
Year (9) | 成县: 数 (shù) 数 (shǔ) ecological environment

author:Longnan Cheng County released

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What is not forgotten is the original intention, and what changes is the people's heart. The report of the 16th Party Congress of Chengxian County pointed out that only by adhering to the people-centered development philosophy, truly loving the people and serving the people, can we maximize the cohesion of the people, concentrate the wisdom of the people, and stimulate the people's strength. The construction of urban areas has been continuously "upgraded", the development orientation of "rural scenic spots" has stepped out of the road of characteristic rural revitalization, focusing on the "education revitalization demonstration county" to create an education that satisfies the people, accelerating the construction of key medical and health projects, and creating a national "four good rural roads...... Over the past year, in the 1670 square kilometers of land in Chengxian County, the resounding sound of the earth is the strong voice of hard work, the running voice of party members and cadres, the entrepreneurial song of entrepreneurs, and the struggle song of the masses The picture scroll of industrial development, a picture of the openness and integration of "road accessibility", a picture of people's livelihood and happiness that is "thriving", and a picture of chasing dreams and chasing dreams of "everyone forge ahead......

Today, Chengxian Rong Media Center launched a series of ——, of "This Year" to summarize and review the gratifying achievements of Chengxian County's economic and social development in all aspects.

Year (9) | 成县: 数 (shù) 数 (shǔ) ecological environment

"Ecology is the most distinctive feature and the most beautiful business card of Chengxian County, and green development is the strongest driving force and the loudest melody of Chengxian County. ”

"The construction of ecological civilization and economic and social development are complementary 'two wings', and only when the 'two wings' are balanced can more sustainable and high-quality development be achieved. ”

——Wang Wenquan, vice chairman of the Longnan CPPCC and secretary of the Cheng County Party Committee

Year (9) | 成县: 数 (shù) 数 (shǔ) ecological environment

Looking back on 2023, this year, Chengxian County has always carried ecological environmental protection through the whole process and all links of economic and social development, which is not only in line with the major policies of the Party Central Committee and the important instructions and requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping, but also highly consistent with the decision-making and deployment of the provincial party committee and municipal party committee, and completely consistent with the actual development of the county. In the face of the new situation, new tasks and new requirements, the county focuses on the development orientation of "agriculture first and industry leading", resolutely adheres to the red line of ecological protection, the bottom line of environmental quality, and the upper line of resource utilization, adheres to the green development path of ecological industrialization and industrial ecology, and constantly excavates the advantages of the ecological environment, drives "industry +", "cultural tourism +" and "Internet +" with "ecology +", continuously broadens the path of realizing the value of ecological products, and promotes the efficient transformation of "lucid waters and lush mountains" to "golden mountains and silver mountains", and the "appearance" of high-quality development"Constantly improving, the ecological background is getting brighter and brighter.


this year

Year (9) | 成县: 数 (shù) 数 (shǔ) ecological environment

We practice the ecological concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", focus on the strategic position of the "three cities" of the municipal party committee and municipal government, build the goal of "five places" and improve the energy level of the "three districts" of the county party committee and government, and implement key projects for the protection of ecological water systems and the construction of ecological cities. The implementation of the Qingni River key water basin ecological comprehensive treatment project, the completion of the river dredging of about 150,000 square meters, the removal of about 530,000 cubic meters of silt, the increase of water area of 100,000 square meters, the implementation of greening of about 90,000 square meters, the installation of 2,300 meters of green water supply pipes, 2 deep water wells, 4,900 meters of revetment stones, the upgrading of a Qingni River music fountain, at the same time on both sides of the Qingni River and the overall design of the building lighting and gradually improve in accordance with the design plan. The section of the Qingnihe Sewage Treatment Plant is carrying out river dredging and leveling and earthwork removal, water treatment, coastal greening, and water conservation and ecological landscapes such as the Qingnihe Wetland Park and the Water Fish Scale Dam. There are 4 parks of various types in the built-up area, with a green space area of 407.43 hectares and a per capita park green space area of 16.9 square meters, a green coverage rate of 40.19% in the built-up area, and a 100% road lighting rate in the built-up area. Through the ecological restoration of water bodies and vegetation and the construction of plant communities, the ecological benefits are improved, and a water-friendly, pleasant, travel-friendly and livable urban green ecological landscape corridor is formed, which is blended with waterscapes, flowers in all seasons and evergreen in all seasons, and all communities in the county have built sports and fitness facilities, with a per capita stadium area of 2.6 square meters, and the physical fitness and health level of the whole people have been further improved, showing a natural and harmonious ecological picture.


