
Facts show that Jiang Dawei, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, has now embarked on a "road of no return"!

author:The Doctor said the world

Peak: fame and fortune

On a cold winter night in 1984, the color screen of Beijing TV was filled with anxious waiting viewers. They held their breath for a dream come true.

Facts show that Jiang Dawei, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, has now embarked on a "road of no return"!

On this night, the 2nd Spring Festival Gala officially started. As the finale, the well-known tenor singer Jiang Dawei finally waited for his chance to appear. He took a deep breath, sorted out his black Tang costume, and walked onto the stage.

In the next 5 minutes, Jiang Dawei's loud singing voice and high emotions pushed the atmosphere of the audience to a climax. He used his strength to interpret the popular classic - "Song of Peony".

People were moved, and the applause from the audience lasted for a long time.

This night, Jiang Dawei was completely angry. As one of the few tenors of the 80s, he deservedly became a household name. Since then, he has begun the peak of fame and fortune in his career.

Facts show that Jiang Dawei, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, has now embarked on a "road of no return"!

Especially in 1986, his cooperation with the hit drama "Journey to the West" made him usher in the highlight moment of his life. The song "Dare to Ask Where the Road Is" not only made the series, but also made his name Jiang Dawei immortal.

Extravagance in immigration: taking risks

In 2000, Jiang Dawei, who had reached the peak of his career, made a decision that shocked everyone - to immigrate to Canada with his family.

At first, he explained that the move was to create a better living environment for his daughter to study Xi. But according to insiders, the main reason is that Jiang Dawei can't stand the domestic disturbances and wants to live a stable life.

After arriving in Vancouver, Jiang Dawei immediately bought a mansion covering an area of 20,000 square feet. This three-storey detached villa has a spacious living room and 7 bedrooms, including a garage for 10 cars.

Facts show that Jiang Dawei, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, has now embarked on a "road of no return"!

He did not hesitate to decorate it in a European style that is both modern and elegant.

After that, Jiang Dawei spent a huge amount of money to send his daughter to the most expensive middle school in Vancouver, completely ignoring the little savings he already had in his account.

Within a few months, Jiang Dawei suddenly woke up to the fact that he was about to go bankrupt! The cash on hand was running out, but the consumption of his wife and daughter had not been curtailed at all.

They still go their own way, asking for this and that, and they don't feel embarrassed at all.

At this time, Jiang Dawei realized that he had made an irreparable mistake. It's a pity that it's too late, and I've fallen into a double crisis of trust in money and family, and there's no way back.

Facts show that Jiang Dawei, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, has now embarked on a "road of no return"!

Debts are exposed: Character bankruptcy

In 2015, Xu Jingqing planned to hold a solo concert, inviting a number of old friends to help, including Jiang Dawei. However, just a few days before the opening, Jiang Dawei suddenly lost contact, did not attend the final rehearsal, and was absent on the day of the official performance.

This infuriated the good-natured Xu Jingqing, who finally couldn't bear to accuse Jiang Dawei of being ungrateful and treacherous in the media. At the same time, he also angrily accused Jiang Dawei of taking advantage of his music works for a long time, but never paid any copyright fees.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Dawei's former assistant Yao Man reported his various bad deeds while abroad. For example, he was unfaithful to his wife and owed himself a huge sum of up to 900,000 yuan that he has not repaid yet.

Facts show that Jiang Dawei, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, has now embarked on a "road of no return"!

After a series of scandals broke out, Jiang Dawei completely became the target of public criticism. He was already notorious for his strange return from abroad, and now he has been exposed as shameless, ruthless, and morally corrupt.

Evening withering: from the peak to the bottom

Today, Jiang Dawei is 76 years old. Life and profligacy have made him from a well-known superstar in the past to an old singer who makes a living from rock and roll in the shopping mall music scene.

Every night falls, a familiar melody will be heard from the major shopping malls in Beijing: "Have you ever heard of the mountain ghost that the fortune teller and his apprentice ...... to the west" Dozens of tourists in the audience looked up blankly, trying to find the source of the song.

They soon found a white-haired uncle in the corner, playing and singing hard.

Facts show that Jiang Dawei, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, has now embarked on a "road of no return"!

This is the current situation of the former tenor singer Jiang Dawei. His eyes were cloudy, his temples were gray, and he was dangling on the stage in a black trench coat. Looking at his vicissitudes of life and tiredness, it is really hard to imagine that 20 years ago he was still a first-line star worth hundreds of millions.

In fact, Jiang Dawei also squandered it after emigrating abroad; also had an affair with an ex-assistant and was almost blackmailed; He even lost his trust in Xu Jingqing, a benefactor.

All these bad deeds have left an indelible stain on him.

Now he can only live on the meager income of the shopping mall music scene. The glory of the past has faded, and all that has brought him is helplessness and loneliness. This is the retribution of sowing melons and getting melons, and planting beans and reaping beans.

Facts show that Jiang Dawei, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, has now embarked on a "road of no return"!

After all, life cannot escape the interlocking of good and evil.

Conclusion: Plant melons and get melons, plant beans and get beans

Jiang Dawei's life is a typical example of going from rich to poor.

Once upon a time, he was worth hundreds of millions of dollars and was full of brilliance, and he sang all over the streets. No one could have imagined that he would be reduced to the point where he is now - living as a rock and roll artist in his later years.

In fact, when he was young and crazy, he had already planted the root of the bane. For example, spending money is like buying a mansion, but not thinking about saving for the future; For example, the letter that has been public about extramarital affairs, hurt the letter of the main room, such as taking the fruits of a friend's labor, but not paying the copyright fee.

These wrongdoings and bad deeds did not make Jiang Dawei pay the price at that time. even let him ride the east wind of "Journey to the West" and successfully achieved a double harvest of career and wealth.

Facts show that Jiang Dawei, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, has now embarked on a "road of no return"!

However, the wheels of history roll forward. When the day comes when the real price comes, he can only reluctantly accept retribution.

Therefore, Jiang Dawei's life is full of dramatic reversals. It allows us to see that the fairness of the world should not only look at the present, but also look at the future. Plant melons and get melons, plant beans and get beans; Good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil.

This is the feedback of the will of the heavens, and it is also the true meaning of life.

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