
The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

author:Children's Reading Club

Can you believe it?

The pleasure of reading all year round can be given for 100 yuan!

Today we recommend a magazine for about 100 yuan a year


"Bite the Text and Chew the Words"

"Chinese Character Error Correction Science Reference Book"

The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

Price: 54.6/year

★ Audience: Literature lovers, teachers, students

◆ A text reference book for writers to correct errors and popularize science, and help readers use language correctly in their daily lives

◆The content of the magazine is mainly to correct the typos of media artists and famous artists, and publish the list of Chinese character errors at the same time

◆ As a "defender" of the quality of Chinese culture in China, he has launched a number of "social typo search activities"

◆ All kinds of text knowledge close to life, a practical Chinese character common sense dry goods manual


"Star Poetry Original Poetry (Earlier Edition)"

"The spiritual home and spiritual food of poetry lovers"

The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

Price: 48/year

★ Audience: Literature lovers

◆The earliest professional poetry publication in China's contemporary poetry circle

◆ Select excellent poems from all over the country and cultivate noble sentiments

◆ There are not only original works of poetry, but also part of poetry theory explanation

◆ Strong breath of life, with a unique temperament and temperature on the content


"Star Poetry Magazine Prose Poetry (Late Edition)"

"The spiritual home and spiritual food of poetry lovers"

The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

Price: 48/year

★ Suitable for: literature and poetry lovers

◆The earliest professional poetry publication in China's contemporary poetry circle

◆ Select excellent poems from all over the country and cultivate noble sentiments

◆ There are not only original works of poetry, but also part of poetry theory explanation

◆ Strong breath of life, with a unique temperament and temperature on the content


Poetry Theory of Star Poetry (Mid-Term)

"The spiritual home and spiritual food of poetry lovers"

The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

Price: 48/year

★ Suitable for: literature and poetry lovers

◆The earliest professional poetry publication in China's contemporary poetry circle

◆ Select excellent poems from all over the country and cultivate noble sentiments

◆ There are not only original works of poetry, but also part of poetry theory explanation

◆ Strong breath of life, with a unique temperament and temperature on the content


"Monthly Reading"

"Focusing on the promotion of excellent traditional Chinese culture"

The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

Price: 60/year

★ Target audience: party members and cadres, intellectuals, literature and history lovers

◆ Committed to improving the cultural accomplishment, comprehensive quality and governance ability of Party members and cadres

◆Adhering to the tenet of "using the past for the present and bringing forth the new", we will contact hot spots and extract classic chapters

◆ It embodies the essence of traditional Chinese culture from literature, history, philosophy and other aspects, so as to help readers establish a correct outlook on life, values, power and status

◆Most of the articles are relatively short and the annotations are detailed, which is suitable for reading in fragmented time


"Hundred Lectures"

"Telling history is super profound"

The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

Price: 60/year

★ Audience: Civil servants, literature and history lovers

◆ Integrate the past and the present, and broaden the horizon of reading

◆Focus on the hot spots of the times, strong readability

◆ The language is witty and humorous, and it is full of fun to read

◆ Lift the layers of fog of life and interpret the wisdom of ancient and modern life



"One of the most influential publications in China's literary and artistic circles and ideological circles"

The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

Price: 81/year

★ Audience: Literature lovers

◆ Committed to breakthroughs in the ideological and cultural circles, pay more attention to in-depth excavation

◆ Pay attention to reality and advocate rational and constructive criticism

◆ Emphasizing humanistic care and social responsibility, not trendy, elegant, open taste

◆ Unite many famous writers and scholars to bring excellent works



"Gegao Realm Broad Wen Jie Yi Xin"

The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

Price: 72/year

★ Audience: 12-18 years old, literature lovers

◆ It has the style and taste of "high, wide, clean and new".

