
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book

author:Golden Sheep Net

"Nanfang" magazine presents a new temperament and appearance of the party magazine, and has a high brand and reputation among readers and the industry. Wu Shangzhi, former deputy director of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television and president of the China Periodicals Association, said.

"Nanfang magazine has played an exemplary and leading role for local party journals across the country. Yang Shuhong, vice president of the China Periodicals Association and chairman of the Party Periodicals Branch, read out the congratulatory letter of the Party Periodicals Branch of the China Periodicals Association.

"As an important part of Nanfang Newspaper Group, Nanfang Magazine has actively integrated into the construction of the group's 'two ends and one cloud' ('Nanfang +' client, GDToday, and 'Nanfang Intelligent Media Cloud'), providing strong support for consolidating and strengthening the mainstream ideology and public opinion in the new era. Huang Changkai, vice chairman of the China Journalists Association, secretary of the Party Committee and president of the Southern Press Media Group, said.


Why is Southern magazine so often liked?

The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book

Title: "Deep Cohesion - Thoughts on the <南方>20th Anniversary of the Founding of the Magazine"

Editor-in-Chief: Chen Guangteng

The year 2023 marks the 45th anniversary of reform and opening up, as well as the 20th anniversary of the founding of Nanfang magazine, the organ of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee. In December 2023, Nanfang Daily Publishing House grandly launched the book "Deep Cohesion - Reflections on the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of Nanfang Magazine", edited by Chen Guangteng, vice president and deputy editor-in-chief of Nanfang Press Media Group, secretary of the Party committee and president of Nanfang Magazine. From this book, we can find the answer to the question.

The publication of the book looks back and records the two leaps of Southern Magazine from "traditional media" to "integrated media" to "smart media", and sorts out and studies the rational thinking, first exploration, and transformation path of Southern Magazine at the juncture of major transformations.

This is a book that condenses the pen and ink of the Southern Magazine and many leaders and experts who care for the "South" magazine.

-- Here are the survival genes and historical logic of the party journal. General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions on propaganda, ideological and cultural work, stressing that in the new era and new journey, propaganda, ideological and cultural work is facing new situations and new tasks, and it is necessary to have a new atmosphere and new deeds. "Nanfang" magazine should continue the century-old party journal context, develop in inheritance, innovate in integrity, and constantly surpass itself in innovation.

-- Here are the struggles and thinking practices of the people of the new party periodical. General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important conclusion in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, "consolidating and strengthening the mainstream ideology and public opinion in the new era." As the mouthpiece of the Party and the people, Party newspapers and periodicals are facing the changes in the development of the current era, the changes in the ecology of public opinion, the changes in the media landscape, and the changes in the mode of communication. The people of Southern Magazine are seeking to find a path of high-quality development and realize the transformation from "traditional mainstream media" to "new mainstream media".

——Here is the out-of-the-circle code for "Southern" magazine to shape the new pattern of mainstream public opinion. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the need to "strive to launch works with thought, warmth and quality". Nanfang magazine has long adhered to the exploration of the "four haves" intelligent party journal with thought, warmth, function, comprehensive communication power and sustainable development ability, which is a vivid practice of practicing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the party's news and public opinion work.

01 Historical value

The development and valuable experience of the 100-year Guangdong Party Periodical

In the centennial journey of the Communist Party of China, the Party newspapers and periodicals have always been the main front of the Party's ideological work, holding high the Party's banner, publicizing the Party's propositions, speaking for the people, and playing an important and unique role in various historical periods of revolution, construction, and reform.

In April 1921, the magazine moved south to Guangzhou due to the seizure of Shanghai, and Chen Duxiu and Qu Qiubai sounded the revolutionary clarion call to the whole country. On February 7, 1926, Chen Yannian, secretary of the Guangdong District Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Zhang Tailei, director of the Propaganda Department, founded the "People's Weekly", which became the source of the literary context of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee. Chen Duxiu, Chen Yannian, Deng Zhongxia, Ruan Xiaoxian, Yun Daiying, and others all voiced a deafening voice in the "People's Weekly," and the "People's Weekly" became a banner for Guangdong's propaganda revolution.

The centennial party journal has witnessed the original intention. From "People's Weekly" to "Red Flag", from "New South China" to "Southern", Guangdong's party periodicals have accumulated valuable historical experience in the development of party periodicals over the past 100 years. In the call for reform of the times, four magazines, "Party Style", "Life of Guangdong Branch", "Civilization Herald" and "Guangdong and Hai Concentric", were converging, and the magazine "Southern", the organ of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, was launched on December 26, 2003. "Stand out in innovation!" This sentence carries the ardent expectations of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee for Nanfang magazine, and is also deeply engraved in the genes of the party journal of Nanfang magazine.

