
These two condiments in the kitchen are not stored properly, and they may be "carcinogenic" if eaten?

author:Lao Zhang's medical science
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  • In a small community in Beijing, there lives an ordinary clerk named Li Ming. Li Ming loves cooking in his spare time and likes to try all kinds of fresh dishes in the kitchen.

    However, one morning, he woke up feeling dizzy and weak, which made him very worried. So, he hurriedly went to the hospital for an examination.

    These two condiments in the kitchen are not stored properly, and they may be "carcinogenic" if eaten?

    In the waiting area of the hospital, Li Ming sat on a chair, his heart fluttering. Soon, it was his turn. After the doctor's examination, he smiled and said, "You are just ordinary overwork, however, I heard that you like to cook, and I would like to remind you that you should be careful with the storage of certain condiments in the kitchen, if not properly managed, there may be health risks." ”

    "Oh, what are the two condiments?" asked Li Ming curiously.

    These two condiments in the kitchen are not stored properly, and they may be "carcinogenic" if eaten?

    The doctor quipped, "It's the oil and salt we use as we normally go." Did you know that oils, if stored improperly and exposed to light and high temperatures, can easily produce harmful substances that are sometimes suspected of being carcinogens? ”

    Li Ming was dumbfounded when he heard it, it turned out that the small details in the kitchen were so important.

    The doctor continued: "And salt, especially iodized salt. If stored in a humid environment, iodine is easy to volatilize, which not only reduces the nutritional value, but also may produce some harmful substances. ”

    Li Ming nodded again and again, indicating that he must pay attention in the future.

    These two condiments in the kitchen are not stored properly, and they may be "carcinogenic" if eaten?

    The doctor went on to explain: "Actually, many people ignore these details. According to one study, long-term intake of spoiled oils and fats increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. Iodine deficiency, on the other hand, can affect thyroid function and have a negative impact on health. ”

    "I see, I must pay more attention in the future. Li Ming sighed.

    "Speaking of which, I've had a case before. The doctor began to recount, "An old gentleman who loves cooking and who unfortunately suffered from gallbladder disease because of his long-term use of improperly stored cooking oil. Later, he adjusted his storage and diet Xi habits, and his physical condition improved significantly. ”

    These two condiments in the kitchen are not stored properly, and they may be "carcinogenic" if eaten?

    After hearing this, Li Ming was deeply inspired and decided to thoroughly inspect his kitchen when he returned home.

    Before leaving, the doctor suddenly asked a question that seemed unrelated to this: "Do you know why people especially like to eat hot pot in winter?"

    Li Ming stopped and looked back at the doctor curiously.

    These two condiments in the kitchen are not stored properly, and they may be "carcinogenic" if eaten?

    The doctor smiled and said, "This question may seem off-topic, but it is actually related to our topic today." People are more likely to feel cold in winter, and hot pot not only brings warmth to people, but also promotes communication between family and friends.

    But the food in hot pot, especially fried and pickled foods, requires special care. Because these foods are easy to produce harmful substances during the heating process. So, even when enjoying the fun of hot pot, pay attention to the choice of food and the cooking method. ”

    These two condiments in the kitchen are not stored properly, and they may be "carcinogenic" if eaten?

    These words made Li Ming suddenly realize that whether it is daily cooking or holiday dinners, the choice and handling of food is crucial. He thanked the doctor gratefully and walked out of the hospital with a new understanding and determination.

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    Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!

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