
From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one

author:Read ancient and modern books
From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one

Recently, the media has reported that singer Jessi will leave the entertainment company founded by Park Jae-beom. It is reported that Park Jae-beom's company More Vision has expressed its intention to terminate the exclusive contract to Jessi, and the two sides are conducting in-depth discussions on this matter. Surprisingly, they signed up for only 7 months.

From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one

The news has sparked speculation about the relationship between Park Jae-bum and Jessi. Some media even began to hype rumors of discord between the two, which became the focus of heated discussions on the Internet for a while. In order to break the rumors, Park Jae-bum decisively posted a photo with Jessi, proving the friendly relationship between the two with practical actions. He posted: "Me and Jessi are fine, don't worry, we don't have a feud. ”

From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one

At the same time, Jessi also spoke out on social media, clarifying the rumors of feud. She wrote: "I had just arrived in New York and as soon as I woke up I heard this nonsense. We're all good here, happy holidays everybody. It was clear from her tone that she didn't care about such rumors.

From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one

Park Jae-bum has a pivotal position in the Korean entertainment industry. Not only is he a well-respected musician, he is also a former member of 2PM. After leaving the team, he developed independently and founded his own agency, signing up many talented artists. As a high-profile female singer, Jessi has conquered countless fans with her unique music style and has become one of the representatives of K-pop music.

From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one

Park Jae-beom's collaboration with Jessi dates back to the inception of More Vision Entertainment. Although the termination of the contract has sparked some speculation and rumours, both parties have responded to these doubts in a candid and friendly manner. In fact, their relationship is more like that of a pair of musical confidants, appreciating and respecting each other's talents.

From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one

In the unpredictable industry of the entertainment industry, the relationship between artists and brokerage companies has always been the focus of attention from the outside world. Sometimes, the termination of the contract and the termination of the cooperation often give rise to all kinds of speculation and rumors. However, for Park Jae-beom and Jessi, their relationship goes beyond a simple partnership and is more like a deep friendship.

From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one

Whether or not they continue to cooperate in the future, we should respect their decision. After all, on the road of music, sometimes parting ways is to better pursue their respective musical dreams. And those fond memories and co-created musical works will remain in the hearts of fans forever.

From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one
From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one
From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one
From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one
From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one
From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one
From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one
From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one
From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one
From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one
From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one
From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one
From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one
From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one
From "Glee" to the new producer of Spicy Chicken, he has become a real one

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