
After the age of 70, if a man can still maintain these five characteristics, it means that his body is relatively healthy!

author:Medical original story meeting


After the age of 70, if a man can still maintain these five characteristics, it means that his body is relatively healthy!

71-year-old Uncle Song, in the past two months, his appetite has been bad all of a sudden, and he has lost a lot of weight.

The doctor reminded that the elderly after the age of 70 must pay attention to the abnormal signals sent by the body, because the age of 70 is a hurdle, or the ancients will not say, life is rare for seventy years.

In the eyes of the ancients, since ancient times, there are few people who can live to the age of 70, and 70 years old is already the peak of longevity. However, the ancients were limited by various social conditions at that time, including famine, war, disease, etc., which made their life expectancy very low.

Now it is completely different, in peacetime, away from famine and war, coupled with the continuous development of medical technology, the average life expectancy has easily exceeded 70 years.

However, if you break through the age of 70, can you call it a long life?

Of course not, age is one thing, not only to live long, but also to live a quality of life.

After the age of 70, the risk of developing various chronic diseases further increases, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, stroke, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, etc., which not only affect the quality of life of the elderly, but also affect the life expectancy of the elderly.

As a doctor, I would like to remind the majority of male compatriots that after the age of 70, if a man can still maintain these five characteristics, it means that he is relatively healthy!

First, men can maintain their weight well after the age of 70

For the elderly, it's not good to be too fat, and it's not good to be too thin.

Older people, unlike young people, can probably maintain a slightly chubby weight.

For older people, it is not a good thing to suddenly gain a lot of weight or suddenly lose a lot of weight, because gaining too much weight means that the risk of chronic diseases increases, and suddenly losing a lot of weight means that chronic diseases may have been found.

After the age of 70, if a man can still maintain these five characteristics, it means that his body is relatively healthy!

Second, after the age of 70, men still have good bowel and bowel movements

When you reach the age of 70, you will realize what a blessing it is to have a good bowel and bowel movement.

With the growth of age, men are prone to suffer from senile constipation, the pain of not being able to pass stool, which cannot be described in words, and severe constipation is also easy to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents.

With the increase of age, men are also prone to prostatic hyperplasia, the most important manifestations are increased nocturia, difficulty in defecation, severe and even acute urinary retention, and they have to rush to the hospital in the middle of the night to insert a urinary catheter.

Men with prostatic hyperplasia are also prone to urinary incontinence, so many elderly men always have a smell of urine.

Third, after the age of 70, men still have a good memory

Many men who have passed the age of 70 no longer know the words, their families do not know each other, and they have no memory of anything.

Alzheimer's, a terrible senile killer.

Alzheimer's disease allows the elderly to rejuvenate, but it also seriously affects the quality of life of the elderly, and the decline of memory makes them lose even the most basic ability to take care of themselves.

Therefore, if a man who has passed the age of 70 and still has a good memory, it is also a blessing for his family.

Fourth, men still sleep well after the age of 70

It's a blessing to be able to sleep.

How many elderly people, with age, sleep quality is getting worse and worse.

Without a good night's sleep, you can't maintain full energy, your immunity will decrease, and diseases will come.

Fifth, after the age of 70, men still have good athletic ability

After the age of 70, men can still move, which is a lucky thing.

Many old people, at the age of 70, have been bedridden for a long time and cannot move, the elderly who cannot move, to a large extent, rely on the care of others, the elderly who cannot move, after a long time, the joints are hard, the muscles are atrophied, bedsores and blood clots will also be found.

70 years old, the elderly not only have to live a long time, but also live well, 70 years old is a hurdle, but if you can still maintain the above five characteristics after the age of 70, then congratulations, there is a great hope of living to the age of eighty or ninety.

Longevity is not a day or two of hard work, it is the result of hard work day after day Xi that can be adhered to when you are young, so only those who persevere can live longer.

After the age of 70, if a man can still maintain these five characteristics, it means that his body is relatively healthy!