
There are 8 hot searches in a week, and the truth of Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong's grievances is exposed

author:Lee chops wood
There are 8 hot searches in a week, and the truth of Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong's grievances is exposed

In just one week, eight hot searches.

The grievances between Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong are still intensifying.

The cause of the incident was half a year ago, when Meng Yutong, who is regarded as the "successor of Dong Mingzhu", announced his resignation from Gree.

At that time, the wind of public opinion turned again and again, but it was quickly calmed down.

However, I never thought that half a year later, this matter would re-enter people's field of vision.

At the recent Gree employee induction meeting, Dong Mingzhu delivered a speech and publicly reprimanded Meng Yutong, saying:

"As a secretary, I can't even write a single article.

I just want to be an internet celebrity and be a 'walking dead' who only makes money. ”

There are 8 hot searches in a week, and the truth of Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong's grievances is exposed

At this point, the audience held their breath, but Dong Mingzhu on the stage became more and more excited.

If this part of the speech is just Dong Mingzhu venting her dissatisfaction with former employees, which is a normal "workplace contradiction", then the next speech can be said to have pushed her to the forefront.

She took the negative example of Meng Yutong as a warning and told all employees: "As a young person, money should not be your dream, money is the result of struggle!"

As soon as the news spread, public opinion was in an uproar.

Countless migrant workers remembered the boss's experience of "painting a big pie" for themselves, and began to empathize with Meng Yutong.

"I don't go to work for money, but for what?"

"Talking about dreams and struggles, isn't it a typical workplace PUA?"

"Money is not my dream, but I need money to make my dream come true. ”

There are 8 hot searches in a week, and the truth of Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong's grievances is exposed

And with the fermentation of the incident, Dong Mingzhu's previous remarks were also picked up.

She claimed that all employees should compensate the company for training fees when they leave the company, so as to repay the kindness of cultivation.

really doesn't mention Meng Yutong every sentence, every sentence is Meng Yutong.

Compared with Dong Mingzhu's fierce criticism, Meng Yutong's response seemed light.

She said that she had recently been preparing for graduate school and was not in a position to comment on it.

Compared with the two, Dong Mingzhu does seem to be a little out of shape.

The two of them have gone from "falling in love" to ending dismally, which can't help but make people a little embarrassed.

Between them, we can't easily judge who is right and who is wrong.

But at least one thing is incredible.

69-year-old Dong Mingzhu, what kind of wind and waves have not been experienced? Why did he lose the pattern in this matter?

What did Meng Yutong do to make Dong Mingzhu still unable to let go after half a year?

The answer to this question may lie in the very different life experiences of the two men.

There are 8 hot searches in a week, and the truth of Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong's grievances is exposed

For Dong Mingzhu, the bumpy experience has forged her iron will.

In 1954, Dong Mingzhu was born in an ordinary family, ranking seventh, and her first few decades were not shocking.

At the age of 21, Dong Mingzhu graduated from technical school and won an iron job that many people envied, and a few years later met a lover worthy of lifelong trust.

The two got married and had children, and although their lives were not rich and rich, they were also shining.

There are 8 hot searches in a week, and the truth of Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong's grievances is exposed

Until 1984, 30-year-old Dong Mingzhu suffered the first major change in his life.

Her husband died of illness, leaving behind only a two-year-old child.

The departure of a loved one is a temporary rainstorm, but also a tidal wave of a lifetime.

But looking at the young child, Dong Mingzhu didn't seem to have time to be sad.

The burden of life made her swallow the pain silently and return to work.

After six years, she supported her family with a stable salary, and her life was quite passable.

But her heart was always empty, and she felt that she shouldn't have been.

In the end, at the age of 36, Dong Mingzhu made a bold decision.

She quit her job as an "iron rice bowl" and handed over her children to her parents to raise, while she went to Zhuhai alone.

36 years old should be a calm and stable age for anyone.

Therefore, her decision was naturally opposed by the people around her.

But Dong Mingzhu's thoughts are very firm:

If you don't do your best to fight once, there will be no place for life to come out.

