
How old is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

author:The grass in the valley looking up at the sky

At present, the cleaning effect of children's electric toothbrushes has been recognized by many professionals, and various Internet celebrities and mother and baby bloggers have also recommended various brands of children's electric toothbrushes. Therefore, although the price is much higher than that of manual toothbrushes, it still attracts many parents to buy them for babies and children. However, as an oral hygienist, I have come across children who have suffered dental damage due to the wrong use of an electric toothbrush. The fundamental reason is that parents do not know what age it is appropriate for their babies to use electric toothbrushes, and they do not know how to choose the right high-quality children's electric toothbrushes. Therefore, today I have specially compiled a popular science article to discuss related issues with you and teach you how to better choose the right children's electric toothbrush. The picture below is the children's electric toothbrush product I have studied:

How old is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

1. How old is a children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

At what age are electric toothbrushes for children? Let's explore this often overlooked question. Despite the popularity of electric toothbrushes, they do require a certain tolerance from the mouth. If your child's mouth has not developed to the proper extent, blindly using an electric toothbrush will definitely cause damage to the teeth. Next, I will share with you how children of different ages should keep their mouths clean:

1. 6 months to 1 year old: At this stage, the child's baby teeth begin to grow, the mouth is very sensitive, there is no need to use a toothbrush or toothpaste, just parents use a soft cotton cloth dipped in water to gently wipe the teeth and gums.

2. 2-3 years old: Most children's baby teeth have grown together and should start Xi brushing. Parents can choose to use a toothbrush made of silicone, and it is best to choose a front design with a flap to prevent stabbing the mouth and make it safer.

How old is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

3. Over 4 years old: Most children's baby teeth are already stronger, they are able to eat more food, so they need to clean their mouths more carefully, otherwise they are prone to tooth decay. Most dentists recommend using a children's electric toothbrush that cleans better for children over the age of 4.

2. Five benefits of using a children's electric toothbrush

At what age is an electric toothbrush for children?Nowadays, dentists are more supportive of children over 4 years old to use electric toothbrushes. As we all know, the rate of tooth decay in children is very high, parents want to give their children a good children's electric toothbrush to prevent tooth decay, so what are the benefits of letting children use electric toothbrushes? It is better than manual toothbrushes, where will people feel that it is worth starting? Here I will do a simple analysis, relatively speaking, the use of children's electric toothbrushes brings greater help.

How old is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

Benefit 1: Significant cleaning effect, better prevention of tooth decay.

Compared with traditional toothbrushes, children's electric toothbrushes have a significant cleaning effect, which can remove dirt and bacteria from the mouth more thoroughly, thus effectively preventing the occurrence of tooth decay. While traditional toothbrushes rely heavily on wrist strength for power, children's electric toothbrushes are able to clean food and bacteria from the surface and between teeth more deeply.

How old is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

Benefit 2: The vibration frequency is uniform and stable, and the brushing force is accurately controlled

The brush head of the children's electric toothbrush vibrates evenly and consistently, allowing for more precise control of brushing force. Traditional toothbrushes can be uneven due to the limitations of hand muscle control, sometimes too heavy or too light, which can easily lead to tooth damage or incomplete cleaning. The children's electric toothbrush can accurately control the brushing intensity according to the child's oral condition and needs, which is not only more comfortable, but also can effectively clean the teeth.

Benefit 3: Save time and effort

Compared with traditional toothbrushes, children's electric toothbrushes are more time-saving and labor-saving to use. Traditional toothbrushes rely on the strength of the hand to brush your teeth, and the brushing time is relatively long. The children's electric toothbrush only needs to put the brush head on the teeth, which reduces the amount of labor in the hands and saves the brushing time.

Advantage 4: The threshold for use is low, and the operation is simpler

Children's electric toothbrushes have a relatively low threshold for use and are easier to operate. Traditional toothbrushes require proper brushing technique and intensity, which can be difficult for children. And children's electric toothbrushes can start brushing by simply pressing the switch, without too much skill and operation.

Benefit 5: It is more fun and more active in brushing your teeth

The design of children's electric toothbrushes is diverse, interesting, and can stimulate children's interest and initiative in brushing their teeth. Many children's electric toothbrushes feature cute cartoon characters, rich colors, and music effects to make the brushing process more fun. Children may be more willing to brush their teeth because of cartoon images or musical sounds on their toothbrushes, thus developing good brushing Xi habits.