After the establishment of "Nanfang" magazine, it took over the huge pen of the pioneers of Guangdong party magazines and embarked on a new journey of inheriting the historical mission of the party magazine and the value of the times. In the past 20 years, Nanfang magazine has adhered to the concept of "deep cohesion", always adhered to the exploration of "four haves" intelligent party magazines, realized the leap from "traditional media" to "integrated media" to "smart media", and took the lead in embarking on a road of current political and party building periodicals, and won awards such as "China Publishing Government Award Periodical Award", "National Top 100 Social Science Journals", "New China 60 Years Influential Periodicals", "Guangdong Provincial Publishing Government Award" and other awards.

"Dare to try" has always been the distinctive background color of "South" magazine. On the one hand, the integration and transformation of Southern Magazine has accelerated the pace, and major theme reports have frequently come out of the circle, such as "The Great Future of the Bay Area", "Squatting in the Old Area to Visit the Original Heart", "12221" - "Cantonese Brand" Agricultural Products Successfully Out of the Circle Password" and other honors won the China News Award, the Central Propaganda Department's "Good Article on Periodical Theme Publicity", the National Rural Revitalization Administration's "Rural Revitalization Good News" and other honors; On the other hand, Nanfang Magazine has embarked on a path of intelligent transformation of party journals with "Chinese characteristics and southern temperament", and has taken the lead in setting up a party building think tank among party journals in the country, and a number of in-depth research reports and think tank research have been approved by provincial leaders such as the secretary of the provincial party committee and the governor, and the relevant economic reform reports have sent grassroots voices to the central government to provide decision-making reference for the party committee and government.

02 The proposition of the times

Answering the Three "Transformation Questions"

At present, the changes of the world, the times, and history are unfolding in an unprecedented way, the rise of the Internet is prompting an unprecedented self-revolution in the media field, and party newspapers and periodicals are facing new tasks in propaganda work, new changes in the ecology of public opinion, and new adjustments in the media landscape.

How to deal with the relationship between change and change in an overall way? At present, profound changes are taking place in the environment, development environment, mode of communication, and audience groups, and the party's propaganda work is facing new tasks. In particular, the original communication path of traditional media has been seriously impacted, facing the test of a large number of audiences flowing to the Internet, declining reading rate, and declining influence. The proposition of the new era forces the party newspapers and party journals to adapt to changing conditions, the technology can be updated, the platform can be diversified, and the content can be better, and the party's leadership will not change, and the correct orientation of adhering to the people-centered will not change. As a party newspaper and party journal, we must always adhere to integrity and innovation, and grasp the dialectical unity of transformation, development, change and change.

How to deal with the relationship between positive energy and large traffic in an overall way? In the era of all-media, the ecology of public opinion is undergoing tremendous changes. As a key indicator of the impact of newspapers and periodicals, circulation and printing have suffered a precipitous decline. From 2012 to 2022, the total print run of newspapers in the country fell by more than 60%, and the total print run of periodicals fell by about 40%. In the era of mass microphones, in the complex "public opinion square", the party media is facing more challenges to build a leading "public opinion home". Solving the contradiction between strong content production capacity and insufficient communication capacity is a test that party newspapers and periodicals need to face under the new situation.

Under the impact of the Internet, traditional media are faced with many tests, such as the transfer of a large number of audiences to the Internet, the impact on the income of traditional main businesses, and the outflow of outstanding talents. The CPC Central Committee encourages news media to explore the construction of high-end think tanks, and the intelligent exploration of traditional media provides a direction for reshaping the influence of communication, developing growth poles, and talent cohesion. At present, media think tanks are a new thing in China and are still being explored.

Whether or not we can answer the three "transformation questions" determines the future of party newspapers and periodicals.

03 Party Publications

Find the correct coordinate positioning around the center and the overall situation of service

Times are changing, but the original intention remains the same.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "News and public opinion workers should enhance the awareness of politicians in running newspapers, and find the correct coordinate positioning in centering on the center and serving the overall situation. As an organ of the provincial party committee, "Nanfang" magazine must not only have the overall vision of "standing on Tiananmen Square to see the problem", but also have the people's feelings of "standing on the ridge to find the feeling", always adhere to the overall situation, grasp the general trend, focus on major events, give full play to the advantages of the party journal in theoretical interpretation, public opinion propaganda, contact with the masses, etc., and reflect the ideological height, depth of reporting, and people's livelihood temperature in major theme reports.

