
The first woman in China! A single mother sold her house to climb the mountain, and climbed 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters in 7 years

author:Ordinary Xi Club

How does a Hunan girl feel when she becomes a single mother overnight? This woman named Luo Jing suffered a waterloo in her life in 2006.

Her husband said goodbye, leaving her with a list of debts and a son who was only 1 year old.

The first woman in China! A single mother sold her house to climb the mountain, and climbed 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters in 7 years

Luo Jing has a tough personality and is typical of Hunan women. She was very stubborn when she was a child, and her mother also described her as a girl who was very good at the word "strong". Even if she was beaten and scolded, she could endure the pain and never bow her head.

But the cruel storm of life came too suddenly, and even Luo Jing, a woman of high quality, was inevitably caught off guard.

She worked hard to pay off her debts and had to sell the old house she bought in Beijing's Third Ring Road. A single mother who left her hometown and moved from the 3rd Ring Road to the 5th Ring Road with her young son.

The cost of living here is higher, and Luo Jing has to live a life of gritting her teeth. She works during the day to support her family and takes care of her son at night. All the housework fell on her shoulders.

The first woman in China! A single mother sold her house to climb the mountain, and climbed 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters in 7 years

Returning to the pre-liberation period overnight, the woman who became a housewife was a huge blow to Luo Jing. She is no longer the woman who can spend her time freely and chase her passions. Now she is under heavy financial pressure, and she has to focus on her son at all times.

At first, Luo Jing had to give up her outdoor interests and devote all her time to supporting her family. But the hard work day after day without any spiritual sustenance made her feel that her life was hollowed out.

She also gradually realized that she should not let the burden of life overwhelm her, but should keep her own passion.

So, in 2011, Luo Jing regained her childhood dream and stepped on the first peak. A single mother, while protecting her family, is also pursuing her own meaning in life. This is Luo Jing's unyielding spirit of life.

The first woman in China! A single mother sold her house to climb the mountain, and climbed 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters in 7 years

In 2011, 35-year-old Luo Jing chose her first 8,000-meter peak, Mount Manaslu in Nepal, to announce the beginning of her mountaineering dream.

This is a daunting height, and normal people will be physically unwell due to altitude sickness. For a new mountaineer, challenging 8,000 meters is a huge test.

But Luo Jing didn't back down. She paid 100,000 yuan to join the business group in Manaslu, which was originally the money she used to buy a car. In order to fill in the technical shortcomings, she chose to lead the climb with a guide.

At first, Luo Jing was just a mountaineering "puppet" who obeyed the command. In order to satisfy the tour guide, she didn't dare to have any ideas of her own, so she only knew how to act mechanically according to the requirements and was "led" all the way.

The first woman in China! A single mother sold her house to climb the mountain, and climbed 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters in 7 years

But this challenge opened up Luo Jing's passion for mountaineering and made her realize that her ability was far from enough. To truly conquer the peak, she will need to put in more time and energy.

After returning to China, Luo Jing began to teach herself mountaineering skills, and increased altitude training to improve her body's adaptability. She overcame her fear of mountains and learned Xi various mountaineering skills, such as building snow caves and using crampons.

In order to let her son see a mother who is brave enough to pursue her dreams, Luo Jing also made up her mind to do anaerobic mountaineering. This was a huge test of physical strength and willpower, but Luo Jing did not flinch.

She began to save money and put more of her savings into mountaineering training. Even if her family has limited conditions, she does everything she can to protect her mountaineering dream.

The first woman in China! A single mother sold her house to climb the mountain, and climbed 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters in 7 years

In 2015, Luo Jing successfully summited Makalu Peak at 8,516 meters above sea level, the second 8,000-meter peak she has conquered. This place is already in the "death zone", but Luo Jing is still tenacious step by step and has not given up.

Although the process was very difficult, when he stood on the top of the mountain, Luo Jing was greeted with a great sense of accomplishment and desire to conquer. This gives her the strength to keep moving forward. It is admirable that a mother can have such a strong will.

In 2015, Luo Jing was on her way to conquer Bloat, when she encountered the most terrifying moment of her life - being swept into an avalanche.

At that moment, a huge wave of snow surged down above her head, and before she could react, her whole body was drowned in ice and snow. The world spins around, and she is caught up in the rioting forces of nature.

The first woman in China! A single mother sold her house to climb the mountain, and climbed 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters in 7 years

"I'm probably really going to finish this time. Luo Jing thought desperately.

