
After Guo Qilin chose to leave Deyun Club in 15 years, what kind of life is he living now

author:Brother Xin talks about the world

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After Guo Qilin chose to leave Deyun Club in 15 years, what kind of life is he living now

When the flash lights illuminate the entire stage, Guo Qilin's heroic side face can be seen at a glance on the huge screen! When the audience saw their idol, they burst into applause and cheers, and the excitement almost toppled the roof of the theater!

Guo Qilin was wearing a well-cut suit, and his tall body exuded a mature and stable atmosphere, which was similar to the youthful appearance of the former Deyun Club. He gently raised the corners of his mouth, showing a warm smile, and his deep gaze seemed to be able to penetrate the depths of every fan's heart.

After walking out of the theater, Guo Qilin drove the car to the next destination. In the car, he frequently examines his meter through the rearview mirror while carefully studying the script. This is the promotional phase of his latest new drama, and in order to impress a wide audience, he goes all out to prepare for each event.

In his spare time, he always opens social media to interact with his fans intimately, and sincerely replies to everyone's blessings and encouragement.

After Guo Qilin chose to leave Deyun Club in 15 years, what kind of life is he living now

Who would have thought that Guo Qilin, who is now in the limelight, has gone through a difficult journey that few people know? He already has a huge fortune and a loyal fan base, and his career is booming.

However, behind these brilliant achievements, there is a period of challenging struggle. It is precisely because of his unwavering dedication to his dreams that he has won today's glory.

Looking back on Guo Qilin's childhood, life is full of bitterness. He was born in a single-parent family and was separated from his father Guo Degang and mother Hu Zhonghui since he was a child.

At that time, the only person who brought him warmth was his grandmother.

After Guo Qilin chose to leave Deyun Club in 15 years, what kind of life is he living now

On weekends, the school playground is always bustling with activity, and students are taken home by their parents and leave the campus full of joy. And Guo Qilin could only sit alone in the classroom, witnessing the other children hugging their parents.

Deep down, he always felt deep pain and looked forward to the day when he would be able to reunite with his parents. On the way after school, he dragged his tired body alone, elongating his shadow in the afterglow of the setting sun.

While playing in the carefree childhood of his peers, Guo Qilin was often bullied and ridiculed by his classmates. He is introverted and shy, lacks self-confidence, and always hides in the corner silently.

Fortunately, his grandmother's endless care and love moistened his parched soul like a spring breeze and drizzle, allowing him to survive that lonely and difficult childhood.

After Guo Qilin chose to leave Deyun Club in 15 years, what kind of life is he living now

After all, on that ordinary day, Guo Qilin stepped into the famous Deyun Club with great expectations. At that time, he thought that he had finally found a warm haven and could get the love of his father Guo Degang who thought about it day and night.

With full enthusiasm, he stepped into the door of Deyun Club, and the flame of hope in his heart burned again.

However, reality ruthlessly shattered his illusions. Soon after entering the club, Guo Qilin was severely disciplined by his father. Whether it is performing on the stage or trivial matters in daily life, Guo Degang is extremely strict with him, and even often accuses him of mistakes in public, without mercy.

Whenever this happens, Guo Qilin's eyes always reveal a deep loss, and his self-esteem seems to be torn to pieces. At the time of the meal, he always waited until all the brothers and sisters had finished eating, then dared to pick up the chopsticks, sat alone at the table, looked at the sumptuous food in front of him, and could only swallow his saliva helplessly.

After Guo Qilin chose to leave Deyun Club in 15 years, what kind of life is he living now

In order to win his father's approval, Guo Qilin diligently honed his cross talk skills and worked hard to lose weight and shape his body. After countless hardships, his acting talent finally won the recognition of all members of Deyun Club and was honored as "Brother Deyun".

Seeing his son's growth, Guo Degang's eyes finally flashed with a glimmer of relief. However, this short-lived joy was soon overshadowed by the birth of a newborn son, Guo Fenyang.

Guo Degang's care for this biological son can be described as meticulous, but the requirements for Guo Qilin are still extremely strict. Guo Qilin fell into the abyss of pain again, and the flame of hope in his heart gradually extinguished.

Guo Qilin knows that in this family, he will never be able to get the sincere love and recognition of his father Guo Degang. All the love and expectations belong only to the biological son - Guo Fenyang.

After Guo Qilin chose to leave Deyun Club in 15 years, what kind of life is he living now

Faced with such a cruel reality, Guo Qilin's heart is full of contradictions. On the one hand, he longs for his father's affirmation; On the other hand, he can't stand being treated like a "stepson" all the time.

After careful consideration, Guo Qilin made up his mind and resolutely left Deyun Club. He no longer wants to rely on the dazzling halo of the "son of Guo Degang", but wants to rely on his own hands and abilities to move forward bravely and create a new world of his own! .

In this way, Guo Qilin firmly walked towards the tortuous but infinite possibilities of the artist road alone, full of incomparable expectations and yearning for the unknown in the future.

