
"Four good rural roads" string together a new picture of beautiful countryside

author:View Weihai

Weihai City has recently won the honor of "Four Good Rural Roads" Provincial Demonstration City, and has realized the transformation of rural roads from "pass" to "smooth" and then to "good" by building beautiful rural roads and opening up the roads for the people to get rich.


In Xitanjiakou Village, Gejia Town, Wendeng District, villager Jiang Rengong was forking tomatoes from the cooperative, and he was deeply touched by the new changes brought by the highway to the village.

"Four good rural roads" string together a new picture of beautiful countryside

Jiang Rengong, a villager in West Tanjiakou Village, Gejia Town, Wendeng District, said that now that the road has been repaired, everything is good, and now that the road has been repaired, Rushan will also come, whether it is peaches, agricultural persimmons, sweet potatoes, and peanuts, they all come to us to purchase.

As part of the "Four Good Rural Roads", the Western Huanshan Road and other rural roads are connected into a network to open up the "last kilometer" of the fields, and it has also been selected as the third "Beautiful Rural Road" of the China Highway and Transportation Society. In addition, the new model of "highway + tourism" explored by Weihai connects the western ring mountain road with the eastern ring sea road to form a thousand-mile mountain and sea self-driving tourist highway, connecting the scenery along the way and driving the development of industries along the road. Shiboron Village, Zhuxiang Town, Rushan City, also relied on thousands of miles of mountains and seas to drive and tourist highways to find a new way to get rich.

"Four good rural roads" string together a new picture of beautiful countryside

Wang Yuanfen, member of the village committee of Shiboron Village and chairman of the Women's Federation in Zhuxiang Town, Rushan City, said that in the past, some apricots and cherry fruits could not be sold, and they would rot and lose them at home if they could not finish eating. There are also five or six farmhouses in the village, all of which are very prosperous, and now the small waist bags are bulging very well.

Build a road, drive an industry, and bring prosperity to the people. In recent years, the Weihai Municipal Transportation Bureau has taken the "Four Good Rural Roads" quality and efficiency improvement action as the starting point to comprehensively improve the service level of rural roads. So far this year, 48.1 kilometers of rural roads have been newly built and renovated, and 16 dangerous bridges have been renovated.

"Four good rural roads" string together a new picture of beautiful countryside

Zhang Junyao, chief of the highway section of the Municipal Transportation Bureau, said that in combination with the unique natural landscape and human settlements of Weihai City, 11 tourist highway improvement projects have been carried out, and 6 kilometers of newly reconstructed tourist roads have been completed, and 76 kilometers of tourist highway functions have been improved.

Source: Weihai News