
Doctor: Pay attention to these small details every day, and your body will be better

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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One day, when Mr. Li was reading at home, he suddenly felt a blurred vision in front of his eyes, and he couldn't even read the handwriting clearly. This situation made him very anxious, so he immediately went to the hospital for a check-up.

At the hospital, Mr. Li met Dr. Zhao, an ophthalmologist. Dr. Zhao examined Mr. Li carefully and asked him about some of his lifestyle Xi and health conditions. "Teacher Li, have you experienced eye strain lately, or have you had a Xi of looking at electronic screens for a long time?" Dr. Zhao asked.

Doctor: Pay attention to these small details every day, and your body will be better

Mr. Li replied: "Yes, after I retired, I often used an e-reader to read books, sometimes for hours. ”

Dr. Zhao nodded, "This may be one of the causes of your eye discomfort. But we need to do some other tests to rule out possible eye disease. ”

Doctor: Pay attention to these small details every day, and your body will be better

At the suggestion of Dr. Zhao, Mr. Li underwent a comprehensive eye examination. At the same time, considering Mr. Li's age and life Xi, Dr. Zhao also recommended that he get a diabetes screening.

The results of the examination showed that there was no serious problem with Mr. Li's eyes, only fatigue caused by prolonged eye use. However, the results of the diabetes screening showed that Mr. Li's blood sugar level was slightly higher, which made Dr. Zhao a little worried.

Doctor: Pay attention to these small details every day, and your body will be better

Dr. Zhao said to Mr. Li, "Your blood sugar level is slightly high, although it is not yet diabetic, but it also needs attention. This may affect your eye health. Teacher Li was a little surprised when he heard this, and he asked, "Then what should I do to stay healthy?"

Dr. Zhao advises: "First of all, for eye protection, you need to take regular breaks and look into the distance every two hours to relax your eye muscles. Secondly, it is recommended that you adjust your diet Xi reduce high-sugar foods and increase physical activity appropriately. ”

Doctor: Pay attention to these small details every day, and your body will be better

Dr. Zhao also stressed the importance of maintaining good Xi: "A healthy lifestyle not only helps you maintain your eyesight, but also effectively prevents and controls chronic diseases such as diabetes. ”

With Dr. Zhao's advice, Mr. Li began to adjust his daily routine. He cuts down on long hours of continuous reading and gets up every hour to exercise and relax his eye muscles. At the same time, he also adjusted his diet, reducing his intake of sweets and adding more vegetables and whole grains.

Doctor: Pay attention to these small details every day, and your body will be better

With the change of life Xi, Mr. Li's eye condition has gradually improved, and his blood sugar level has been effectively controlled. This experience made him deeply aware that the way to health and wellness is actually hidden in the small details of daily life. Mr. Li's life gradually entered a new rhythm, and he began to pay more attention to every little signal in his body.

Doctor: Pay attention to these small details every day, and your body will be better

At Dr. Zhao's suggestion, Mr. Li also started light outdoor activities such as walking and tai chi. These activities not only help regulate blood sugar but also enhance the overall fitness of the body. Mr. Li found that with the gradual increase in the amount of exercise, his mental state and sleep quality have also improved significantly.

Doctor: Pay attention to these small details every day, and your body will be better

At the same time, Mr. Li also began to focus on rest and relaxation. He cut down on long hours of watching TV or using electronic devices, instead choosing to read more books and listen to soft music to relax. He found that this not only helps protect his eyesight, but also makes his mood calmer and more cheerful.

These changes, although small, have had a profound impact on his health. His family and friends have also noticed the change in him and have asked him how to maintain his health.

Doctor: Pay attention to these small details every day, and your body will be better

What do you think about eye fatigue?

Doctor: Pay attention to these small details every day, and your body will be better

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