How old is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

3. Inventory of the three major drawbacks of inferior products

What age is an electric toothbrush for children suitable for?Although an electric toothbrush can bring these benefits to children over the age of 4 with oral care, it is all based on the use of quality products. Children's oral sensitivity and high rate of tooth decay, if you use inferior products or brush your teeth in the wrong way, there are the following disadvantages of tooth damage:

How old is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

Tooth damage 1: Aggravate the child's pre-existing dental problems

During the use of children's electric toothbrushes, if the child's teeth already have problems, such as tooth decay, bleeding gums, etc., the use of electric toothbrushes may aggravate these problems. This is because the vibration and rotation of the brush head of an electric toothbrush may overstimulate the affected area, causing dental disease to worsen.

Tooth damage 2: bleeding from teeth and gums

If you choose a product that is not easy to use, children's electric toothbrushes are easy to wear and tear children's teeth, and inferior children's electric toothbrushes will also bring excessive irritation to the mouth and cause bleeding teeth and gums.

How old is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?
How old is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

Tooth injury disadvantage 3: chronic tooth injury.

Brushing teeth with low-quality products every day is actually a chronic tooth injury, and the child may not feel obvious discomfort at first, but when it is found that the teeth bleed frequently, the teeth become sensitive, and even the gums reced, it will be difficult to cure.

Fourth, uncover the five reasons why children's electric toothbrushes hurt their teeth

In addition to choosing products according to the age needs of children, parents should also pay attention to choosing products with a high degree of professionalism to avoid the above serious tooth damage. In the face of many brands in the market, how to prevent these tooth hazards? We can understand the causes of the harm and avoid it in advance. The following four points are summarized on the basis of the negative evaluation chart of children's toothbrushes released by the authoritative forum, so that parents can further understand:

How old is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

Reason 1: Your child's oral tolerance is low

Because children's teeth and gums are not yet fully developed, their mouths are more sensitive and fragile than adults. If you use an electric toothbrush that is too powerful or vibrates too fast, it can easily cause damage to your teeth and gums. Parents should take into account their child's oral tolerance when choosing a children's electric toothbrush and choose a product that is suitable for the characteristics of the child's mouth.

Reason 2: Your child's brushing technique is wrong

Due to your child's limited mastery of brushing skills, it is easy to use too much force or use an incorrect brushing position when using an electric toothbrush. This can cause tooth surfaces to be brushed and gums to be injured. Therefore, parents should teach their children the proper brushing techniques and supervise their children to avoid using excessive force when using electric toothbrushes.

How old is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

Reason 3: Children's mouths grow fast

Your child's mouth grows faster, and the condition of the teeth and gums may change, and new teeth may erupt or change in position as your child's teeth are still developing. If you use an electric toothbrush that is not designed to be adaptable, it may cause unnecessary irritation and damage to your teeth and gums. When buying a children's electric toothbrush, parents should choose products with age-specific design to adapt to the changes in their child's oral growth.

Reason 4: Follow the trend and buy unprofessional influencer products

Nowadays, the Internet is full of promotions of various Internet celebrity products, including children's electric toothbrushes. Some unprofessional or substandard products may pose a risk to your child's oral health. Parents should choose carefully when buying children's electric toothbrushes and choose products with strong professional strength to ensure the quality and safety of the products.

Reason 5: Children's electric toothbrushes do not have an age-specific design

Depending on the age of the child, the oral development and brushing needs are different. If you use an electric toothbrush that is not designed for different age groups, it can have a negative impact on your child's oral health. Therefore, parents should choose products with age-specific designs when buying children's electric toothbrushes to meet the different needs of children's oral development.

How old is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

And almost all brands are promoting products for efficient cleaning and tooth protection, but there are many examples of tooth injury, so to choose a good product, you need to compare more, for example, look at the cleaning power and tooth care data score table between different brands of children's toothbrushes released by professional institutions, and know which products are better to use. Below I will also share with you a few products that I think are good after testing:

How old is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

Among thousands of brands, Filix is recognized as a professional and technical brand, as the pioneer of the domestic "tooth-free" field, is the most professional in this field, and is also the only brand that has been certified by the European Union, the United States and other countries! DPP micro-frequency dynamic compensation technology, etc., has been tested by a national authoritative testing agency to have strong cleaning power and reduce 90% of brushing damage, and has rarely been certified by the European Union and other countries! Strong power and low attenuation, very strong seismic frequency stability and balance, good compatibility with domestic complex children's teeth, and after more than 6 years of anti-attenuation design and testing, it has achieved 6 years of comprehensive performance, durability, tooth injury rate certification, and the non-toxic and anti-corrosion resistance of the bristles has been increased by 98.3%, which is safer and non-toxic.