◆ It has a great influence on the field of literary creation, criticism and publishing in China

◆ Many of the published works have become Chinese reading questions or mock questions in the middle and high school entrance examinations

◆ Praised by readers and authors as "the garden of Chinese literature"



"A major literary journal"

The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

Price: 78/year

★ Audience: Lovers of foreign literature

◆ Excellent translation of foreign masterpieces, all types of articles are available

◆ There are not only famous works to read, but also famous anecdotes to discuss and explain fine arts

◆ A small book review is included with the book to bring the classics closer and evaluate the classics

◆ Followers and lovers of foreign literature, a model for understanding the world


"Knowledge of Literature and History"

"It has the reputation of "Encyclopedia of Ancient Chinese Culture"

The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

Price: 90/year

★ Audience: Literature and history lovers

◆ Talk about the past and the present, focusing on Chinese history and culture

◆ It is a collection of scholars of literature and history, and it is academic



Book City

"Feel the charm of words"

The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

Price: 90/year

★ Audience: Literature lovers

◆ Interpret society and think about problems in concise words

◆ Start with specific things, have a broad vision and a sharp angle

◆ From a cultural point of view, we will look at society and observe accidents

◆ Very inclusive language, accommodating contemporary diverse and rich concepts


Youth Digest

"Comprehensive Digest Publication for Teenagers"

The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

Price: 96/year

★ Audience: Literature lovers/college students

◆ Pick and choose selected good articles to help improve the comprehensive literacy of young people

◆ It can accumulate rich and good materials and improve the level of students' composition

◆The content is interesting and novel, which can enrich the extracurricular life

◆ The setting of the magazine column is close to all aspects of teenagers' life


Selected Novellas

"The Essence of the Novella of the Bun Garden"

The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

Price: 103.5/year

★ Audience: Literature lovers

◆ Selected national excellent novellas, gathering the essence of the novellas

◆ Provide readers with novellas with thoughts, feelings, stories, and literature

◆ Gather popular writers and bring cutting-edge thinking


Science Fiction World

"Mainly published original novels in China"

The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

Price: 103.68/year

★ Audience: Secondary school students

◆ Publishing Chinese science fiction novels, which is the birthplace of science fiction IP

◆ Science fiction stories have wonderful twists and turns, wonderful plot imagination, and avant-garde science and technology

◆ Starting from language, students can develop their ability to express and speak

◆ Committed to cultivating science fiction writers, it is the cradle of science fiction writers


"Flower City"

"One of the "Four Famous Dans" of Pure Literary Periodicals』

The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

Price: 124.2/year

★ Target audience: high school, adults

◆Founded in 1979, it has a profound literary heritage and is the spiritual home of readers

◆ Support writing with a true humanistic spirit and independent achievements, and support innovation

◆ Emphasis on readability, against vulgarity and mediocrity

◆ Timely display the highest achievements and the latest style of contemporary Chinese literary creation



"Literature Books for Teenagers"

The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

Price: 135/year

★ Target audience: 12-18 years old primary and secondary school students, literature lovers

◆ The subject matter is diverse, the articles are beautiful, and the content is rich and substantial

◆ Feel the beauty of literature and writing in wonderful reading

◆ Take children to have a dialogue with writers and understand the core of literature



"Journal of Book-Centered Thought and Culture Review"

The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

Price: 140.4/year

★ Audience: Literature lovers

◆ Depth: See the law of historical development, read humanities and historical development

◆Broaden your horizons: See many wonderful books to interpret, showing contemporary humanistic care

◆ Connotative: Covering multiple humanities disciplines, the content is rich and diverse



"One of the most widely circulated original literary journals"

The light of value for money! A magazine book list of less than 100 yuan a year

Price: 142.5/year

★ Audience: Literature lovers

◆ Adhere to the position of paying attention to reality and people's lives in literature

◆ Compatible with novels, poems, dramas, essays, etc., with a special focus on reportage and novels

◆ It is characterized by realist literature that mainly reflects contemporary life

◆ Pay attention to the interests of readers for a long time, respect the rights of readers, and believe in the style of readers



"Learning to Write Essays Starts with Reading Stories"

Price: 144/year

★ Audience: Literature lovers

◆ Colorful stories of the people, telling the stories that the people like to see

◆ Folk true stories are legendary, and anecdotes are ups and downs to read

◆ More than 60 years of classic feelings are still the same, and the content is wonderful into thousands of households

◆ Humor and joy fill life, the length is short, easy to understand and very down-to-earth

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