Being thoughtful means that the southern voice of the mainstream public opinion is forcefully sung with the ideological height and depth of the party journal. This is a vivid reflection of the concept of "deep cohesion" of Nanfang magazine, and it is also an inevitable choice to gain comparative advantages in the differentiated competition of media.

On the one hand, we should pay attention to both action and thinking, and build a highland of southern thought and theory with a high degree of thought. Hold high the banner of theory and create an "ideological highland". Comprehensively publicize, interpret and explain Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, as well as the party's major principles, policies, and decision-making arrangements, and provide ideological and public opinion and wisdom support for Guangdong to walk in the forefront of the country in the new journey. In 2015, Nanfang magazine was heavily revised and launched a quarterly theoretical journal, forming a team of core theoretical experts, which has published thousands of articles so far, becoming an important support and signboard work of the southern ideological and theoretical highland. "Striding Forward for the Great Rejuvenation" was highly praised by the Cyberspace Administration of China, with a total of more than 10 million views on the entire network. From "Understanding the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area", "Walking in the Forefront of the Country", to "Activating the "Three Driving Forces" and Rebuilding a New Guangdong", "Nanfang" magazine has always been based on the practice of Guangdong, exerting influence in theoretical interpretation, policy interpretation, suggestions and suggestions, etc., and issuing a "southern voice" for the wonderful interaction between theoretical innovation and practical innovation; Southern Magazine has cultivated an iron army of commentators, and 6 commentators' articles have been reprinted in full by Qiushi magazine, and "Yang Ayang's Quick Comment" has expressed the "meaningful" theory more "interesting", and the traffic of the whole network has reached more than 10 million.

On the other hand, it is necessary to find the correct coordinate positioning, and interpret the practical exploration of reform and development in depth with reports. The research is in-depth and strengthens the mainstream public opinion position. Party journals must always be good researchers of the party's policy propositions, so that they can highlight directional, forward-looking, and strategic topics in their reports on major themes. This is how the "Greater Future of the Bay Area" series of reports was born, and it has become a group of outstanding works that have won both the China News Award and the "Good Articles on Periodical Theme Publicity" of the Central Propaganda Department. The report has a role to play, and it should be a good disseminator of the "two important windows". Holding high the banner of reform and opening up, Nanfang magazine has launched a series of major theme reports such as "Shenzhen, Why Works", "Guangdong's Circle of Friends of the World's Top 500" and "New Guangdong at Sea", providing "Guangdong experience" and "Guangdong wisdom". Only when you have the overall situation in mind can you write a big article. Thinking about the development of Guangdong from a global perspective, he planned the first transnational report in the history of Nanfang magazine, "Learning from Singapore". Wang Yang, then member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, presented the magazine as a special gift to Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong during his visit to the ASEAN countries.

Having temperature means that we must adhere to the feelings of the people and respond to the major concerns of the people. Party periodicals have always been an important bridge and link between the party and the masses. Nanfang magazine carefully studied the intrinsic connection between the theme of the report and the fundamental interests of the people, combined the central work of the party committee and government with the major concerns of the people's livelihood, and had both policy propositions and people's perspectives, and saw the national plan from the people's livelihood and the macro from the micro level. For example, on solving the problem of "increasing production without increasing income" of farmers, "Southern" magazine has been tracking and investigating for many years. The reporter excavated the profound reasons behind the unsalable pineapples of Xu Wen, and the reader said that the report "explained the rural problems very specifically and thoroughly". At the same time, we must be good at digging good stories from the people, so that the report can become more infectious and disseminated. From the "Nanfang" magazine's continuous tracking and reporting of Jiangmen leprosy doctors Dong Shumeng and Xu Na who took root in the depths of the mountains after graduating from university, and took care of the rehabilitated elderly for more than ten years, to tracking the red past behind Premier Zhou Enlai's golden pen, guiding all walks of life to pay attention to the revitalization of red resources and boosting the revitalization and development of the old Soviet area, all of which demonstrate the people's feelings of the party magazine.

04 Convergence media transformation

Let the positive energy surge and promote the party's voice to occupy a new public opinion field

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the need to "expand the influence of mainstream values, so that the party's voice can spread more openly, more widely and more deeply." It has comprehensive communication power and sustainable development ability, which means that the party journal should let the positive energy win a large flow and a good voice become the strongest voice, and empower the innovation of the party journal with communication validity.

