
Urine has a great impact on children, but many young parents are still following suit, but they don't know that they are cheating their babies

author:History of the Bunsha

In today's society, many young parents born in the 80s and 90s still follow some traditional but unscientific practices on parenting, including the problem of "urinating".

Many older parents like to give urine to their children. On the one hand, they think that this can train the child's ability to control urination, so that the child will not pee everywhere; On the other hand, it can also ensure that the child is more clean and hygienic.

Urine has a great impact on children, but many young parents are still following suit, but they don't know that they are cheating their babies

However, this traditional "urine method" is actually extremely detrimental to the growth of the baby.

Some young parents today have similar mispractices. Xiao Zhou, for example, is a typical case. In order to save money, she used the so-called "new urine method".

The specific method is to give the baby urine on time, the purpose is to control the baby's urination time and reduce the use of diapers. At first, she thought it would save a lot of money.

Urine has a great impact on children, but many young parents are still following suit, but they don't know that they are cheating their babies

However, soon after, Xiao Zhou noticed that the baby had problems urinating frequently. Sometimes it's not time to pee, and the baby pees out on its own.

Worried about the child's health, Xiao Zhou took the baby to the hospital for examination, and the doctor judged that it was the sequelae caused by frequent urination.

It turns out that whether it is traditional or "new", the impact of urine on children is extremely profound. First of all, premature stimulation of immature urination muscle groups will affect the development of children's ability to urinate independently.

Secondly, the act of urinating can also cause some adverse effects on bone development, such as scoliosis, and hip displacement.

Urine has a great impact on children, but many young parents are still following suit, but they don't know that they are cheating their babies

Therefore, those young parents who urinate their children out of Xi or thrifty purposes still need to face up to this problem. Urinating is really harmful to children, and if you take the wrong action just for a small financial savings, it is tantamount to misleading your child and may also cause greater damage to your child's health.

Parenting cannot go against the laws of science, and this is something that the younger generation of parents need to recognize.

After realizing the dangers of frequent urination, Xiao Zhou decided to use diapers for the baby. However, there are many ways to choose diapers, and you must choose the right brand and model, otherwise it will not be good for your child's health.

First of all, the fabric of the diaper must be skin-friendly and soft, and it is not easy to cause allergies. Some inferior diapers use rough materials and direct contact with the skin, which can easily cause problems such as redness, swelling, and broken skin.

Urine has a great impact on children, but many young parents are still following suit, but they don't know that they are cheating their babies

Secondly, the leak-proof effect of diapers must be reliable, otherwise it will leak out when the urine is wet, which is embarrassing and easy to get infected. However, it is too breathable and will cause stuffiness and irritation to the skin.

In addition to this, the diaper should also be the right size. It is too loose and loose, and it makes a sound during activity, which affects the wear; If it is too small, it is easy to strangle the skin, and long-term pressure can also lead to skin necrosis.

Finally, the capacity of the diaper should not be too large or too small. Large volumes can be used at night, but during the day they must be used with fast-absorbing ones, otherwise excessive sweat and urine will be uncomfortable.

If you choose the wrong diaper, the consequences can be serious. Inferior fabrics can lead to severe skin allergies; Poor leakage of urine to cause infection; The size is not suitable, and long-term tightening causes too much capacity, inconvenient movement, too small, and frequent pollution.

Urine has a great impact on children, but many young parents are still following suit, but they don't know that they are cheating their babies

Therefore, the choice of diapers also needs to be cautious and pay enough attention. The right diaper can make the baby's skin healthy and happy, and the correct choice is especially important.

In addition to being aware of the dangers of urine, young parents should also learn how to choose diapers suitable for their children, which is also related to their children's growth.

In the process of parenting, there is nothing wrong with moderate frugality, but thrift also needs to be had, and you can't be stingy everywhere just to save money.

Otherwise, it is likely to be a small loss, not only can not save much, but also may bring great harm to the growth of children.

Urine has a great impact on children, but many young parents are still following suit, but they don't know that they are cheating their babies

Xiao Zhou's original intention was to save money and reduce the number of times he used diapers with a "new urine method". But it turned out that this practice not only did not achieve the purpose of saving, but brought health risks to children.

It can be seen that there are certain necessary inputs and expenses in childcare, and if you try to save too much, it is likely to backfire and outweigh the losses.

It is true that it takes a lot of money just to prepare supplies for the baby. But as responsible parents, you should look at these expenses sensibly, and you can't just ask for money in the wrong place for the sake of momentary financial pressure.

Rational consumption is also a science, and the key is to figure out where you can save moderately and where you need to stick to it.

If you choose inferior or unsuitable baby products in order to save money, the result is likely to lead to problems with your child's skin, bones, etc. At that time, the cost of medical expenses may far exceed the original savings.

Urine has a great impact on children, but many young parents are still following suit, but they don't know that they are cheating their babies

Therefore, the new generation of parents needs to understand this correctly, do not go to extremes, and do not be stingy with the necessary investment in their children's growth. Only by spending money correctly and reasonably can children grow up healthy and happy.

After realizing the problem, Xiao Zhou was not discouraged, but took the initiative to choose to change. She began to Xi learn some scientific and reasonable parenting knowledge, and let her parenting concepts and methods gradually change.

At first, Xiao Zhou saw the advice of some parenting experts, but he didn't believe it and was a little resistant. However, for the sake of the baby's healthy growth, she decided to try to accept and practice first.

Gradually, seeing that the baby has indeed become cheerful and healthy due to reasonable parenting methods, Xiao Zhou's concept has also changed.

Urine has a great impact on children, but many young parents are still following suit, but they don't know that they are cheating their babies

Now Xiao Zhou is no longer the mother who is reckless in order to save expenses. She spends money when necessary, and has learned thrifty strategies, such as buying discounted diapers online and making her own baby food.

While taking care of the baby, she also became happy.

Now, Xiao Zhou spends more time with his baby, feeding, bathing, and playing games with him. The baby also grows into a lively and cute little girl. Every time she showed a sweet smile to her mother, it made Xiao Zhou feel extremely relieved and satisfied.

Xiao Zhou's story has also inspired more expectant mothers around them, making them realize that scientific care is the most important thing to take a reasonable view of parenting investment. Xiao Zhou has also become a competent role model for mothers, and her experience has taught more young parents of the new generation.

Urine has a great impact on children, but many young parents are still following suit, but they don't know that they are cheating their babies

In the current Chinese society, there are still certain misunderstandings in the parenting concepts and methods of many young parents born in the 80s and 90s. For example, the blind pursuit of frugality and disregard for the actual needs of children stems from the social environment in which this generation grew up.

However, if these problems are not corrected in time, it will not only jeopardize the growth of individual children, but also not help improve the overall quality of the next generation from a macro perspective. Therefore, it is necessary for all sectors of society to work together to improve the new parenting concept and help the younger generation establish scientific parenting methods.

First, families should value the holistic development of their children, not just their material lives. Schools should impart some parenting knowledge in relevant courses. Hospitals should discover problems in a timely manner and guide parents.

Urine has a great impact on children, but many young parents are still following suit, but they don't know that they are cheating their babies

The media should publish some expert suggestions to popularize scientific parenting knowledge.

If all aspects of society can provide guidance, support and help, many young parents can also get clear guidance when they are confused. Over time, the concept of parenting in the whole society will change in a more scientific and reasonable direction.

At that time, China's next generation will be able to have a healthier and happier growth environment.

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