Under the weight of the avalanche, she tumbled and fell into the valley, the loud sound of the avalanche roaring in her ears. The safety rope tightened her chest and made it difficult for her to breathe.

Just when Luo Jing thought that her life had come to an end, she finally fell into a snow cave and escaped by luck. Sherpa extended a rescue hand to her and saved her from the snow. Only then did Luo Jing realize that her talent was on the line of death.

Seeing that her teammates around her were only slightly injured, Luo Jing couldn't help but cover her face and cry bitterly. The moment of life and death that she had just experienced was too thrilling, and the fear and vulnerability in her heart finally exploded.

The first woman in China! A single mother sold her house to climb the mountain, and climbed 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters in 7 years

This avalanche is like a slap in the face for Luo Jing's life. She suddenly realized that the power of the mountains was not something she could contend with. It can end the life of a climber at any moment.

Since then, Luo Jing has been full of awe of nature. She began to reflect on her recklessness and self-indulgence. Life is great and precious, and she is grateful to God for giving her a second chance to live.

This life-and-death baptism allowed Luo Jing to be reborn. She is no longer as reckless as she used to be, but has learned to cherish every opportunity to reach the top even more. Nature has sharpened her, but it has also made her mature and resilient.

After successfully reaching the top many times, Luo Jing's desire to challenge herself is growing day by day. Not satisfied with ordinary mountaineering, she began to yearn for the extreme challenge of oxygen-free climbing.

The first woman in China! A single mother sold her house to climb the mountain, and climbed 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters in 7 years

The so-called anaerobic mountaineering means that the climber does not carry any oxygen device and completely relies on the body's own adaptability. This requires the body's ability to resist pressure and lung capacity, and the probability of failure is also very high.

But Luo Jing is still determined to achieve the goal of self-conquest through oxygen-free mountaineering. She didn't want to be seen as a "weakling" who relied on oxygen to get to the top.

In order to achieve an anaerobic ascent to the top, Luo Jing began to do a lot of physical training. She pushes her limits by doing high-intensity workouts like a weighted wall clock and adding long aerobic runs.

These trainings made her tired every day, but Luo Jing did not give up.

The first woman in China! A single mother sold her house to climb the mountain, and climbed 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters in 7 years

Finally, in 2016, Luo Jing ushered in the first opportunity of anaerobic sprint in her life. Her goal is Annapurna at 7,161 meters above sea level.

However, the result was a painful failure. In the anaerobic state, Luo Jing was only supported to a place 1 hour away from the peak, and could no longer move forward, so he could only turn around and retreat.

During the whole process, she vomited and suffered a lot of physical and mental torture. Despite this, Luo Jing was still unwilling to admit defeat. Defeat only fueled her desire to win. After resting for a while, Luo Jing began to prepare for the anaerobic sprint again.

This time, she strengthened her lung capacity training and also used scientific nutrition to improve her body's tolerance. And she learned Xi methods of strengthening the mental will to eliminate the negative emotions of fear of heights and exhaustion.

The first woman in China! A single mother sold her house to climb the mountain, and climbed 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters in 7 years

Trying to move forward through failures and tribulations is the courage to pursue your dreams. Although the journey of anaerobic mountaineering is long and arduous, Luo Jing is confident that she will succeed, because she will not easily give up the pursuit and transcendence of herself.

For the dream of mountaineering, Luo Jing can be said to do whatever it takes. Even with limited financial conditions, she found ways to provide for her challenges.

The first 7 8,000-meter peaks were completed by Luo Jing at her own expense. This includes not only the expensive equipment costs, but also the sky-high service fees of professional mountaineering teams.

Climbing an 8,000-meter peak alone requires an investment of at least 100,000 yuan. As a single mother, Luo Jing has limited economic conditions, so it is impossible to support such a high amount of consumption at one time.

The first woman in China! A single mother sold her house to climb the mountain, and climbed 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters in 7 years

But the desire for her dreams made Luo Jing forget herself. She did not hesitate to borrow money from relatives and friends, and even took credit from the mountaineering company to climb the mountain first and then repay the loan. Her circle of friends has been full of comments about "Brother Jing's generous shots".

Even if life is more difficult because of this, Luo Jing will never regret it. Climbing the peaks between those white clouds has been her heart for too many years. She can finally let go of her passion and pursue her passion, even if she pays all her savings and even extreme poverty.

Maybe this kind of radicalism seems crazy, but in Luo Jing's heart, she is even more unwilling to live up to her only opportunity. In any case, climbing to the top again and again proves that she did not sacrifice and invest in vain.

