has long been looking forward to the day when he will be reunited with his wife, Wang.

In the early spring of 2000, Yang Jingshan made a video call to Wang, excitedly telling her that his training was coming to an end and that he was about to return to Beijing. However, what shocked Yang Jingshan was that Wang looked uninterested on the other end of the phone, and his expression was a little cold.

In 94, the engineer went abroad for further study, earned 560,000 yuan in seven years to take care of his family, and found that his identity was cancelled after returning to China

Yang Jingshan talked about going home happily, but Wang suddenly proposed to break up.

"Let's not contact each other anymore, you live in Japan, and I live my own life. Wang's words were cold and decisive. Yang Jingshan was instantly dumbfounded, he didn't understand the reason for his wife's change of heart at all.

Six years ago, she was encouraging herself to come to Japan to study Xi, but now she is parting ways with her. Yang Jingshan's heart was like a knife, and his heart was full of confusion and pain. He wanted to return to China immediately to confront Wang, but he did not have a legal visa in hand.

Yang Jingshan was entangled in Wang's accident for many days. He knew that he had nothing to do now - without a visa, he would not be able to return to China to confront Wang, let alone regain his relationship.

At this time, Yang Jingshan fell into unprecedented despair and pain, he felt that the future was uncertain, and he had lost all hope in life.

Seven years of working to support the family, but his wife has bad intentions

From 1994 to 2000, Yang Jingshan lived a life of illegal work in Japan. Because he did not have an official visa, he had to move from one construction site to another, doing high-intensity dirty work.

In 94, the engineer went abroad for further study, earned 560,000 yuan in seven years to take care of his family, and found that his identity was cancelled after returning to China

Yang Jingshan often had to carry dozens of bags of cement under the scorching sun, and sometimes even carried out outdoor construction in the cold winter months.

Over the years, Yang Jingshan has had a very hard time, living in a dark hut of only a dozen square meters, and the food is also very simple. But he never confided a word of complaint to his wife Wang, who was far away in China, and worked hard, and all the income was remitted to Wang.

In his heart, this is all about working hard so that his beloved wife can live a good life.

However, what Yang Jingshan didn't know was that over the years, Wang's heart had already changed. She is no longer the sweet and lovely little woman she used to be, but is bent on money and luxury.

She asked Yang Jingshan for money many times for various reasons, and asked for nearly 5 million yen in total. Yang Jingshan didn't doubt it, and still gave everything he had to meet his wife's request.

Looking back now, all the hardships of Yang Jingshan's hard work in Japan to make money and support his family have become a waste. He gave so much, but he couldn't keep his wife's heart.

Wang's change of heart made Yang Jingshan's struggle in the past few years instantly meaningless, and he couldn't help but reddened his eyes and sighed.

In 94, the engineer went abroad for further study, earned 560,000 yuan in seven years to take care of his family, and found that his identity was cancelled after returning to China

When I returned to China, I saw that my wife had already remarried

On a sunny morning in 2002, Yang Jingshan dragged his suitcase out of the airport gate and took a deep breath of Beijing air. Eight years later, he finally returned to his hometown.

For the upcoming reunion with his wife Wang, Yang Jingshan has been looking forward to it for a long time.

But when he came to his hometown in Beijing, he saw a stranger living at the door. Yang Jingshan was shocked and inquired, only to learn that this tenant had lived here for two years and had taken over from the Wang family.

Yang Jingshan's brain "buzzed", and his heart seemed to be kicked violently. He hurriedly called Wang, but the other party never heard back. Yang Jingshan went to his father-in-law's house to look for his wife, but was driven out by his father-in-law.

After some investigation, Yang Jingshan finally confirmed a reality - the Wang family remarried a few years ago. She didn't know when she lived with a boss, and later got married directly.

In 94, the engineer went abroad for further study, earned 560,000 yuan in seven years to take care of his family, and found that his identity was cancelled after returning to China

This bad news was tantamount to a bolt from the blue, Yang Jingshan only felt that his world had collapsed, and he couldn't believe that his once beloved wife would betray him like this.

After court proceedings, Yang Jingshan and Wang finally divorced. Wang needs to pay Yang Jingshan 150,000 yuan in compensation, but this is difficult for him to make up for the psychological trauma.

Everything that had happened was in vain, and he and the Wang family were separated forever.

