
Parents suggested that "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond" be removed from the textbook, and the reason is because of these eight words, what do you think?


When it comes to Zhu Ziqing, there may be many people who can't help but think of their father's bent but still strong back in their minds. The reason why this article has such a big reputation is not only because the content of the article itself is attractive, but also because it is selected into the textbook every year, which has benefited generations of people immensely. In fact, in addition to "Back", Zhu Ziqing's "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond" was also compiled into the textbook.

However, "Night on the Lotus Pond" has caused a lot of controversy, and some parents have even asked that this text be removed from the textbook. Also from the hand of Mr. Zhu Ziqing, why did one resonate with everyone, but the other was asked to be removed from the textbook?

Parents suggested that "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond" be removed from the textbook, and the reason is because of these eight words, what do you think?

The picture comes from the Internet: Zhu Ziqing and his father's back

Zhu Ziqing was actually not his original name, but Zhu Zihua, and was later changed to Zhu Ziqing by himself. His hometown is in Shandong Province, and he moved to Yangzhou when he was six years old. For Zhu Ziqing, Yangzhou carries all his childhood dreams.

Zhu Ziqing's ancestors were scholars and were very knowledgeable, and he grew up in this atmosphere and also had a unique temperament of a scholar. Born in a literati family, coupled with Zhu Ziqing's own preference for literature, he is destined to take the literary route.

As the eldest son in the family, Zhu Ziqing has enjoyed the best resources in the family since he was a child. However, Zhu Ziqing, who is so rational, had a very serious conflict with his father, and this conflict directly led to a five-year estrangement between father and son.

Later, it may be because his father is old, or it may be that he suddenly woke up, so he wrote "Back".

Parents suggested that "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond" be removed from the textbook, and the reason is because of these eight words, what do you think?

The picture comes from the Internet: Zhu Ziqing's old photos

Many people say that if Zhu Ziqing hadn't written "Back", maybe his father would have hated him all the time, and even passed away with hatred for him. In fact, regarding the contradictions between the sons, outsiders can't comment on who is right and who is wrong, and they don't know what kind of mood Zhu Ziqing wrote "Back".

Parents all over the world love their children, although Zhu Ziqing's father refused to reconcile with his son, he has always been concerned about his son in his heart. Because the estrangement between the two is so deep that Zhu Ziqing's father obviously wants to care about his son, but he can't pull his face and take the initiative to find Zhu Ziqing.

After that, Zhu Ziqing's father took the initiative to contact his son in the name of caring about his grandson.

After Zhu Ziqing became a father, he finally realized the mood of being a father. Seeing that he needed to put so much effort into educating his son, and then thinking about how he treated his father, he suddenly had a feeling and gradually let go of his dissatisfaction with his father.

recalled that when he left his hometown to study in other places, his father sent him to the train station to part, Zhu Ziqing came from it and wrote "Back" in one breath. Although the text in it is not particularly brilliant, the feelings contained in it are the deepest.

Parents suggested that "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond" be removed from the textbook, and the reason is because of these eight words, what do you think?

The picture comes from the Internet: Zhu Ziqing thought of the scene where his father sent him to the train station to part

Some people criticized Zhu Ziqing for his discordant relationship with his father, saying that the articles he wrote violated common sense. However, although Zhu Ziqing has a big gap with his father, it does not mean that he has no feelings for his father. On the contrary, Zhu Ziqing relied on "Back" to completely reconcile with his father.

Although "Back" has been controversial, in the final analysis, it is just a matter of people's families and has little to do with the outside world. However, "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond" is different.

Those people criticized "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond", in fact, they were criticizing Zhu Ziqing's literary level, and this person who criticized Zhu Ziqing still has a lot of background, one of which is Yu Guangzhong.

In the impression of ordinary people, "Night on the Lotus Pond" has beautiful sentences, and has used metaphors to write the beautiful scenery of the lotus pond at night in many places. If it is a good article in the eyes of people, why is it an unqualified article in the eyes of the afterglow?

Parents suggested that "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond" be removed from the textbook, and the reason is because of these eight words, what do you think?

The picture comes from the Internet: Yu Guangzhong Comics

In the whole text, the most criticized by Yu Guangzhong is the paragraph about the description of lotus leaves. Zhu Ziqing first compared the lotus leaves to a girl's skirt, and then compared the fragrance of the lotus pond to the faint singing on the high-rise building, and compared the trembling of the lotus leaves and lotus flowers to lightning.

These three metaphors start from the senses of sight, hearing, and smell respectively to describe the lotus pond under the night that they see. In Zhu Ziqing's pen, the lotus pond at night presents a hazy beauty. The continuous metaphors, although relatively prosaic, make people feel full of simple beauty.

Secondly, when Zhu Ziqing described the lotus pond, he used folding words in many places, such as a series of folding words such as zigzag, Tiantian, and layers, coupled with a series of metaphors, so that the reader felt like he was in the middle of the lotus pond, saw the lotus flowers in the pond with his own eyes, and smelled the fragrance of the lotus flowers.

Parents suggested that "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond" be removed from the textbook, and the reason is because of these eight words, what do you think?

The picture comes from the Internet: Mantang Lotus

If Yu Guangzhong criticized Zhu Ziqing's writing level based on these two points alone, ordinary people would definitely not approve of it, after all, everyone reads the article from a different angle, and it is impossible to have no deviation at all.

However, there is one thing in the afterglow that resonates with parents, and what resonates with everyone is only a short eight words: "Like a beauty who has just come out of the bath".

Parents agree that students are at the age when they are most curious about everything, and Zhu Ziqing uses these eight words to describe the beauty of the lotus pond, although it is attractive enough, but it can't help but make people think about it.

Although this metaphor plays an important role in the text, students may think of something that is not very healthy when they read "like a beautiful woman who has just come out of the bath". Therefore, just because of the appearance of these eight words, parents even suggested that this article be removed from the textbook.

Parents suggested that "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond" be removed from the textbook, and the reason is because of these eight words, what do you think?

The picture comes from the Internet: read "It's like a beauty just out of the bath"

In fact, Yu Guangzhong is not the first person to question and criticize these eight words, Mr. Ye Shengtao is the first. This article was selected by Mr. Ye Shengtao into the textbook, and he saw the problem early on, and he also did not agree with these eight words.

Therefore, when he decided to include the article in the textbook, he thought of deleting these eight words. However, the reason why Mr. Ye Shengtao suggested deleting it was not that he completely felt that the content was too fragrant, but that it was a bit inappropriate to use "a beauty who had just come out of the bath" to describe the lotus pond.

In order to discuss whether these eight words are appropriate or not, there have been heated discussions in the educational and literary circles. In the end, the experts agreed that these eight words do not need to be deleted, and the unexpected content just reflects Zhu Ziqing's unique language charm.

Parents suggested that "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond" be removed from the textbook, and the reason is because of these eight words, what do you think?

The picture comes from the Internet: The education community starts a discussion

In the modern era of such an open concept, I personally feel that although Yu Guangzhong and the parents' opinions are unique, it does not mean that Zhu Ziqing's article is not well written. This article is not only Zhu Ziqing's masterpiece, but also a treasure in the prose world, whether it is writing or artistic conception, few people can control.

In the editor's view, using "the beauty who has just come out of the bath" as a metaphor for the lotus pond is also a visual enjoyment, and students should develop in an all-round way, and they can't delete the content because they are worried that the child wants to be crooked, which will lose the meaning of education itself.

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