
A 46-year-old man's blood vessels were blocked, and he insisted on "4 don'ts" all year round, and the blood clot disappeared!

author:Kangsir medical science

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In a community full of festive celebrations, the neighborhood committee organized a free clinic to celebrate New Year's Day.

This is not only a community gathering, but also a good opportunity for residents to take care of their health.

Among the bustling crowd was a 46-year-old man named Li Qiang, an ordinary bank clerk who had recently been worried about his blockage of blood vessels due to physical discomfort.

Li Qiang came to the diagnosis table of a doctor named Zhang. Dr. Cheung is an experienced and popular middle-aged doctor with a reputation in the community for his humorous style and professional medical skills.

A 46-year-old man's blood vessels were blocked, and he insisted on "4 don'ts" all year round, and the blood clot disappeared!

"Welcome to the free clinic, I am your health advisor today, come and let's explore together how your blood vessels breathe freely. Dr. Zhang's opening remarks were both formal and humorous.

Li Qiang described his symptoms and recent Xi to Dr. Zhang in detail.

After hearing this, Dr. Zhang began to introduce a health concept to Li Qiang: "In the process of treating blood vessel blockage, the '4 don'ts' principle is very important. ”

A 46-year-old man's blood vessels were blocked, and he insisted on "4 don'ts" all year round, and the blood clot disappeared!

"First of all, don't eat foods that are high in fat and cholesterol. These foods increase blood viscosity and increase the burden on blood vessels. ”

Dr Teo explained in detail the relationship between unhealthy diet Xi habits and clogged blood vessels, citing a large number of research data to prove it.

A 46-year-old man's blood vessels were blocked, and he insisted on "4 don'ts" all year round, and the blood clot disappeared!

"Secondly, don't stay up late. Getting enough sleep is important for maintaining the health of your blood vessels.

Lack of sleep causes the body to produce more stress hormones, which can cause inflammation and constriction of blood vessels. He added scientific evidence on the relationship between sleep and vascular health.

A 46-year-old man's blood vessels were blocked, and he insisted on "4 don'ts" all year round, and the blood clot disappeared!

"Third, don't smoke. The nicotine in tobacco stimulates vasoconstriction, increasing the risk of blood vessel blockage. Dr. Cheung reminded Li Qiang in a serious manner and used vivid examples to illustrate how smoking can damage vascular health.

A 46-year-old man's blood vessels were blocked, and he insisted on "4 don'ts" all year round, and the blood clot disappeared!

"Finally, don't overdo it. Drinking alcohol in moderation may be good for the heart, but excessive alcohol can be the opposite. He emphasized the importance of drinking in moderation for health and backed up his point with data.

Throughout the exchange, Dr. Zhang continued to explain in a light-hearted and humorous manner, making complex medical knowledge easy to understand and accept.

A 46-year-old man's blood vessels were blocked, and he insisted on "4 don'ts" all year round, and the blood clot disappeared!

He also reinforces his point by telling some real-life patient cases and tells Li how to put these principles into practice in his life.

A few months later, under Dr. Zhang's guidance and his own efforts, Li Qiang's physical condition improved significantly. His vascular condition has improved and his whole person has become more refreshed.

A 46-year-old man's blood vessels were blocked, and he insisted on "4 don'ts" all year round, and the blood clot disappeared!

At the end of the story, Dr. Zhang asks a question that seems unrelated to the theme: "Do you know why some people feel refreshed after eating chili peppers?" This question aroused Li Qiang's curiosity.


"Chili peppers contain a compound called capsaicin, which stimulates the brain to release endorphins, which are pleasant chemicals," explains Dr Zhang.

Therefore, after eating chili peppers, some people feel refreshed. He gave a detailed analysis of how capsaicin affects people's emotional and physical responses, giving the audience a deeper understanding of the science behind chili peppers.

Through this story, Dr. Zhang not only provides practical advice on a healthy lifestyle, but also makes ordinary people understand some medical knowledge in a fun way.

Li Qiang's experience is a vivid example of how to spread a healthy lifestyle in the community.

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Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!

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