This unprecedented media convergence revolution triggered by the Internet is both a danger and an opportunity for party publications. Once the transformation is successful, the party journal will break through the limitations of the original paper communication, one-way communication, and periodic communication, promote the party's voice directly into all kinds of user terminals, and occupy a new public opinion field. As an organ of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee with a monthly circulation of more than one million copies, Nanfang Magazine has experienced the strategy of "following" in the early stage, to "crossing the river by feeling the stones", and then to "relying on the integration of the two to realize the borrowing of boats to go to sea", and gradually explored a road of integrated development of party periodicals with surging positive energy and large flow.

The whole media forms a full matrix to let the party's voice spread more openly. Nanfang Magazine adheres to the direction of "two integrations": further integration into Nanfang Press Media Group and further integration with emerging media. As an important part of Nanfang Press Media Group, Nanfang Magazine, Nanfang Daily,, and Nanfang+ Client are all authoritative media platforms of the party, forming a new media ecology and integrating to form a three-dimensional communication pattern of "newspapers, periodicals, networks, and terminals", so as to achieve the effect of "one is strong and the other is strong". Nanfang Magazine undertook the construction of the Nanfang + client opinion channel, created a handheld "ideological compass", and became the ideological and theoretical "ballast stone" of the mainstream party, and undertook the construction of the Nanfang + client party building channel, which became the first to open a provincial-level news client and the country's leading party building professional channel.

The mainstream has become the top stream, allowing the party's voice to spread more widely. The development of media integration must adhere to the principle that content is king, and win development advantages with content advantages. Attract audience traffic with the characteristics of party magazines. Nanfang Magazine has identified the new media development orientation of "focusing on politics, politics, and policies, sharing ideas, theories, and opinions, and serving the majority of party and government cadres", and the portrait is clearly visible in the eyes of many readers. Manuscripts of brand columns such as "Political View Guangdong" and "Regional Observation" have attracted attention once they are launched, and they have won communication advantages with content advantages. The unique advantage of "Southern" magazine in in-depth reporting has become a sharp knife company to create a popular online communication, and works with 100,000+, 1 million+, and 10 million+ traffic continue to emerge. Nanfang Magazine has been tracking the pollution control problem in Lianjiang for 6 years, and has successively launched a series of documentaries on humanities and environmental protection "Jiangwang", with a cumulative number of views and more than one million people affected. The large-scale integrated report of "Squatting in the Old Area to Visit the Original Heart" was selected as a "Good Article for Periodical Theme Publicity" by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee.

The main force advanced to the main battlefield, allowing the party's voice to spread more deeply. The key to media competition is talent competition. Nanfang Magazine innovated the system and mechanism to create a "light cavalry" for the transformation of party magazines, and continued to promote the training projects of "Southern Famous Records", "Southern Chief Writers" and "Media Elites". In recent years, a group of all-media and expert mainstream Internet celebrities have come to the fore and created many high-traffic works. At present, phenomenal Internet celebrity products have enhanced the public opinion guidance of party journals. The original video programs of Nanfang Magazine have become more and more influential, and Internet celebrity columns such as "Party Knowledge Department", "Xiaonan Story", "Yang Ayang Quick Comment", "Dream of Enjoying Time", "Season Guangdong", "Guangdong Talk" and other Internet celebrity columns have been born one after another, becoming new media product pacesetters in their respective vertical fields.

05 Intelligent media exploration

Influence influential people, and be a good think tank and think tank for party committees and governments

General Secretary Xi Jinping has a profound positioning for the role of news and public opinion workers. News and public opinion workers should not only be disseminators of the party's policies and propositions and recorders of the times, but also promoters of social progress and watchmen of fairness and justice. It is functional, which means that the party journal is not only a supplier of information, but also a supplier of ideas, and it is necessary to expand the new space for the intelligent transformation of the party journal with service efforts.

An accurate portrait of the readers of the party journal shows that they are mainly party and government leaders, civil servants at all levels, and grassroots party members and cadres. With its strong high-end influence, professional research ability, mass communication power, and public opinion guidance power, Nanfang magazine has taken the lead in exploring the strategic transformation from "traditional media" to "smart media" among party journals in the country, and has embarked on a path of intelligent transformation of party journals with "Chinese characteristics and southern temperament", and has become a powerful assistant and staff officer of the party committee and government.

