
5-1 burst, Yan Junling ranked 8th in the UAE Second Division, and the team with 3 wins in 12 games can also enter national football


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Speaking of which, this warm-up match of the national football team in the UAE is really an interesting story. Our national team, like a person who goes shopping and picks up clothes, always wants to find a "suitable" opponent. As a result, this time I had a very interesting match with a second division team in the United Arab Emirates, the regional sports team.

The bigwigs of our national football team went to the UAE for training this time, and they were obviously fully prepared. When I heard that I was going to play against the regional sports team, a mid-table team in the second division, I thought, isn't this just looking for a win. Look at the results of that team - 12 games, 3 wins, 7 draws, 2 losses, 16 points, 8th in the second division, I thought: this is good.

5-1 burst, Yan Junling ranked 8th in the UAE Second Division, and the team with 3 wins in 12 games can also enter national football

On the day of the game, the UAE Football Association was really powerful and sent four high-level referees to watch the national football team beat each other. Zhang Yuning, Wu Lei, and Lin Liangming led 4-0 in the first half, and this meeting was really exciting. But in the second half, it was unexpected.

I thought that the national football team would continue to lead, but it ended up playing 1-1 with the regional sports team. Remembering that the Thai Super League's Pathum United team had also defeated our Chinese Super League giants, this goal, although the national football team won in the end, but the second half of 1-1 was indeed a little embarrassing.

I was thinking, what's wrong with the national football team? Is it underestimating the opponent, or is it not enough preparation? After all, even the team that is ranked 8th in the second division should not let the national football team work so hard to win.

5-1 burst, Yan Junling ranked 8th in the UAE Second Division, and the team with 3 wins in 12 games can also enter national football

I have my own opinion about this game. Maybe the national football team wants to save face on the opponent's turf, after all, they are the hosts. But is this conceded goal really a reflection of the strength of our national football team?

Looking back on the performance of the national football team in this warm-up match, it was really polarizing. On the one hand, a strong offensive ability was demonstrated, and on the other hand, the holes in the defense were also exposed. Such a performance makes people question the future of the national football team.

I think the national football team needs to reflect deeply. Our team shouldn't just look for a winning feeling in the underdogs. This is not just a warm-up game, but an important test of the overall strength and tactical adaptability of the national football team. Judging from the details of the game, although the national football team has shown a certain amount of firepower on the offensive end, the negligence in defense and the instability of the overall tactics are more worthy of attention.

5-1 burst, Yan Junling ranked 8th in the UAE Second Division, and the team with 3 wins in 12 games can also enter national football

In the game, the moment the regional sports team scored a goal, not only the fans, but even the expression of goalkeeper Yan Junling was full of incredulity. This is not only the embarrassment of the moment when the goal is conceded, but also a true reflection of the overall strength of the national football team. The fact that the team in eighth place in the second division can score against us speaks for itself.

In this warm-up match, the national football team showed not only technical problems, but also a test of mentality and tactics. may be because the opponent is weak, the national football team relaxed its vigilance a little in the second half, resulting in negligence in defense. This kind of mentality is something we must pay attention to and improve in the future.

Looking back at this game afterwards, I can't help but think of some of the past experiences of the national football team. Whether it is a domestic league or an international competition, the national football team always seems a little powerless at critical moments. It's not just a matter of technique and physical fitness, it's more of a tactical and mental challenge.

5-1 burst, Yan Junling ranked 8th in the UAE Second Division, and the team with 3 wins in 12 games can also enter national football

Although this warm-up match ended in the victory of the national football team, the problems exposed cannot be ignored. For the national football team, every game should not only be about winning, but more importantly, finding problems in the game, improving and improving.

In the end, this warm-up match was not only a winning experience for the national football team, but also a profound lesson. It is hoped that the national football team can learn from this experience, not only in terms of technical progress, but also in terms of mentality and tactics. In this way, we can show a more stable and mature side in future competitions.

Readers, what do you think of this game? Welcome to leave a message to discuss the current situation and future of the national football team.

Looking back on this game, we can see that the national football team has bright spots and shortcomings at both offensive and defensive ends. Offensively, despite the beautiful first half, the performance in the second half was greatly reduced. This may reflect the team's instability and lack of tactical adaptability. Defensively, despite the quality of our players, our mistakes against the Second Division team exposed problems in the defensive system.

From a tactical point of view, the arrangement and adjustment of the national football team in this game are somewhat insufficient. Especially in the second half, it seems that the national football team lacks an effective response strategy. This is not only a technical problem, but also a lack of tactical arrangement and psychological preparation.

In terms of mental quality, this game also gave us a wake-up call. Football is not only a contest of technique and physical fitness, but also a test of mental quality. The response of the national football team in the face of emergencies seems to be a little immature. This will require special attention in future competitions.

To sum up, although this warm-up match brought victory to the national football team, what is more important is the problems it exposed. I hope that the national football team can learn lessons and continue to improve, both technically and psychologically, to do better. Let's look forward to the performance of the national football team in the future and bring us more surprises and pride!

Once again, we invite everyone to leave a message to discuss and share your views on this game, as well as your expectations and suggestions for the future of the national football team. Let's pay attention to the growth of the national football team and cheer for them!

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