There are 8 hot searches in a week, and the truth of Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong's grievances is exposed

With this in mind, she came to a little-known air-conditioning factory (now Gree Company) in Zhuhai to do sales work.

At that time, Dong Mingzhu, who was used to being an "iron rice bowl", knew nothing about the sales field.

However, at that time, Dong Mingzhu had a more down-to-earth and hard-working spirit than young people

If there is something at work that I don't know, I will ask the old-timers for advice, and if my performance is not as good as others, I will work overtime alone.

With super perseverance, Dong Mingzhu has gained more than 10 million turnover in the first two years of entering the company, accounting for one-eighth of the company.

This excellent achievement also made Dong Mingzhu successfully become a key member of the company.

However, the good times did not last long, and at the end of 1994, Gree encountered the worst crisis in history.

Due to the uneven distribution of wages, there was a split within the company, and a large number of employees chose to change jobs.

Faced with the temptation of high salaries from competitors, Dong Mingzhu chose to refuse.

For her, Gree is her Bole, and she has the obligation and confidence to accompany the company in advance and retreat.

Later facts also proved that Dong Mingzhu's choice was not wrong.

Under her leadership, Gree's turnover has increased year after year, and from 1995 to 2005, it has topped the list of domestic sales for 11 consecutive years.

Many people attribute Gree's success to Dong Mingzhu's wise decision-making and iron-fisted rule of the army, but they ignore her efforts day after day, year after year.

Later, when the program team of "We in the Workplace" interviewed Dong Mingzhu about what he did on weekends, Dong Mingzhu just said lightly:

"I don't have a weekend. ”

There are 8 hot searches in a week, and the truth of Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong's grievances is exposed

For Dong Mingzhu, she truly achieved "money is not a dream, money is the result of struggle".

Therefore, she strictly requires her employees to cultivate the spirit of daring to endure hardships and being willing to endure hardships.

Especially for Meng Yutong, who is regarded as the "successor", I hope that she can be like herself, put aside personal gains and losses, and strive for the company's career for life.

The contradiction between the two may have planted the seeds at this beginning.

There are 8 hot searches in a week, and the truth of Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong's grievances is exposed

On the other hand, Meng Yutong, her life in the past 20 years can be described as smooth sailing and overflowing.

"A student of Zhejiang University, a compound talent, and a tenth-level national dancer. ”

No matter which label is singled out, it is enough to become "someone else's child", but Meng Yutong just occupies it all.

It is this talent and experience that makes her more confident than ordinary people.

In his sophomore year, Meng Yutong participated in the quiz program "One Stop to the End", although he did not succeed in the show, he also showed his style in front of the screen.

And what really makes Meng Yutong known to people is her performance in "We Are New to the Workplace".

At the beginning of the program, Dong Mingzhu personally went on the field to assess the Xi students.

In the process of face-to-face with the famous CEO, it is inevitable that anyone will feel nervous, but Meng Yutong behaves generously and is full of confidence.

Compared with others, Meng Yutong is not from a professional class and does not have much knowledge in marketing.

But she did her homework and tried to use her existing knowledge to explain her understanding of the market in an orderly manner.

There are 8 hot searches in a week, and the truth of Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong's grievances is exposed

Towards the end of the interview, Meng Yutong also improvised a dance that he was good at.

Such a non-stage frightened interview performance quickly impressed Dong Mingzhu.

She commented on Meng Yutong, she has a temperament that does not admit defeat, which is very similar to her young self.

And in later shows, Meng Yutong did prove this.

Although I cried and withdrew, I never gave up.

In the end, Meng Yutong got his wish and got the offer given by Dong Mingzhu himself.

There are 8 hot searches in a week, and the truth of Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong's grievances is exposed

At the subsequent China Manufacturing Leaders Summit, Dong Mingzhu brought this fledgling "rookie" to everyone and introduced to everyone that this was her secretary, and she wanted to train Meng Yutong to become the second Dong Mingzhu.

Hearing this, even Meng Yutong, who was usually full of confidence, felt incredible, and she hurriedly explained:

"No one can be the second Dong Mingzhu. ”

Not long after, Gree even registered the official account of "Pearl Yutong Selection" to create a personal IP for Meng Yutong, which shows the importance attached to this newcomer in the workplace.