Only by giving up everything for your dreams can you feel the meaning of life. This is also the strength of Luo Jing's continuous encouragement. When standing on every snowy peak, she will be proud of her courage and perseverance.

The first woman in China! A single mother sold her house to climb the mountain, and climbed 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters in 7 years

In the process of challenging herself and sprinting to the peak many times, Luo Jing brushed shoulders with life and death several times, which gave her a deeper understanding of life.

For example, during the 2013 Palbat Peak expedition, the news that her mentor was killed in the local area made Luo Jing feel frightened and frightened. She nearly gave up the adventure, but eventually plucked up the courage to complete the challenge.

This incident made Luo Jing realize the fragility of life and the unexpected that befell her. It comes and goes as fast as it comes, and there is no room for a moment of slackness.

The tragedy that occurred in Kanchenjunga in the same year deepened Luo Jing's understanding. During the retreat of a small team, 5 people were unfortunately killed. At that time, Luo Jing also passed this life and death, and with only a few hours of difference, she may have slept between ice and snow.

The first woman in China! A single mother sold her house to climb the mountain, and climbed 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters in 7 years

This made her realize that in a life-or-death situation, even the smallest choice can have a decisive impact on the outcome.

On the way to the mountain, whether the balance of fate is to the left or to the right is often only a thought.

Therefore, after experiencing these baptisms on the edge of life and death, Luo Jing saw the preciousness of life. She knew how hard it had been for her to brush shoulders with death several times, and she was even more grateful for every breath of life.

These experiences have made Luo Jing what she is today, she has become introverted and steady, and in every choice, she will carefully weigh the weight of life and death. Being able to move forward is the greatest happiness in life.

The first woman in China! A single mother sold her house to climb the mountain, and climbed 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters in 7 years

In 2018, after 8 years of hard work, Luo Jing finally reached the 14th 8000m peak and completed her ultimate challenge. This is not only a test of physical fitness, but also a sublimation of the value of her life.

Throughout the journey, Luo Jing has grown from a novice mountaineer to a strong and independent female mountaineer. She has accumulated a wealth of experience in the outdoors and also has valuable inner qualities.

For example, decision-making ability. In the past, she was just a mountaineering "coolie" who obeyed orders, but now Luo Jing can make a comprehensive plan for each of her adventures and make the right choice. It didn't come easily.

Another example is willpower. Altitude sickness, fear of heights, etc. are not Luo Jing's opponents, she learned to use a strong will to overcome the weakness of her body. This also forged her tenacious character.

The first woman in China! A single mother sold her house to climb the mountain, and climbed 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters in 7 years

Of course, the most valuable gain on this path of growth is the understanding of life. After experiencing life and death, Luo Jing is no longer afraid of death, and she has learned the meaning of protecting life.

These accumulations will promote Luo Jing to go further and more steadily. The 14 peaks are just one node of her journey, and there will be more challenges waiting for her to conquer in the future.

And the most touching scene on the mountaineering road is the reunion and hug of Luo Jing and her son. She sacrificed a lot of time with her, and now being able to witness the results with her son is another pinnacle of her life.

The inspiration that a determined mother can give a child is endless. I believe that Luo Jing's story will inspire more people not to give up their dreams and move forward bravely.

The first woman in China! A single mother sold her house to climb the mountain, and climbed 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters in 7 years

Luo Jing's story is an unyielding resistance to the adversities of life, and it is also the bloom of a strong woman's inner independent personality.

When she supported the burden of the whole family alone, Luo Jing did not retreat and complain, but bravely challenged life.

When a change of fate took away her love career, Luo Jing did not miss the past and regret it, but was determined to regain her passion.

When she was in the extreme environment of the plateau, Luo Jing did not choose to escape, but overcame weakness and let the light of her will penetrate the obstacles.

When the edge of life and death frequently passed by her, Luo Jing was not afraid, but grateful, cherishing every opportunity to breathe.

The first woman in China! A single mother sold her house to climb the mountain, and climbed 14 peaks of more than 8,000 meters in 7 years

In this story, we see not only the mountains and snow, but also the pride and tenacity of a woman's heart. She uses perseverance to carve out her own world and uses wisdom to illuminate the way forward.

Luo Jing deserves to be remembered because she proved to the world the power of a woman. She was not crushed by the cruelty of life, but turned into a ray of light, piercing the clouds and illuminating those who came after her.

There are still too many difficulties to overcome in this world, and too many people need help. And it is Luo Jing's story that will inspire more people's inner kindness and courage, convey warmth, and light up life.

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