
The father-son friendship between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin is emotional, and they are gradually drifting away and missing

author:Drew microread

A happy childhood is gone

When Guo Qilin was 4 years old, when the sky began to be light and the sun began to dazzle, he did not realize that this was a sign that his happy childhood was coming to an end.

That year, Guo Qilin's parents unfortunately divorced, and he, a toddler, suddenly lost the warmth of home. After discussing with the two elders, it was decided to let Guo Qilin live with his grandparents in his hometown of Liaoning.

The father-son friendship between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin is emotional, and they are gradually drifting away and missing

At that time, Guo Qilin was still young and did not feel very deeply about the departure of his parents. Under the loving care of his grandparents, he spent a carefree childhood. Every day, I followed my grandfather to the ground and watched the hamsters scurrying around; I followed my grandmother to the river to wash clothes and watched the ducks fan and fan.

During the Chinese New Year, his grandparents always bought him new clothes and shoes and prepared a rich Chinese New Year's Eve dinner. Guo Qilin was chubby at that time, with two rabbit teeth bared, and his eyes were full of happiness and innocence.

The good times didn't last long, when Guo Qilin was 6 years old, a man named Guo Degang suddenly appeared, claiming to be his biological father. Guo Degang took Guo Qilin away from his hometown and took him to distant Beijing.

Since then, the trajectory of Guo Qilin's life has changed.

The father-son friendship between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin is emotional, and they are gradually drifting away and missing

At first, Guo Qilin was both alienated and afraid of this titular father. He didn't understand why he had left his grandparents and come to a place he had never set foot in. Beijing was too noisy and unfamiliar to him, and he began to miss the fields and rivers of his hometown.

Guo Degang brought Guo Qilin to the Deyun Club he founded. There are many apprentices gathered here, and Guo Degang is very strict with them. In order to establish his prestige, Guo Degang chose the cultivation method of violence, and took Guo Qilin, who had just turned 6, as the object of lessons.

He ordered Guo Qilin to eat food he didn't like, and forbade him to show even a trace of vulnerability in front of everyone.

At a young age, Guo Qilin has not yet learned how to face this sudden change. He could only accept everything in front of him in a hurry, and his happy childhood was wiped out in the wind.

Strict Deyun education

Guo Qilin, who was suddenly brought to Deyun Club, experienced unprecedented strict requirements and harsh treatment.

The father-son friendship between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin is emotional, and they are gradually drifting away and missing

At first, Guo Qilin didn't understand why the titular father was so strict. He didn't realize that this was the education method that Guo Degang chose - to establish his status and prestige in the hearts of other apprentices by suppressing him.

Every morning, Guo Degang would look at the immature Guo Qilin with cold eyes, and then give him orders in a commanding tone. Guo Qilin must get up on time and practice hard with everyone.

At the lunch table, Guo Degang would deliberately pick up a large chopsticks and vegetables for him, and not let him choose the meat he liked to eat. Guo Qilin hates to eat vegetables, and he can't help but show an expression of disgust.

However, Guo Degang forced him to finish eating, otherwise he would humiliate him in front of everyone.

The father-son friendship between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin is emotional, and they are gradually drifting away and missing

Once Guo Qilin couldn't help it, crying and begging Guo Degang to let him eat something he liked. Unexpectedly, Guo Degang not only refused, but also severely reprimanded him for not being able to cry in front of everyone.

Since then, Guo Qilin has never dared to cry or express his dissatisfaction in public.

Guo Degang often reprimanded Guo Qilin for no reason, criticized him in front of many people, and deliberately attacked his self-esteem. Guo Qilin felt aggrieved, but he could only bury his heart deeply.

He did not dare to talk to others for fear of attracting more criticism.

The father-son friendship between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin is emotional, and they are gradually drifting away and missing

Days like this are repeated day by day, and Guo Qilin feels dazed and tired. He struggled to learn to hide his smiling face and make himself look happy and content. In fact, my heart has long been scarred.

He understood that Guo Degang did this purely to establish his prestige, but this did not alleviate his pain in the slightest.

The strict Deyun education deeply hurt Guo Qilin's heart, and his inner world began to be closed. However, no one, including Guo Degang, knew what kind of trauma this kind of education had brought to this child.

Silence in the event of harassment

That happened when Guo Qilin was 7 years old.

The father-son friendship between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin is emotional, and they are gradually drifting away and missing

That day, Guo Qilin followed his family to a restaurant for dinner. After the meal, he went to the bathroom alone. As he was standing in front of the urinal, a strange man pushed the door and walked in.

The appearance of the man frightened Guo Qilin, his body froze instantly, and his brain went blank. The man took advantage of the fact that there was no one in the bathroom and began to move his hands and feet on Guo Qilin.

Guo Qilin felt frightened and ashamed, but he couldn't utter a syllable.

The man's harassment continued for a while, and he did not leave in a hurry until the sound of footsteps approaching outside. Guo Qilin sat on the floor of the bathroom, trembling all over, tears blurring his vision.

The father-son friendship between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin is emotional, and they are gradually drifting away and missing

He felt humiliation and pain like never before.

After returning home, Guo Qilin didn't tell his parents anything. He was afraid of rebuke, and he didn't know how to speak. After that, every time he thought of it, Guo Qilin couldn't help but cry.

He began to fear going to the bathroom alone, for fear of another terrible experience.

Many years later, Guo Qilin finally told this past story in a certain program. The guests at that time were all moved, but Guo Degang didn't know anything about it. It was only then that he realized what kind of pain and struggle his children had been through.

