
The 54-year-old uncle slept and "snored", the hospital checked, and the doctor: these factors cannot be ignored!

author:Lao Li Health said

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"Doctor, I hear Uncle Huang snoring every night, I can't stand it anymore!"

But every night when he went to bed, his earth-shattering snoring made his wife, Aunt Li, miserable. Finally, Aunt Li couldn't bear it anymore and pulled Uncle Huang to Luo Hospital for examination.

The 54-year-old uncle slept and "snored", the hospital checked, and the doctor: these factors cannot be ignored!

The hospital's otolaryngologist is Dr. Zhang, an experienced and funny middle-aged man. After listening to Uncle Huang's narration, Dr. Zhang smiled and said, "Uncle Huang, your snoring is not simple, it may have a lot to do with your living habits. Let's check it out in detail. ”

Dr. Zhang suggested doing a sleep monitor to see if Uncle Huang's snoring was related to sleep apnea. The results showed that Uncle Huang did have a slight sleep apnea.

The 54-year-old uncle slept and "snored", the hospital checked, and the doctor: these factors cannot be ignored!

"Sleep apnea not only makes your sleep quality worse, but it can also cause daytime sleepiness and difficulty concentrating, and in the long run, it may also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease," Dr Zhang explains. ”

In the consultation room, Dr. Zhang explained in detail to Uncle Huang the effects of alcohol on sleep. "Uncle Huang, you have to drink less wine at night, alcohol relaxes the muscles in your throat, this snoring is not a joke." As he spoke, Dr. Zhang also made a special note of Uncle Huang's living habits, and prepared to help him formulate an improvement plan more accurately.

The 54-year-old uncle slept and "snored", the hospital checked, and the doctor: these factors cannot be ignored!

Next, Dr. Zhang mentioned the problem of Uncle Huang's weight. "You see, weight gain isn't just a matter of appearance, it also causes fat to accumulate in your neck and press down on your respiratory tract, which is also the culprit for your purring getting louder and louder." Dr. Teo advised him to lose at least 10% of his body weight, which would go a long way in relieving his snoring.

After hearing this, Uncle Huang agreed with it, but he was still a little worried, and couldn't help asking, "Doctor Zhang, if I really change my habit of drinking and eating supper as you said, can this snoring really become quieter?" ”

The 54-year-old uncle slept and "snored", the hospital checked, and the doctor: these factors cannot be ignored!

Dr. Zhang sighed, "Drinking alcohol will make the muscles of the throat and tongue become relaxed, and the airway will be more easily blocked. Especially after drinking, the breathing is not smooth, and the snoring is even louder. ”

Dr. Zhang replied with a smile, "Uncle Huang, our body is like a precision machine, which needs to be used and maintained correctly. With changes in your eating habits, a well-adjusted routine, and proper weight management, your snoring problem has a good chance of improving. Of course, it takes some time and your efforts, but with persistence, the results are significant. ”

The 54-year-old uncle slept and "snored", the hospital checked, and the doctor: these factors cannot be ignored!

Dr. Zhang also reminded Uncle Huang to return to the hospital regularly for follow-up check-ups and adjust the treatment plan according to the condition of the snoring.

After a while, Uncle Huang began to adjust his diet and routine according to Dr. Zhang's advice, and tried to avoid alcohol every night, choosing to drink some warm water.

The 54-year-old uncle slept and "snored", the hospital checked, and the doctor: these factors cannot be ignored!

"A few weeks ago, Uncle Huang listened to Dr. Zhang's words and began to adjust his sleeping position. He tries not to sleep on his back, because then his tongue and soft palate will press down on his throat and he will snore easily. Dr. Zhang also recommends a sleep pillow that is specifically designed to help keep you sleeping on your side. ”

After a few weeks, Uncle Huang's snoring was noticeably quieter, and he and his wife were very happy. Now, his sleep quality has improved greatly, he is no longer so tired during the day, and his energy is much better. These changes have greatly improved his quality of life, and he is grateful for Dr. Zhang's advice and help. ”

The 54-year-old uncle slept and "snored", the hospital checked, and the doctor: these factors cannot be ignored!

He purchased the recommended pillow and began to observe his sleeping position, and did notice that he was much less snoring when sleeping on his side. Uncle Huang felt that these changes helped him a lot, and he began to enjoy every quiet night.

A few months later, Uncle Huang came to the hospital again with excitement to report to Dr. Zhang on his progress. Dr. Zhang carefully reviewed his physical examination report and found that Uncle Huang had not only lost weight, but also significantly improved some other key physiological indicators.

The 54-year-old uncle slept and "snored", the hospital checked, and the doctor: these factors cannot be ignored!

Seeing these results, Dr. Zhang highly appreciated Uncle Huang's persistence and efforts, and encouraged him to continue to maintain this healthy lifestyle habit and continue to work towards a healthier life.

These lifestyle changes need to be sustained as a norm. Our physical condition is directly affected by lifestyle habits.

The 54-year-old uncle slept and "snored", the hospital checked, and the doctor: these factors cannot be ignored!

Occasionally, a little wine or dinner is too much, and it may make you snort again and again. But the key is to be aware of this and quickly adjust back. As long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle most of the time, indulging once in a while won't make much of a difference.

What do you think about snoring while sleeping? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 54-year-old uncle slept and "snored", the hospital checked, and the doctor: these factors cannot be ignored!