Fate makes people, and feelings are the most fragile

The marriage change between Yang Jingshan and the Wang family is also a helpless arrangement of fate.

At the beginning, Yang Jingshan came to Japan to study and Xi work with ideals, wanting to create a happy life for his wife through his own efforts. He is wholeheartedly good to his wife and cherishes his feelings.

However, all kinds of changes made him cruelly played by fate.

In 94, the engineer went abroad for further study, earned 560,000 yuan in seven years to take care of his family, and found that his identity was cancelled after returning to China

Yang Jingshan gave all his sincerity, but in the end he failed to keep the Wang family. Wang also loved Yang Jingshan deeply, but time and circumstances changed everything. Feelings are so fragile that the slightest crack will tear them apart.

Perhaps the most painful thing in life is to be clear with heart and affection, but you can only watch the other party leave. Yang Jingshan's experience makes people sigh, but we also have to put ourselves in Wang's shoes and think about the anxiety and loneliness in Wang's heart.

The hardships of life made her yearn for a better material life.

However, Yang Jingshan does have his own responsibilities. Although he works hard, if he always cares about his family and talks to Wang, maybe the result will be different.

At this moment, he can only reluctantly accept this cruel reality.

If the relationship between husband and wife is broken, it needs to be repaired and communicated in time

The breakdown of Yang Jingshan and Wang's marriage is a wake-up call for modern people - the relationship between husband and wife needs to be cared for and maintained by both parties, and cannot simply rely on one side of the effort.

In 94, the engineer went abroad for further study, earned 560,000 yuan in seven years to take care of his family, and found that his identity was cancelled after returning to China

Feelings are like a mirror, which can break if you are not careful. If there is a misunderstanding or rift, the husband and wife need to communicate in a timely manner, understand each other, and repair the relationship.

We also need more tolerance and trust in life, and we can't be swayed by external temptations.

The happiness of a family needs to be guarded by husband and wife, and if there is a lack of communication and maintenance, it is easy to fall apart in the long flow of time. Therefore, couples must learn to cherish the present and mend the cracks in their feelings in time, so as not to live up to each other's sincere efforts.

Yang Jingshan has always been in love with Wang, but he ignores the consumption of feelings by spatial distance. Wang's heart changed, and she did not communicate with her husband in time. This led to the gradual accumulation of alienation and misunderstanding between the two, and finally the relationship changed.

Communication and understanding are extremely important in married life. Yang Jingshan misses his wife, but he doesn't know much about his wife's thoughts. If you could have asked Wang often what she thought and cared more about her needs, perhaps the results would have been different.

Feelings need to be maintained with frequent verbal exchanges and practical actions, and they need to be considerate and concerned all the time. The story of Yang Jingshan and Wang's is indeed worthy of reflection for modern couples, and it also gives us a warning.

In 94, the engineer went abroad for further study, earned 560,000 yuan in seven years to take care of his family, and found that his identity was cancelled after returning to China

Don't let time and distance wear away love

The story of Yang Jingshan and Wang's marriage reminds people to cherish the people and things around them, and not to let time and distance silently consume love.

Loving someone needs to be maintained with frequent communication and contact, and the slightest slackness will pass like grit. Yang Jingshan loved his wife deeply, but he was unable to return to China in time when he was in Japan, which brought estrangement to the relationship between the two.

Wang's heart changed, and he didn't be honest with her husband, and finally misunderstandings accumulated, the relationship broke down, and the two gradually drifted apart.

In fact, feelings need to be maintained with actions, and they need to be considerate and concerned all the time. If Yang Jingshan could take the initiative to ask Wang's thoughts and call and chat more, and Wang could express his thoughts more directly, maybe the couple would not have come to the point of breaking up.

Modern people live busy lives, and it's easy to ignore the feelings of family members. In fact, a little more expression and communication will make the relationship stronger. The story of Yang Jingshan and Wang reminds people to always care about their loved ones' thoughts and say "I love you" more often, rather than letting work and life take over.

In 94, the engineer went abroad for further study, earned 560,000 yuan in seven years to take care of his family, and found that his identity was cancelled after returning to China

The way husband and wife get along is completely worthy of reflection and reference by modern people. Don't let time and distance silently wear away love. We must learn to cherish the present, repair the cracks in our feelings in time, let ourselves and our lovers live in understanding and tolerance, and jointly protect this precious relationship.

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