
Zhang Zhenyu, an old Chinese medicine doctor, lived to be 85 years old, created a unique set of health preservation methods, and insisted on it for more than 40 years

author:Prometheus the Brave

Zhang Zhenyu (1920-2005) was a well-known theorist and clinician of traditional Chinese medicine. He founded the "Theory of Spleen and Stomach Division", "Theory of Liver Loss and Leakage" and "The Theory of Cough Suppression", which are recognized as innovative theories and new research results of Chinese medicine.

Zhang Zhenyu was born into a family of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and began to study traditional Chinese medicine with her father at the age Xi 16. Under the careful guidance of his father, he was familiar with the four classics of Chinese medicine and the works of the four masters of Jin Yuan, and laid a very deep theoretical foundation of Chinese medicine. In the 40s of the 20th century, he began to practice medicine independently, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was already a well-known local doctor. He has been engaged in TCM clinical practice for more than 60 years and TCM higher education for more than 50 years, and has made outstanding achievements, and is one of the founders and pioneers of the basic theory of TCM higher education in mainland China.

Zhang Zhenyu, an old Chinese medicine doctor, lived to be 85 years old, created a unique set of health preservation methods, and insisted on it for more than 40 years

Zhang Zhenyu is not only a theorist and clinician of traditional Chinese medicine, but also an expert in traditional Chinese medicine health preservation, he has created a unique set of health preservation methods, which he has persistently practiced for more than 40 years and has received good results. By the age of 80, except for the slightly weaker hearing, all other organs are normal, the spirit is strong, the thinking is clear, and the patient can also go to the clinic and teach. Mr. Zhang's health regimen mainly includes the following points, which you can refer to.

As a master of traditional Chinese medicine, Zhang Zhenyu highly admires the health preservation method mentioned in "Su Wen: The Ancient Theory of Innocence": "eat and drink sparingly, live regularly, and do not work in vain". He has also been following this principle to create his own specific regimen methods.

Zhang Zhenyu, an old Chinese medicine doctor, lived to be 85 years old, created a unique set of health preservation methods, and insisted on it for more than 40 years

He has always insisted on exercising to make his meridians and qi and blood flow smoothly, strengthen his spleen and temper, and promote the full digestion and absorption of food. However, Mr. Zhang is very opposed to excessive exercise, believing that too much is too much, and too much is pathological to the human body. Therefore, he never does strenuous exercise, mainly walking, tai chi, etc.

For diet, Zhang Zhenyu always follows the dietary structure of "Su Wen Tibetan Qi Law Treatise": "five grains for nourishment, five fruits for help, five animals for benefit, and five vegetables for abundance".

He has a light taste, rarely eats greasy and spicy food, usually likes to eat some fruits with a sour taste, and eats a little vinegar at every meal, which can increase appetite and help food digestion. He particularly emphasized that he had a thrifty diet, no matter what he ate, he was full of seven or eight percent, and insisted on coarse tea and light rice, and his life was very simple.

Zhang Zhenyu, an old Chinese medicine doctor, lived to be 85 years old, created a unique set of health preservation methods, and insisted on it for more than 40 years

Zhang Lao is extremely mentally recuperating. He highly admired the theory of "Tranquility and Nothingness, True Qi Comes from It, Spirit Guards, and Illness and Safety" in "Su Wen: The Ancient Theory of Innocence", emphasizing that only by "having both form and spirit" can people achieve the effect of "enjoying the heavens".

He warned people that nine times out of ten things are unsatisfactory, that a person's life cannot always be smooth, and that it is inevitable that they will encounter difficulties and ups and downs. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a normal heart, not to be distressed or discouraged in the face of setbacks, to remain optimistic, and to maintain a happy mood, so as to ensure physical and mental health. He stressed that fame and fortune should not be taken too seriously, but should be done in moderation.

Zhang Zhenyu, an old Chinese medicine doctor, lived to be 85 years old, created a unique set of health preservation methods, and insisted on it for more than 40 years

Mr. Zhang emphasized that health preservation must be persistent. If any kind of health preservation method is good and effective, if it is not adhered to for a long time, "three days of fishing, two days of drying nets", then it will not be able to achieve the purpose of health preservation. For many years, he got up at 6 o'clock every day and went to bed on time at 10 o'clock at night.

Mr. Zhang has been rigorous in his studies, and has compiled and published more than 20 textbooks and academic works of traditional Chinese medicine, making outstanding contributions to the development of traditional Chinese medicine science in mainland China.

Zhang Zhenyu, an old Chinese medicine doctor, lived to be 85 years old, created a unique set of health preservation methods, and insisted on it for more than 40 years