Adhere to the characteristics of the party journal and be a good think tank for party building. Adhere to the characteristics of the party journal and be a good think tank for party building. In November 2017, Nanfang Magazine took the lead in establishing a think tank for party building in the south among the national party journals, and built three core platforms for party building communication, party building research and party building services. Nanfang Magazine has built the most professional all-media communication platform for party building in Guangdong, and its party building new media project has been selected as one of the "Top 100 Excellent Cases of National Newspaper and Media Integration and Innovation". It took the lead in organizing and convening the "National Party Journal Grassroots Party Building Innovation Case and the First Guangdong Grassroots Party Building Innovation Case Exchange Meeting", initiated the establishment of the "National Party Journal Red Education Alliance", and released the "Strong from the Grassroots - Guangdong Grassroots Party Building Innovation Report", which is also the first research report launched by the provincial party building think tank in this field; the southern party building think tank has invited more than 200 theoretical experts and scholars inside and outside the province to provide intellectual support for more than 150 national, provincial and municipal party building research topics at all levels. The "Special Research Report on the 10th Anniversary of the "Guangdong Poverty Alleviation Day" jointly researched and written by the Southern Party Building Think Tank and the former Provincial Poverty Alleviation Office was affirmed by the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and the Governor. It has cooperated with Jiangmen and other places to build 18 grassroots party building research bases, and launched a number of personalized and customized party building services and products such as red publications, red videos, and red spaces. At present, the brand of "Southern Party Building Think Tank" has taken shape.

We should vigorously carry out investigation and study and be a good lookout for reform and development. Being a good lookout for reform and development is the mission of the party journal, and it is also the unique advantage of the party journal's research and reporting. "Nanfang" magazine has always adhered to investigation and research, focusing on the central work of the party committee and government, the new situation, new problems and new experiences of reform and development, and the people's livelihood demands and concerns, etc., in-depth reporting, reflecting the voice of the grassroots frontline, attracting the attention of the party committee and government, and becoming a force to promote the progress of society. In 2021, the research report of "12221" - "Yuezihao" Agricultural Products Successfully Out of the Circle provided a "Guangdong Plan" for national rural revitalization, and won the "Good News of Rural Revitalization" award of the National Rural Revitalization Administration. Nanfang Magazine has formed valuable suggestions and reflections in research and reporting, and provided decision-making reference for the party committee and government, and has many successful examples. Since its inception in 2010, Southern Magazine has focused on major themes such as reform and development, transformation and upgrading, independent innovation, and regional coordinated development, and has published a number of leadership reference manuscripts, which have been approved by provincial leaders such as the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and the Governor. After the end of the transnational report of "Learning from Singapore", the reporter linked Guangdong's transformation and upgrading with Singapore's development experience, and the relevant manuscript written by the secretary of the provincial party committee was approved by the provincial party secretary to promote the provincial organization to study relevant policy opinions.

Persist in taking the lead in exploration, and be a good think tank for party committees and government decision-making. Party periodicals should adhere to user thinking and drive media supply with audience demand. Party journals can provide accurate services to the audience, further extend major theme reports to think tank products such as subject research, list selection, conferences and forums, and serve as staff and assistants of the party committee and government, so as to enhance the media's party and government communication power and high-end influence with the influence of smart transformation. Produce influential think tank news, and reshape the leading force of mainstream media public opinion with think tank communication. The Guangdong Competitiveness Report is an in-depth research report on economic development issues, which has been approved by the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee for many times. Nanfang Magazine and the Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences have set up a research team to launch a special issue of "Winning in the Stamina - Exclusive Release of Guangdong Competitiveness Report" for many years, providing decision-making reference for Guangdong to continue to lead the country. The special issue aroused discussions among the participants at the Plenary Session of the Provincial Party Committee, the Two Sessions of Guangdong Province and the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress and attracted the attention of the leaders of the provincial departments and the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and the relevant content was written into the report of the local party congress. At the same time as the Southern Magazine launched a large-scale report on "Squatting Rural Revitalization - Annual Survey of Guangdong Towns to Help Towns and Villages", the Agricultural Office of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the Provincial Rural Revitalization Bureau jointly established a selection committee with the Southern Magazine to organize and carry out selection activities such as "100 Excellent Rural Revitalization Research Reports" for the whole province, which aroused strong social responses. The Agricultural Office of the Provincial Party Committee praised "this is a very meaningful activity". In recent years, Nanfang Magazine has undertaken research or think tank services for many departments such as the Organization Department of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and the United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and has been affirmed and approved by the provincial leaders for many times.

Wonderful book excerpts

The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book
The "Out of the Circle Code" of the 20-year-old magazine of "South" magazine is all in this book

All-media reporter of "Southern" magazine, South+ reporter|Shi Chenglei

Poster design|Liu Junyan

【Overall planning】Mother Farong Guo Fang

[Editor-in-charge of this article] Guo Fang

【Channel Editor】Li Xiaoxia, Chen Bingqing

【Text proofreading】Hua Chengmin

【Editor-in-Chief】Guo Fang, Lin Ruochuan

【Article source】Southern Magazine Party Building Channel

Editor: Zheng Jianlong

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