
The 57-year-old aunt made tea with roses every day, and after many years of physical examination, what changes happened to her body?

author:Lao Li Health said

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"Lao Wang, do you think my body is good? I make tea with roses every day! Aunt Wang said leisurely to her neighbor Lao Wang while flipping through the magazine.

Aunt Wang is 57 years old this year, don't look at her age, but her life is more exquisite than that of young people, and she has to make tea with roses every day, and she has insisted on it for more than ten years. She firmly believes that rose tea can beautify the skin and maintain youthful vitality.

The 57-year-old aunt made tea with roses every day, and after many years of physical examination, what changes happened to her body?

Lao Wang nodded and agreed: "Yes, Aunt Wang, you look really good, and you don't have a few wrinkles on your face." ”

She was full of confidence in her heart, feeling that she had insisted on drinking rose tea for so many years, and her health must be very good. However, when she got the physical examination report and found that several indicators were abnormal, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

The 57-year-old aunt made tea with roses every day, and after many years of physical examination, what changes happened to her body?

She was received by the attending doctor, Dr. Dai, a veteran doctor with more than 20 years of experience, who usually looked serious but always treated patients patiently. Dr. Dai looked at Aunt Wang's physical examination report, frowned slightly, and said, "Sister Wang, is there anything special about your living habits in the past few years?" ”

Aunt Wang said: "Doctor, I use roses to make tea every day, and I have been insisting on it for many years. You see, is my skin much better than my peers? ”

The 57-year-old aunt made tea with roses every day, and after many years of physical examination, what changes happened to her body?

Doctor Dai nodded and smiled: "Sister Wang, your skin is indeed good, and your complexion is also very good. However, long-term consumption of rose tea may also have some effects on some aspects of the body, let's take a look at your physical examination report. ”

Long-term consumption of rose tea, although it has a certain beauty effect, may also lead to an increase in the burden on the liver.

The 57-year-old aunt made tea with roses every day, and after many years of physical examination, what changes happened to her body?

Roses are rich in volatile oil components, which will cause certain pressure on the liver during the metabolism process in the body, especially if you drink a large amount of it every day, which is more likely to lead to an increase in the burden on the liver, and then cause some abnormal liver function.

Dr. Dai patiently explained: "Sister Wang, although rose tea is good, it should also be drunk in moderation. It is recommended that you reduce the amount of rose tea you drink in moderation and drink more other types of tea, such as green tea, chrysanthemum tea, etc., to balance the body's needs. ”

The 57-year-old aunt made tea with roses every day, and after many years of physical examination, what changes happened to her body?

Dr. Dai also pointed out that Aunt Wang's kidney function indicators were also abnormal. Although rose tea has a diuretic effect, long-term drinking may lead to an increase in the burden on the kidneys and some abnormal kidney function.

Some components in roses will also cause certain pressure on the kidneys during the metabolism process in the body, and long-term drinking in large quantities can easily lead to a decline in kidney function.

The 57-year-old aunt made tea with roses every day, and after many years of physical examination, what changes happened to her body?

Dr. Dai continued: "Sister Wang, although rose tea can be diuretic, we should also pay attention to the appropriate amount. It is recommended that you reduce the amount of rose tea you drink in moderation and drink more other types of tea to reduce the burden on your kidneys. ”

Although rose tea helps digestion, long-term consumption of large amounts may irritate the gastric mucosa, leading to a decrease in gastric function. Some components in roses have a certain irritating effect on the gastric mucosa and cause a burden on the liver for a long time.

The 57-year-old aunt made tea with roses every day, and after many years of physical examination, what changes happened to her body?

Roses are rich in flavonoids, although these substances have antioxidant effects, but excessive intake may affect the metabolic function of the liver, especially for some middle-aged and elderly people, the liver function has begun to weaken, and long-term excessive consumption of rose tea will increase the burden on the liver.

Aunt Wang was a little nervous when she heard this, and quickly asked, "Then what should I do now?" Is it that you can't drink rose tea anymore? ”

The 57-year-old aunt made tea with roses every day, and after many years of physical examination, what changes happened to her body?

Doctor Dai smiled and comforted: "Sister Wang, don't worry too much, as long as you drink in moderation and don't overdo it, it's not a big problem." In fact, many foods are like this, moderate amounts are beneficial, and excessive amounts are harmful. You can drink less every day, or every few days, and pay more attention to a balanced diet. ”

Dr. Dai also mentioned that Aunt Wang's blood sugar level was also a little high. Although rose tea itself does not contain sugar, Aunt Wang usually loves sweets, and long-term consumption of rose tea may lead to disorders of sugar metabolism in the body.

The 57-year-old aunt made tea with roses every day, and after many years of physical examination, what changes happened to her body?

Aunt Wang said a little embarrassedly: "I thought that drinking rose tea could be beautiful, so I didn't pay much attention to my diet." ”

Dr. Dai nodded and said, "Beauty is important, but health is even more important. It is recommended that you eat less sweets, eat more vegetables and fruits, and control your sugar intake. ”

The 57-year-old aunt made tea with roses every day, and after many years of physical examination, what changes happened to her body?

Aunt Wang nodded and carefully noted Dr. Dai's advice. Aunt Wang returned home with the physical examination report and began to adjust her living habits. She still uses roses to make tea every day, but instead of drinking too much as before, she pays attention to controlling the amount she drinks, and sticks to a balanced diet and moderate exercise.

A few months later, Aunt Wang went to the hospital again for a follow-up, and the results of the physical examination showed that the indicators were basically back to normal. She was ecstatic and sighed: "It seems that health really can't rely on one method alone, but still need to be comprehensively regulated." ”

The 57-year-old aunt made tea with roses every day, and after many years of physical examination, what changes happened to her body?

Dr. Dai was also happy for her and encouraged: "Sister Wang, keep this kind of living habits, I believe your body will get better and better." Aunt Wang nodded, welcoming each day with confidence, continuing her rose tea journey, but this time she learned to be in moderation and balance.

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The 57-year-old aunt made tea with roses every day, and after many years of physical examination, what changes happened to her body?

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