The key to what they can do is to focus on professionalism and do not engage in redundant functions or redundant models, just seven or eight years of hard work for a product, iterate more than 20 times, and optimize more than 300 details. In order to "clean efficiently and without hurting teeth", a number of original technologies have been created, and more than 100 technical adjustment parameters such as vibration frequency, power, and sweeping angle have been adjusted, and the deviation value of various performance indicators in more than 6 years is not higher than 0.1%. It has never advertised but has become popular under the recommendation of many dentists, and sales in offline channels have skyrocketed. Many celebrities and celebrities also choose to use their products for their children. In the face of the soaring rate of tooth injury, Huile's professional, rigorous and safe product concept, the product as a strict medical product research and development has been recognized, and the majority of dentists generally believe that it is super good for oral protection!

In addition, Philips, as an international brand, has a particularly strong sense of vibration, and the stability output is also good. However, as a European and American brand, it may be specially designed for European and American children's teeth, and the overall vibration and power range are small, and the compatibility with the dental characteristics of domestic children at different stages is slightly poor, so it is necessary to pay attention to selection. In terms of after-sales, Philips does not support trials, and the brush head is more expensive, requiring about 150 yuan a year. Huile not only supports trial, but also gives away 5-year brush heads for a limited time.

If you have to buy a cheap one, I recommend Bayer, the price is relatively cheap, the basic function experience can meet the entry requirements of people who are not high, it does not support trial, the brush head is about 20 yuan.

How old is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

5. 8 practical tips to avoid inferior products

What age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?Children over 4 years old can use a children's electric toothbrush to care for their teeth, and the cleaning power is also better, which can prevent children's tooth decay. There are so many products on the market, how to choose a professional product for lightning protection? The following are 8 practical tips I have summarized for you, and there will be no problem with following the choice:

1. The roundness of the bristles is higher than 80%

This point will only be valued by professional products, the bristles that have been rounded will not be sharp, the higher the roundness, the less it hurts the teeth, and it will not be wrong to choose more than 80%.

2. Choose a product with low noise

Children will be scared to brush their teeth because of the noise, and the internal structure of this kind of product is also unstable, poor material, it is best to choose a product with low noise, the quality will be better.

3. Priority is given to those with strong professional strength!

The first choice is a product with many years of oral care experience, which will be technically tuned to the performance of the motor, vibration frequency, sweeping angle, etc., with high compatibility and strong professionalism to ensure that the cleaning does not hurt the teeth!

How old is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

4. Do not choose a U-shaped children's electric toothbrush

The U-shaped children's electric toothbrush has attracted the attention of parents because of its design concept of designing the toothbrush head into a U-shape, however, this design hides the risk of tooth damage in actual use. The U-shaped toothbrush head does not fit perfectly with the teeth, and the silicone brush head is too soft, which cannot effectively clean the teeth, and it is easy to cause gum bleeding problems.

5. The size of the brush head is very important

The brush head is the right size to be able to rotate flexibly to clean each tooth, just choose the brush head like this: the length can take care of 2-3 teeth, and the height does not exceed the height of the teeth.

How old is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

6. Rejection of "functional" products.

Nowadays, there are too many products that always emphasize the functions of bristles that can inhibit bacteria or contain fluoride, in fact, they are all fooling people, and have no practical effect, but will hide the hidden danger of tooth damage, and it is not recommended for parents to choose.

7. Choose a brand that supports unpacking and trials.

Be sure to choose after-sales reliable and professional products, it is best to support unpacking and trial, the warranty period is more than one year, once the product is not suitable for children, it can also be returned, so as not to lead to idleness.

8. The sweeping angle is between 3-6 degrees.

If the sweeping angle of the product is too large, it will stimulate the oral cavity and cause tooth injury, but if the sweeping angle is too small, it will affect the cleaning effect, so it is more appropriate to choose the sweeping angle at 3-6 degrees.

How old is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

The above is the relevant popular science on this issue, parents should also know that they can not casually choose children's electric toothbrush products for babies, children, and children, and they need to choose professional and reliable products in many ways to achieve the purpose of maintaining oral health and not hurting teeth!

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