
The British beauty broke down and cried after coming to China to work for a week, and frankly admitted: The Chinese are terrible to be diligent

author:The old cow tells interesting stories

She is passionate about the working environment in China and wants to experience the unique working atmosphere of the country firsthand. However, when she really went deep into the working atmosphere in China, she was deeply shocked. The attitude of the Chinese towards work is really admirable and impressive, and the spirit of diligence is almost crazy. When you wake up in the morning, it's still dark outside the window, but the Chinese are already rushing into the office. At this time, she was still enjoying a delicious breakfast on the warm bed. When she walked into the office, she heard the watery keystrokes of her colleagues.

The British beauty broke down and cried after coming to China to work for a week, and frankly admitted: The Chinese are terrible to be diligent

"Hey, dear, what are you doing, get started, there's a lot of hard work to be done!" her colleagues reminded her affectionately. The British beauty was confused and surprised, and she wondered: "Wouldn't it be less efficient to start working so early?" But when she threw herself into her work, she finally realized the extraordinary efficiency of the Chinese. At lunchtime, colleagues spontaneously took out homemade bento boxes from their bags, either eating them while walking, or eating them quickly at their desks. They never delayed, they didn't have to chat, they just quickly filled their stomachs and got back to work. At this moment, the British beauty needs to finish chewing the sandwich in her hand as soon as possible, trying to keep up with the rhythm of her colleagues.

The British beauty broke down and cried after coming to China to work for a week, and frankly admitted: The Chinese are terrible to be diligent

When it's time for afternoon tea, British beauties want to make a cup of rich milk tea with anticipation, but in the office in China, drinking afternoon tea seems to be just a legend. Colleagues are still engrossed in their work, day and night like a raging tide. She has come to understand that the Chinese work philosophy is "time is money", and they are willing to give far more time and effort than others to pursue better results. When night falls, when the British beauty is about to pack up and leave, she is surprised to find that the office is still brightly lit. Colleagues are either sorting out the last batch of documents or are on an urgent conference call with a client. The pace of Chinese work is like a never-ending machine, which makes British beauty can't help but admire and admire.

The British beauty broke down and cried after coming to China to work for a week, and frankly admitted: The Chinese are terrible to be diligent

In the process of adapting to the pace of work in China, the British beauty also encountered many challenges. She was exhausted by the dramatic increase in work pressure, the reduction in time spent with family and friends, and the changes in her lifestyle. However, she told herself in her heart that it was worth it. Today's China is in a critical stage of rapid development, and it is undoubtedly a sea of opportunities and a battlefield of competition. If we want to win in this fierce competition, we must adapt to the pace of work in China and be firmly rooted in the working environment of this country, so that we can seize the opportunity and realize the ideals in our hearts. Even if it is not easy to adapt to the pace of work in China, we should be brave in the face of challenges. Whether you are from Europe or other countries, as long as you have the courage to face difficulties and meet challenges, I firmly believe that you also have the ability to find your place in this country full of vitality and potential.

The British beauty broke down and cried after coming to China to work for a week, and frankly admitted: The Chinese are terrible to be diligent

While the pace of work in China may be different from that of other regions, it is precisely this hectic but orderly, focused and relentless pursuit of excellence that has led to China's astonishing rise on the global stage. For those trying to break new ground in China, adapting to this pace of work is not only a major challenge, but also a unique opportunity. Even if it is the first time she arrives in China, the British beauty may feel a strong discomfort in the rhythm of work a few days ago, because she realizes that this is the perfect stage for her to improve herself and realize her dreams. While adapting to the pace of work in China as soon as possible, she will also adjust her pace, closely follow the strong pace of development of this country, and grow together with the Chinese people. After all, opportunities are everywhere in China. As long as you move forward bravely, boldly adapt to this rhythm of work, and are not afraid of challenges, you can realize your self-worth in this land full of vitality and vitality, and write a brilliant chapter that belongs to you.

The British beauty broke down and cried after coming to China to work for a week, and frankly admitted: The Chinese are terrible to be diligent

There may be some misunderstandings, thinking that Chinese people often work overtime for a long time! In fact, this is not the case! Overtime seems to have unconsciously become a part of Chinese's daily life, and with the passage of time, this culture of focusing on overtime is even more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. But that doesn't mean that overtime leads to productive work results. On the other hand, excessive overtime will inevitably lead to exhaustion, which will reduce the quality and efficiency of work! It should be pointed out that not all Chinese like or are forced to work overtime frequently. As was the case with the English lady, it was largely a personal difference. In real life, there are also many Chinese who are committed to finding the perfect work-life balance and avoiding sacrificing too much personal time for work. They can improve their work efficiency by allocating their working time scientifically and reasonably, so that they can plan and enjoy their working time and life more effectively.

The British beauty broke down and cried after coming to China to work for a week, and frankly admitted: The Chinese are terrible to be diligent

Assuming you're lucky enough to have an in-depth look at China's top tech companies, you'll be surprised to learn that the young people there are energetic and productive. In some traditional industries, because of the complicated process and troublesome procedures, there will indeed be a relatively long working time. However, please note that a large part of these problems are caused by the management style and work deployment of different companies and industries, and cannot simply be attributed to the inherent diligence of Chinese. In this article, I hope that you can get rid of the stereotype of Chinese that Chinese always work overtime and do not grasp the work-life relationship. Every country has its own strengths and weaknesses, and we need to respect the cultural traditions and ways of life of its local people. Let's work together to create a more humanistic and caring working environment and atmosphere, so as to achieve real diligence and make work and life more exciting!

The British beauty broke down and cried after coming to China to work for a week, and frankly admitted: The Chinese are terrible to be diligent

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