
It turns out that your fatigue, insomnia, and rhinitis are all caused by kidney deficiency?

author:Angel in white

On an ordinary weekend, Uncle Lee, a retired teacher, sat in front of me, looking slightly tired. He told me about his recent troubles: "Doctor, I feel weak every day, I can't sleep well at night, and my nose is often out of breath. I thought it was just ordinary symptoms of old age, and it wasn't until you mentioned kidney deficiency last time that I started to think, are these problems related to kidney deficiency?"

Uncle Li's confusion is actually a question for many middle-aged and elderly people. We often think that fatigue, insomnia, and rhinitis are simply caused by lifestyle or environmental factors, and rarely link them to kidney deficiency. But in the worldview of Chinese medicine, the kidney is not just an organ, it is an important source of energy for the human body. When the kidneys are not functioning properly, our body sends out various signals.

It turns out that your fatigue, insomnia, and rhinitis are all caused by kidney deficiency?

Kidney deficiency: an invisible killer of middle-aged and elderly health

Kidney deficiency is a term that is mentioned in both modern and traditional medicine, but its connotation and diagnosis are different. In TCM theory, the kidney is regarded as the "innate foundation" of the human body and is responsible for the storage of life energy. In modern medicine, kidney deficiency usually refers to a state in which the kidneys are unable to effectively metabolize and regulate the internal environment.

Modern Medical Explanations for Kidney Deficiency:

The kidneys are important detoxification organs in the body, responsible for filtering waste products and excess water from the blood to form urine and excrete it from the body. As we age, the function of the kidneys may gradually decline, and this physiological decline is sometimes described as "kidney deficiency". It can lead to the accumulation of metabolic waste products in the body, affecting the health of the whole body.

Symptom Recognition:

Symptoms of kidney deficiency may include, but are not limited to, the following:

Fatigue: Decreased kidney function can cause the body to not use energy efficiently, resulting in persistent fatigue.

Decreased sleep quality: Kidney deficiency may affect the balance of water and electrolytes in the body, which indirectly affects sleep.

Respiratory sensitivities: Kidney and respiratory system dysfunction can affect each other, leading to symptoms such as rhinitis.

Analysis of the causes of kidney deficiency:

Kidney deficiency can be caused by a variety of causes, but common ones include:

Physiological aging: As we age, kidney function naturally declines.

Bad Xi habits: Bad Xi habits such as staying up late for a long time and eating irregularly will accelerate the decline of kidney function.

Chronic disease effects: Chronic diseases such as hypertension (increased blood pressure in systemic arteries) and diabetes mellitus (abnormal glucose metabolism) can damage the kidneys if they persist for a long time.

It turns out that your fatigue, insomnia, and rhinitis are all caused by kidney deficiency?

Kidney deficiency: Not only an alarm for the body, but also a challenge for life

Kidney deficiency and fatigue: lack of energy

Kidney deficiency is considered in traditional medicine to be a decrease in the body's energy and vitality. When kidney function is insufficient, the body's energy metabolism is affected, leading to a constant feeling of fatigue. This type of fatigue is different from ordinary exhaustion, and it does not improve significantly with rest. Scientific studies have shown that adrenal function is closely related to kidney health, and kidney deficiency may lead to adrenal fatigue, which in turn affects the hormone balance in the body and causes persistent fatigue.

Kidney Deficiency and Insomnia: Struggles at Night

There is a complex link between insomnia and kidney deficiency. Traditional Chinese medicine theory believes that the kidneys store essence, which is closely related to the regulation of sleep cycles. Kidney deficiency can lead to lack of energy, disturbed mental status at night, which can lead to insomnia. Modern studies have also found that renal insufficiency may affect electrolyte balance and nervous system function in the body, further leading to sleep disorders.

Kidney deficiency and rhinitis: the burden of breathing

Rhinitis, as a common respiratory disease, is often thought to be associated with allergies or infections. However, in TCM theory, kidney deficiency is thought to be possible to exacerbate or trigger rhinitis. Kidney deficiency may lead to a decrease in the body's immunity, making patients more susceptible to external stimuli, which in turn can aggravate rhinitis symptoms. At the same time, kidney deficiency may also affect the health of the mucous membranes, leading to inflammation or edema of the nasal cavity.

It turns out that your fatigue, insomnia, and rhinitis are all caused by kidney deficiency?

Revealing the way to improve kidney deficiency: start from a daily routine!

Before discussing how to improve kidney deficiency scientifically, it is important to understand that kidney deficiency is not an independent disease, but a description of a series of functional declines in TCM theory. There is no direct corresponding symptom in modern medicine, but we can indirectly alleviate the symptoms Xi of kidney deficiency by improving our lifestyle and diet, promoting overall health, and improving our overall health.

Eat a balanced diet: the foundation of kidney nourishment

Patients with kidney deficiency should pay attention to balanced nutrition. Recommended foods include:

Protein-rich foods: such as fish, lean meats, soy products, these foods contribute to kidney health.

Zinc-containing foods: such as pumpkin seeds, oysters, zinc is an important mineral for reproductive health.

Antioxidant foods: Fresh fruits and vegetables, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, are rich in antioxidants that help reduce free radical damage to the body.

Moderate exercise: a source of vitality

Exercise is essential to improve symptoms of kidney deficiency:

Gentle aerobic exercise, such as walking, jogging, and swimming, can improve overall fitness.

Tai Chi or Yoga: These gentle exercises help regulate breathing and balance, especially for middle-aged and older adults.

It turns out that your fatigue, insomnia, and rhinitis are all caused by kidney deficiency?

Get enough sleep: Rejuvenate

The kidneys work at night to repair and regenerate, so getting enough sleep is essential for people with kidney deficiency:

Regular work and rest: It is recommended to sleep at least 7-8 hours per night.

Avoid excessive fluid intake at night: Reducing the number of nights you wake up at night can help ensure consistent sleep.

De-Stress Living: Inner Tranquility

Long-term stress and anxiety take a toll on the body, including affecting kidney function:

Practice Xi meditation and deep breathing: help reduce stress and improve quality of life.

Developing hobbies, such as gardening, painting or writing, can distract you and reduce stress in your life.

It turns out that your fatigue, insomnia, and rhinitis are all caused by kidney deficiency?

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Auxiliary conditioning

In TCM theory, kidney deficiency can be treated through herbal medicine and acupuncture:

Traditional Chinese medicine conditioning: traditional medicines such as Liuwei Dihuang Pill and Kidney Qi Pill must be used under the guidance of a physician.

Acupuncture and massage: It can promote qi and blood circulation and relieve symptoms.

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