
Kong Lingxu, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner, has studied Chinese medicine for 50 years, and his health preservation methods may be helpful to you

author:Prometheus the Brave

Kong Lingxu (1939-2015), the 75th grandson of Confucius, the grandson of Kong Bohua, one of the four famous doctors in Beijing, and the son of Kong Xianglin, a famous doctor. Mr. Kong graduated from Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1964 with a major in traditional Chinese medicine, and has been engaged in traditional Chinese medicine research and clinical work since then.

Professor Kong Lingxu has adhered to the family education since he was a child, and when he grew up, he learned from others, had unique thinking in clinical practice, and formed his own style in treatment. At the same time, Kong Lao is also a well-known expert in Chinese medicine health preservation, who has studied Chinese medicine health preservation for 50 years and has his own views on health preservation. His health outlook is mainly in the following aspects, which may be helpful to you.

Kong Lingxu, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner, has studied Chinese medicine for 50 years, and his health preservation methods may be helpful to you

Professor Kong believes that the first priority of health preservation is to nourish the mind. He said: "There is a saying in the Neijing that 'tranquility and nothingness, and true qi follows from it'." In modern terms, it means that if a person has a peaceful mind, there will be less loss of righteous qi, sufficient yang energy, stronger ability to resist external evils, and greater possibility of maintaining good health. Whether you are in good health or suffering from a disease, your mindset comes first.

Professor Kong's years of clinical experience show that people with tumors are generally people who are not very good at mental. And if you have a good attitude, you will live longer if you have cancer, and if you have a bad attitude, you will have a short survival time, and some people will even die in January or February. In addition, from the perspective of long-lived people, although the conditions of individuals are very different, they all have a common characteristic, that is, open-mindedness, calm temperament, and few people with an irritable temper.

Kong Lingxu, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner, has studied Chinese medicine for 50 years, and his health preservation methods may be helpful to you

In terms of diet, Professor Kong advocates omnivorous, whether you like it or not, you should eat a little bit, so that the source of nutrition is more balanced. For modern people, the most critical thing is not the problem of insufficient nutrition, but the problem of unbalanced nutrition and overnutrition, so he emphasized that one point should be moderated diet, not excessive, but not lacking. A general criterion is not overweight, let alone obese.

As for eating fruits, Professor Kong believes that it is necessary to eat fruits that are suitable for the physique, otherwise it will be counterproductive. For example, kiwifruit is considered by Chinese medicine to be sweet and sour, and has the effect of removing stomach fire. If a person with a strong stomach fire eats it, it helps, while a person with a cold stomach eats it, which will aggravate the stomach discomfort. For example, people with an irritable temper, or people who are more prone to mouth sores, can eat more cold fruits.

Kong Lingxu, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner, has studied Chinese medicine for 50 years, and his health preservation methods may be helpful to you

Professor Kong also emphasized that health preservation has a certain regional nature, and the focus of health preservation is different under different climatic conditions. For example, Sichuan is heavy in dampness, so Sichuan people eat more hot food to help dissipate moisture. In Beijing, the climate is dry, so it is not advisable to eat more hot food, because it is easy to catch fire.

Professor Kong believes that tonic medicine should not be used lightly. The tonic method of traditional Chinese medicine is designed for the false person and false evidence, and it should not be made up in vain. There are two things that must be remembered: the strength of the year is really not replenished, and the low immunity is not supplemented.

Kong Lingxu, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner, has studied Chinese medicine for 50 years, and his health preservation methods may be helpful to you

Professor Kong also stressed the importance of participating in more fitness exercises. Such as jogging, walking, gymnastics, etc. However, exercise must be moderate, and don't move even a half-marathon or a full-marathon. Remember, it's too much.

In addition, Professor Kong emphasized the important role of high-quality sleep in health preservation, which is the most critical way for various organs of the human body to restore their function. Therefore, it is best to get a full 8 hours of sleep every day, and it is best to take a 30-minute nap at noon.

Kong Lingxu, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner, has studied Chinese medicine for 50 years, and his health preservation methods may be helpful to you

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