However, life did not make life easy for the young man, on the contrary, it soon hit him hard. During the time when he first stepped into the entertainment industry, Guo Qilin could only play those insignificant roles, and sometimes he couldn't even get all the rewards he deserved, and his life suddenly fell into a dilemma.

After Guo Qilin chose to leave Deyun Club in 15 years, what kind of life is he living now

Looking at the pitiful balance on the bank card, he was shaken for a moment and wanted to give up. However, the tenacity of willpower deep within him eventually overcame the fear in his heart.

He voraciously participates in various audition activities and never misses any opportunity to realize his dreams.

Just when he was facing a low point in his life, the god of fate finally reached out to him. In a youth idol drama that has attracted much attention, Guo Qilin became a blockbuster and successfully won the role of the second male lead, becoming popular in an instant and greatly improving his popularity.

Since then, high-quality resources have flocked to him, and his career has flourished.

After Guo Qilin chose to leave Deyun Club in 15 years, what kind of life is he living now

Looking back on the development of the Guo family, we have to mention the great contribution made by Guo Degang's second wife Wang Hui. Born into a family with a strong musical background in Tianjin, Wang Hui has shown extraordinary artistic talent since childhood.

At the age of 14, she successfully staged a solo performance with a unique theme, and her future was bright and high-profile.

However, in order to go all out to support her husband Guo Degang in pursuing a cross talk career, Wang Hui resolutely chose to give up the opportunity for personal development. This decision is awe-inspiring and highlights her selfless dedication to her family.

Soon after marriage, the Deyun Club founded by Guo Degang encountered the most difficult period. The daily income is only 100 yuan, and I can't afford to pay for various expenses such as rent and employee salaries.

After Guo Qilin chose to leave Deyun Club in 15 years, what kind of life is he living now

In the face of such a grim situation, Wang Hui did not hesitate, she resolutely returned to her hometown Tianjin, quickly sold her cherished gold and silver jewelry and beloved car, and handed over the proceeds to Guo Degang without reservation.

When Guo Degang witnessed Wang Hui's hard work and sacrifice for his family, his heart was filled with endless guilt, and he felt extremely regretful for not being able to provide his family with a stable and comfortable living environment.

In the face of a poor and difficult living environment, Wang Hui was not crushed, but inspired a strong desire to survive in the predicament. In a humble rental house of only 12 square meters, she skillfully uses a variety of fabrics to decorate the room, carefully purchase soft and comfortable seat cushions and exquisite and beautiful bedding, and strive to create a warm home.

Every morning, when the sun is rising, Wang Hui always wakes up early, heads to the nearby vegetable market to pick up the freshest ingredients, and then cooks a variety of delicious dishes to ensure that her husband and children can enjoy nutritious and delicious meals.

After Guo Qilin chose to leave Deyun Club in 15 years, what kind of life is he living now

What's even more rare is that she also deliberately learned to make exquisite pastries suitable for children's tastes, so as to win the favor of Xiao Guo Qilin.

It is precisely because of Wang Hui's spirit of selfless dedication that she has gradually eliminated the estrangement in the family with practical actions and made indelible contributions to building a harmonious family atmosphere. Her actions perfectly illustrate what it means to be a virtuous wife and mother.

Today's Guo Qilin has long since gotten rid of the shadow brought by the hard years. He modestly said that his father Guo Degang's strict education played a decisive role in his growth, and it was precisely because of the rigorous training he received in Deyun Club that he had the firm determination and outstanding artistic talent to pursue his dreams in the entertainment industry today.

Guo Qilin thanked his father from the bottom of his heart for his teachings, and re-established a close father-son relationship with Guo Degang.

After Guo Qilin chose to leave Deyun Club in 15 years, what kind of life is he living now

However, Guo Qilin always has a regret in his heart, that is, he failed to get the love of his biological mother Hu Zhonghui. Raised at his grandmother's house since he was a child, he spent very little time with his mother, Hu Zhonghui.

Whenever he saw other peers being kissed and hugged by his mother, Guo Qilin always cried silently, his eyes full of loneliness and loss.

Once upon a time, when Guo Qilin was emerging in his career, he mustered up the courage to dial his mother Hu Zhonghui's phone and called affectionately: "Mom, please go home, I have enough ability to take care of you!" The phone call deeply touched Hu Zhonghui's heart and made her realize her guilt for her son.

Today, Guo Qilin has successfully shown the world his strength and charm far beyond the name of "Guo Degang's son", and has become a shining acting star! He sincerely hopes that his biological mother, who was the source of maternal love but left him when he was young, can return to the stage of his life to make up for the lack of family affection that has been buried in his heart for many years.

After Guo Qilin chose to leave Deyun Club in 15 years, what kind of life is he living now

At the same time, as the eldest son in the family, Guo Qilin is more eager to repay his mother's long-term selfless hard work with meticulous filial piety and gratitude.

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