The father-son friendship between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin is emotional, and they are gradually drifting away and missing

It is distressing for a 7-year-old child to dare not confide in anyone in the face of such a huge trauma. The long silence hurt Guo Qilin's heart, but he still endured the pain and kept silent.

The harassment incident has become an indelible shadow in Guo Qilin's heart, which has changed the child and cut off the connection between him and his father.

Write to Yu Qian, not Guo Degang

On a certain show, guests were asked to write a letter home to someone who was important to them. Surprisingly, the object of Guo Qilin's family letter was not his father Guo Degang, but his teacher Yu Qian.

Guo Qilin expressed his sincere gratitude to Mr. Yu Qian in the letter. He said that Mr. Yu not only taught him many skills, but also cared for him, supported him and guided him at all times. Teacher Yu is like his second father, and Guo Qilin is grateful to Teacher Yu for his care.

The father-son friendship between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin is emotional, and they are gradually drifting away and missing

This letter reflects that there has been a rift in the relationship between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin. Guo Qilin did not respect and get close to his father as much as he did for Teacher Qian, but chose another elder as his spiritual sustenance.

In fact, this is not the first time that Guo Qilin has avoided Guo Degang in public. In an earlier interview, when asked about "the person I want to see the most", Guo Qilin said that it was not his father, but an idol he had never met.

All signs show that the relationship between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin is becoming distant. The father and son lost communication, and Guo Qilin's inner world was closed to Guo Degang. He no longer respects and attaches to his father as he once did, but seeks solace in outsiders.

A letter from home is worth a thousand words. Guo Qilin's letter to Yu Qian instead of Guo Degang has already illustrated the estrangement of the relationship between the two. If this rift is not repaired properly, it will only widen further and further, and eventually become a chasm between father and son.

Drifting apart, drifting away

As the years passed, the distance between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin was unconsciously widened.

The father-son friendship between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin is emotional, and they are gradually drifting away and missing

There is less communication between them, not even the most basic communication in daily life. Whenever Guo Qilin went home, the conversation between him and Guo Degang was very brief, and he left in a hurry after saying everything he could say.

Guo Degang no longer pays attention to controlling his son's every move as he did in the past.

Gradually, the understanding between father and son is also decreasing. Guo Degang no longer knows Guo Qilin's preferences, and he doesn't know anything about what he's been doing lately. Once Guo Degang was asked about Guo Qilin's alcohol consumption on the show, he said "average" without hesitation.

But Mr. Guo's teacher, Yu Qian, later said that they often drank and chatted together. This shows that Guo Degang no longer has the ability to accurately judge Guo Qilin's situation.

The father-son friendship between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin is emotional, and they are gradually drifting away and missing

The two are also appearing less and less in public together. Guo Qilin gradually had his own career and life circle, and he took the initiative to choose to stay away from Guo Degang. One year, when Deyun Club took a group photo, Guo Qilin stood at the edge of the crowd, separated from Guo Degang, looking like an outsider.

In the end, Guo Qilin chose to move out of his father's house and rented a house by himself. After moving out, he went home less often. The bond between father and son is even more distant, with only a brief greeting on New Year's Day or important days.

The father-son relationship that drifts apart does not break down overnight, but a rift that gradually widens over time. It stems from the incompatibility of the two in terms of personality and education methods, Guo Qilin's trauma and Guo Degang's incomprehension, as well as the lack of effective communication in the relationship between the two.

The gap between father and son has formed, and it may not be possible to make up for it.

Success depends on self-improvement, and growth depends on resilience

Despite experiencing various difficulties and traumas in the process of growing up, Guo Qilin finally succeeded in the entertainment industry with his own efforts. All this has nothing to do with Guo Degang's help, it is completely due to Guo Qilin's own diligence and tenacity.

The father-son friendship between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin is emotional, and they are gradually drifting away and missing

The cornerstone of Guo Qilin's success is his excellent acting skills. This comes from his self-improvement and hard work Xi Guo Qilin is never complacent because of Guo Degang, a celebrity father, but is always humble and low-key, and only seeks to continue to improve his acting skills.

He took the initiative to invite Ying to play various small roles to hone his acting skills, and even did not hesitate to play tricks in order to have more acting experience. This hard-working spirit is commendable.

What's even more commendable is that Guo Qilin has an unusually tenacious mind. He has accumulated the ability to resist blows under the severe blows of Guo Degang, which has become the pillar for him to gain a firm foothold in the ups and downs of the entertainment industry.

At the beginning, it was inevitable to encounter criticism in the circle, but Guo Qilin was never discouraged and only wanted to deal with it calmly. He had his own judgment and did not follow the crowd, which finally won the approval of the public.

The father-son friendship between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin is emotional, and they are gradually drifting away and missing

At the same time, Guo Qilin's kindness and warmth have also won people's hearts. He has been through too much pain, so he is more considerate of others. In the face of the attack of public opinion, he never responded to complaints, but only sought tolerance and understanding.

This kind of generosity is enough to infect everyone who meets him. This is also an important reason why Guo Qilin can gain a foothold in the entertainment industry.

Guo Degang's success depends on his talent, and Guo Qilin's success depends on his resilience. In the face of a series of psychological traumas, Guo Qilin was not defeated, but grew into a person who is resolute and introverted and loves life.

He proved that as long as there is a belief in self-improvement, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome. This is something that Guo Degang can't give to his son.

The father-son friendship between Guo Degang and Guo Qilin is emotional, and they are gradually drifting away and missing

Success in life is never given to others, but is only fought for by one's own struggle. Guo Qilin has broken out in the entertainment industry with his resilience, which is his response to fate and the victory of his life.

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