
The "big formaldehyde household" has found out: don't buy these 3 "daily necessities" anymore, they are releasing formaldehyde every day

author:Lee erudite Dane

In recent years, more and more news media have repeatedly reported formaldehyde poisoning incidents, calling for and reminding everyone to do a good job in formaldehyde treatment measures, but there will still be many families who do not pay enough attention, and formaldehyde poisoning will occur, causing some tragedies.

The "big formaldehyde household" has found out: don't buy these 3 "daily necessities" anymore, they are releasing formaldehyde every day

In order to improve the life of his family, Mr. Lin from Jiangsu Province specially bought a 120-square-meter house, and after the renovation, considering that there were more than two years old children at home, he deliberately waited for the house to be vacant for two years and ventilated before moving in.

The "big formaldehyde household" has found out: don't buy these 3 "daily necessities" anymore, they are releasing formaldehyde every day

Moving into a new house should have been the beginning of a happy life, but I didn't expect the child to get sick frequently and was finally diagnosed with leukemia, and the cause turned out to be formaldehyde left during home decoration.

The "big formaldehyde household" has found out: don't buy these 3 "daily necessities" anymore, they are releasing formaldehyde every day

Formaldehyde does have the potential to induce leukemia, but this is mainly based on occupational exposure to adult leukemia, the so-called occupational disease, such as the oil industry, shoe factories, etc.

In other words, some people are in close contact with higher concentrations of formaldehyde for a long time because they work in chemical plants and other places, and the risk of leukemia increases.

And the formaldehyde residue in our daily life is much lower than the dose of these occupational exposures, so there is no need to panic too much.

Current research cannot prove a direct relationship between excessive formaldehyde caused by decoration and leukemia, but the pollution caused by decoration is real and harmful to our health.

The "big formaldehyde household" has found out: don't buy these 3 "daily necessities" anymore, they are releasing formaldehyde every day

Many people think that formaldehyde is far away from us, but in fact, as an expert environmental expert pointed out: a few inconspicuous things in the house are formaldehyde households, and you must be careful when buying and using.

The "big formaldehyde household" has found out: don't buy these 3 "daily necessities" anymore, they are releasing formaldehyde every day

1. Mattress

There are many types of mattresses, among which palm pads have a lot of formaldehyde.

The palm mat is made of coconut palm, because the coconut palm is very soft and has weak support, so a large amount of glue needs to be used in the production process to set the shape, and it will contain a lot of formaldehyde, especially some cheap palm mats, not to mention the formaldehyde content. In addition, the pores on its surface are very sparse, so it is easier for formaldehyde to be released.

Therefore, if when buying a palm mat, the feeling of breaking it by hand is very hard and there is glue residue, you can basically determine that it is a glue mat.

The "big formaldehyde household" has found out: don't buy these 3 "daily necessities" anymore, they are releasing formaldehyde every day

2. Wallpapers

Everyone not only requires safety and comfort in the living environment, but also artistic beauty has gradually become a trendy pursuit. This makes wallpaper begin to enter the lives of thousands of households.

Many people think that the wallpaper on their walls is not only cheaper than tiles, but can also be changed at will. But you should understand that if you accidentally choose cheap and low-quality wallpaper, then the danger is great.

The "big formaldehyde household" has found out: don't buy these 3 "daily necessities" anymore, they are releasing formaldehyde every day

Although many wallpaper processes are constantly improving and improving, inferior wallpaper still exists. When inferior wallpaper is glued, the harmful substances produced are not only formaldehyde, but also benzene.

3. Resin tableware imitating ceramics

Many families choose imitation ceramic kitchenware to avoid being broken. However, some merchants will choose inferior and toxic formaldehyde resin in order to reduce the cost of products.

This substance may release formaldehyde when it comes into contact with hot or relatively hot food. Formaldehyde can also leach into food and pose a health threat to people.

The "big formaldehyde household" has found out: don't buy these 3 "daily necessities" anymore, they are releasing formaldehyde every day

The above 3 types of materials are all large formaldehyde users, so it is recommended to use them carefully. If you buy inferior materials, it will cause indoor formaldehyde to exceed the standard, causing harm to the body.