In the major occasions after that, where there is Dong Mingzhu, there must be Meng Yutong, and the relationship between the two is like a mother and daughter, inseparable.

For Meng Yutong, at the age of 22, she has reached the pinnacle of her life, which is an unattainable dream for countless fresh college students.

However, only she knows the stakes.

There are 8 hot searches in a week, and the truth of Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong's grievances is exposed

Two years later, on May 11, Meng Yutong published a video announcing that he had left Gree and was preparing to pursue graduate school.

This sudden news left many people scratching their heads.

The day before, the secretary of the board of directors, who was still in full swing, why did he suddenly resign?

Immediately afterwards, someone picked up Meng Yutong's previous video, saying that his monthly salary in Gree was only 5,000-10,000 yuan.

In addition, Meng Yutong once said on Weibo that he has not had a weekend for two consecutive months, and even worked up to 21 hours.

Therefore, many netizens feel that Meng Yutong's efforts and gains are not proportional, and her resignation is to set a good example for contemporary "workers", and they have criticized Gree Company for squeezing employees.

But not long after, another Gree internal employee told the media that Meng Yutong often couldn't find anyone during normal working hours, and even used the IP created by the company to go out to pick up private jobs.

Public opinion reversed again, and words like "white-eyed wolf" and "Internet celebrity" poured on Meng Yutong like a sea of mountains.

Later, someone interviewed Dong Mingzhu, and chose Meng Yutong at that time, whether he saw the wrong person.

Dong Mingzhu just responded lightly:

"I don't think I'm mistaken, but everybody's choices are different, just like everybody's values are different. ”

There are 8 hot searches in a week, and the truth of Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong's grievances is exposed

Nowadays, there is a lot of news in front of us, and it is difficult for us to distinguish which is true and which is false.

But one thing is for sure, Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong, from the very beginning, "have different ways and do not conspire with each other." ”

Looking at Meng Yutong's Weibo, it is full of records of life and beautiful feelings.

On the other hand, Dong Mingzhu's Weibo, except for Gree, there is almost no other content.

The ending of the two may have been doomed from the beginning.

Because what separates them is not only the gap between the values of the old and new generations, but also the gap of an era.

There are 8 hot searches in a week, and the truth of Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong's grievances is exposed

While the times have made us, they have also trapped us.

is like the sixth master in the movie "Lao Paoer".

He has always adhered to the "righteousness of the rivers and lakes", criticizing young people for not understanding the rules and imposing their values on their friends.

But in exchange for the ridicule of the world and the incomprehension of friends.

There are 8 hot searches in a week, and the truth of Dong Mingzhu and Meng Yutong's grievances is exposed

Is the sixth master wrong?

I don't think so, but he just sticks to his long-standing creed and wants to change a society that deviates from "traditional morality" on his own.

And Dong Mingzhu, how can it not be so.

What she wants to do is to make young people understand that a person's greatest pursuit should not be money.

It is to work hard in a certain field and make a career to realize the value of your life.

However, it is undeniable that this notion is clearly somewhat outdated in today's society.

In this era of highly advanced technology, young people are able to get in touch with more corners of the world.

For them, life is no longer a track, but a wilderness.

In their eyes, career is no longer everything, and life outside of work is the part that deserves more attention.

This is also why Meng Yutong complained that there was no holiday, and he would get the support of most netizens, while Dong Mingzhu talked about his dreams, but he was criticized for a while.

Perhaps, what makes Dong Mingzhu unable to let go is not Meng Yutong, but the current society that "collapses etiquette and is happy" and emphasizes personal pleasure.

However, she forgot that there is no absolute right or wrong in this world.

Some people want to "rise from the ground", while others just "want to get a few fries across the dock." ”

In life, in just 100 years, who has not lived their lives according to their own wishes?

As Meng Yutong said: "No one can become the second Dong Mingzhu." ”

Because of each of us, the only thing we can be is ourselves.

The author of this article | Spring Xiaohuai

Editor-in-Charge | Faint emerald

Curated | Faint emerald

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