
Blockade by the Houthis, Israel Strikes Back?Killing Iraqi Military Adviser in Syria, Iran: Countdown to Retaliation

author:Beacon front station

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu re-arrived in the Palestinian Gaza Strip on December 25, which is the second time Netanyahu has arrived in the Gaza Strip since the outbreak of a new round of conflict between Palestine and Israel. Israel has not released specific information on the attack on Palestinian personnel in the Gaza Strip, but the Qassam Brigades, a Palestinian Hamas armed faction, has continuously released videos of attacks on the Israel Defense Forces, thus letting the outside world know the actual combat capability of the "Heavenly Soldiers".

Blockade by the Houthis, Israel Strikes Back?Killing Iraqi Military Adviser in Syria, Iran: Countdown to Retaliation

Now Israel has to face not only the fierce attack of the Qassam Brigades, the Palestinian Hamas armed faction, but also the Yemeni Houthis, because Israel has been blocked by the Yemeni Houthis in the Red Sea, according to the announcement issued by the US Central Command, from October 17 to the present, the Yemeni Houthis have launched raids on 15 Israeli or Israeli-related merchant ships. The blockade of Israel by the Houthis in Yemen has caused Israel a great headache, because all cargo cannot be navigated through the Red Sea, so it has to make a detour through the Cape of Good Hope in Africa. At a time when Israel is being blockaded by the Houthis, Israel has a rhythm of counterattacks, and according to information released by Iran, Iran's senior military adviser in Syria was killed on December 25.

Blockade by the Houthis, Israel Strikes Back?Killing Iraqi Military Adviser in Syria, Iran: Countdown to Retaliation

Iran and Syria work closely together in the military field, and during the Syrian civil war, Iranian-backed Shiite forces fought to assist the Syrian government forces in their fight against rebel and religious extremists. Israel is quite uneasy about the entry of Iranian-backed Shiite forces into Syria, because Israel and Iran have deep contradictions, and Iran not only supports Shiite forces, but also supports Lebanese Allah militias. Iran has also openly supported the Houthis in Yemen, so after the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel has gritted its teeth on Iran.

Blockade by the Houthis, Israel Strikes Back?Killing Iraqi Military Adviser in Syria, Iran: Countdown to Retaliation

Iran has long been a thorn in Israel's side and a thorn in the flesh, and has taken action against Iran in a number of areas, including assassinations of key Iranian figures. Iran's senior military adviser in Syria was bombed on his way home from work on the 25th, when Israel carried out strikes on targets near Damascus, the Syrian capital, and killed Iran's senior military adviser in Syria during the bombing. Iranian President Raisi has publicly threatened Israel to pay for Israel's atrocities, and Iran's foreign minister has publicly stated that Iran's retaliation has entered the countdown.

Blockade by the Houthis, Israel Strikes Back?Killing Iraqi Military Adviser in Syria, Iran: Countdown to Retaliation

Judging from the fact that Israel blew up Iran's senior military adviser in Syria, there is quite a rhythm to counter the Yemeni Houthis, because the Yemeni Houthis are backed by Iran, so there is a "snake fight" operation, as long as Iran makes concessions, it can maintain the navigation of Israeli ships in the Red Sea. Obviously, Israel underestimated Iran's determination and strength to dare to fight, but in fact Iran has the ability to strike at the Israeli mainland, because Iran has ballistic missiles and hypersonic missiles, and Iran also has experience in striking US military bases, which is what Israel has to face.

Blockade by the Houthis, Israel Strikes Back?Killing Iraqi Military Adviser in Syria, Iran: Countdown to Retaliation

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