Formaldehyde can't be seen or touched, and you can't wait until your children are poisoned by formaldehyde to find that formaldehyde exceeds the standard, right?

In fact, there are already signs of excessive formaldehyde!

When these symptoms appear in a child, it suggests that formaldehyde is exceeded

Symptom 1: Red, watery eyes

The eyes are the windows of the soul, but excessive formaldehyde will irritate the eyes and cause various discomforts, such as redness, itching, tearing, etc., children have these symptoms, and must be tested to see if formaldehyde exceeds the standard.

The "big formaldehyde household" has found out: don't buy these 3 "daily necessities" anymore, they are releasing formaldehyde every day

Symptom 2: Cough, sore throat

Children often cough, to the hospital can not find out the cause, at this time to consider whether formaldehyde exceeded, because excessive formaldehyde will seriously irritate the respiratory mucosa, cough, sore throat and other symptoms, so be sure to pay attention.

The "big formaldehyde household" has found out: don't buy these 3 "daily necessities" anymore, they are releasing formaldehyde every day

Symptom 3: Red, swollen and itchy skin

If you find that the child is often scratching, or there are symptoms such as redness, swelling, itching, and rash on the body, it may be an allergic skin reaction caused by excessive formaldehyde, and parents need to take their children to the hospital as soon as possible.

The above are the symptoms that children with excessive formaldehyde will have, including red eyes, watery eyes, cough, sore throat, redness, swelling of the skin, itching, etc., and long-term inhalation of formaldehyde may induce leukemia.

The "big formaldehyde household" has found out: don't buy these 3 "daily necessities" anymore, they are releasing formaldehyde every day

If you want to remove formaldehyde safely and efficiently, the most effective way is to use formaldehyde removal products. Many people think that the use of products will affect the furniture or family members, and the use of products will not leave stains or marks on the furniture, let alone cause any harm to the family.

Therefore, you can rest assured that you can use formaldehyde removal products, provided that the products you use are guaranteed, and do not use inferior products casually. The following Xiaobian will share with you a few products that can effectively remove formaldehyde, the quality can be assured, it is Xiaobian himself who has used it, let's take a look.

1: Olvway formaldehyde scavenger:

The "big formaldehyde household" has found out: don't buy these 3 "daily necessities" anymore, they are releasing formaldehyde every day

Allova formaldehyde scavenger adopts a new "amino acid + photocatalyst" formaldehyde removal technology, which combines the characteristics of physical removal and chemical decomposition, and provides an innovative solution for the rapid and efficient degradation of formaldehyde molecules. The core is to integrate amino acid technology with photocatalyst technology to better deal with harmful formaldehyde in indoor air. Through adsorption and chelation, amino acid technology effectively adsorbs and fixes harmful gas atoms and molecules such as formaldehyde on the surface of the material, improves the degradation and removal efficiency, avoids its re-release into the indoor air, and ensures the improvement of indoor air quality.

The "big formaldehyde household" has found out: don't buy these 3 "daily necessities" anymore, they are releasing formaldehyde every day

Alvis Formaldehyde Scavenger: The ingredients are safe and reliable, free of oxidants, alcohol and fragrances, very safe for home use, the ingredients in the product will react with the air and convert into carbon dioxide and water. Tested by professional testing institutions, the efficiency of this product to remove formaldehyde is as high as 91%, which is a favorable player for removing formaldehyde. And don't worry about stains or marks.

2: Activated carbon:

The "big formaldehyde household" has found out: don't buy these 3 "daily necessities" anymore, they are releasing formaldehyde every day

Activated carbon itself has a certain effect on the adsorption of harmful substances and volatile harmful gases, so it can be used to effectively adsorb formaldehyde, especially in the newly renovated indoor environment or in the case of excessive formaldehyde, it is an effective choice.

Three: Yiya formaldehyde deep scavenger: The composition of this formaldehyde scavenger is mild, which effectively improves the free state and the formaldehyde inside the plate, and the decomposition products are pollution-free.

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