
Some people blanch fried broccoli, some people fry it directly, it's all wrong, teach you the right way, it's crispy and delicious

Some people blanch fried broccoli, some people fry it directly, it's all wrong, teach you the right way, it's crispy and delicious

Sautéed broccoli is a home-cooked dish, and many people make two common mistakes when cooking: one is to blanch the water, and the other is to stir-fry it directly. Both of these methods have their drawbacks and affect the taste and nutrition of broccoli. Today I am going to share a unique method of stir-frying broccoli, through specific steps, to make the broccoli more crisp and tender, and the texture is more flavorful.

First, we need to prepare fresh broccoli. Choose broccoli that is dark green and has tight flowers and no yellow spots, which will ensure the freshness and taste of the ingredients.

The first step is to prepare the broccoli. Cut the broccoli into small pieces and separate the stems from the flowers for later use. The stems are slightly diagonally cut to help improve the flavor when stir-fried.

The second step is pickling. Marinate the broccoli stems and flowers in two large bowls and add salt, white pepper and light soy sauce for about 15-20 minutes. This step is to allow the broccoli to absorb the seasoning better and enhance the overall taste.

The third step is pre-processing. Drain the pickled broccoli to make sure to remove as much excess water as possible. In this step, some starch can be added to enhance the taste of broccoli.

Next is the crucial step, and what makes this method unique: choosing the right wok. It is recommended to use an iron pot, reduce the heat to medium-low heat, and add an appropriate amount of vegetable oil after heating. When the oil temperature is moderate, add the broccoli stems and stir-fry quickly to absorb the oil evenly.

Some people blanch fried broccoli, some people fry it directly, it's all wrong, teach you the right way, it's crispy and delicious

Then, add the broccoli flowers and continue to stir-fry evenly. In this process, you can add some chopped green onions, ginger and garlic to enhance the overall aroma. Pay attention to the heat, don't let the broccoli become too soft, and maintain a certain crisp and tender texture.

While stir-frying, you can add some special sauces, such as a little sugar to enhance the sweetness, and an appropriate amount of chicken essence to enhance the umami. It can be adjusted according to personal taste, but it is recommended to keep it light to highlight the original flavor of broccoli.

The final step is to add an appropriate amount of water, cover the pot and simmer for a while. This step allows the broccoli to absorb the flavor better, ensuring that each slice is fully absorbed with the seasoning.

Through the above steps, we successfully concocted a crispy and flavorful stir-fried broccoli. This method is unique in that it not only retains the original flavor of broccoli, but also makes the broccoli more flavorful and richer through specific pickling and frying steps.

In addition to being delicious, fried broccoli has a rich nutritional profile and has multiple benefits for the body. First of all, broccoli is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K and folic acid, which has a significant effect on promoting metabolism, enhancing immunity, and preventing anemia. Secondly, broccoli is rich in fiber, which helps to promote intestinal peristalsis and maintain intestinal health. In addition, sulfides and other components in broccoli also have antioxidant and anti-cancer effects, which have certain benefits for the prevention of chronic diseases.

Overall, stir-fried broccoli, although a simple home-cooked dish, can be made more flavorful and crispy with clever cooking techniques. At the same time, the rich nutrients contained in broccoli itself also make this dish more healthy and nutritious while enjoying the taste. In the process of cooking, we can not only be creative and add some personal favorite seasonings, but also adjust them according to our taste preferences. I hope that when you taste this delicious stir-fried broccoli, you can feel the pleasure brought by the food, and at the same time enjoy the dual taste of health and deliciousness.

Some people blanch fried broccoli, some people fry it directly, it's all wrong, teach you the right way, it's crispy and delicious

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