this year

Year (9) | 成县: 数 (shù) 数 (shǔ) ecological environment

We have added 4 mechanized cleaning vehicles, with a mechanized cleaning rate of 85%, 11 main roads in the county have a daily cleaning time of 16 hours, and a daily cleaning time of 12 hours on streets and alleys to ensure that the road environment is clean and tidy, and the road surface is flat, intact and tidy, and the county has placed 500 peel boxes and 1,500 classified garbage cans, and the harmless treatment rate of municipal solid waste is 100%, the recycling rate is 36%, and the domestic sewage treatment rate is 97.22% At the same time, the county actively carries out tobacco control work, and the county's smoke-free party and government organs, medical and health institutions, and schools have completed 100%.


this year

Year (9) | 成县: 数 (shù) 数 (shǔ) ecological environment

Based on local ecological advantages, relying on characteristic resources, cultivating characteristic industries according to local conditions, continuing to do a good job in "big mountain" articles, and striving to build an industrial development pattern of "one village, one product, one township and one industry". Relying on the signboard of "China's Walnut Township", we will vigorously develop characteristic ecological agriculture industries such as peppers, konjac, vegetables, and Chinese medicinal materials, and promote the transformation of "Chengxian Taste" from local characteristic agricultural products to brand-name products with high added value throughout the whole industry chain. Promote the "ten towns, 100 villages, 1000 households, 10,000 heads" ecological cattle raising project, aiming at the development of characteristic industries, do enough to enrich the people, at the same time, through the "Internet +" to broaden the sales channels of special agricultural products, promote the integrated development of ecological agriculture, ecological processing industry, and eco-tourism industry, and directly or indirectly drive the employment of 26,700 people in all links of the whole industrial chain of e-commerce, with a cumulative sales of 5,460.41 million yuan since 2013.


this year

Year (9) | 成县: 数 (shù) 数 (shǔ) ecological environment

In 2023, 699 households will be relocated from ecological and geological disasters in Chengxian County, including 43 self-built houses and 656 self-purchased commercial houses, with 57.84 million yuan in subsidy funds, 465 provincial loans of 50,000 yuan and 23.25 million yuan, and 439 county-level financial subsidized loans of 65.35 million yuan. Behind the figures, there are favorable policies for the masses to live and work in peace and contentment, and it is also the happiness and stability that the masses "move out".


this year

Year (9) | 成县: 数 (shù) 数 (shǔ) ecological environment

In order to promote the green and high-quality development of ecological industry and improve resource utilization, Chengxian County has accelerated the implementation of high-end, intelligent and green transformation projects for industrial enterprises, implemented digital empowerment measures, and guided the in-depth application of industrial Internet, new infrastructure, and 5G in the industrial field. In the first three quarters of this year, the comprehensive energy consumption of 10,000 yuan of industrial added value decreased by 3.35% over the same period last year, achieving a win-win situation for the economic benefits of enterprises and social environmental protection benefits.


this year

Year (9) | 成县: 数 (shù) 数 (shǔ) ecological environment

From January to October this year, the comprehensive index of ambient air quality was 2.81, the ratio of good days was 93.2%, and the average value of the six major pollutants of ambient air reached the national "Ambient Air Quality Standards" The secondary standard, strictly implement the "Straw Burning Ban and Comprehensive Utilization Management Measures", put an end to straw burning, and the comprehensive utilization rate of straw has reached 89%. The water quality of county-level centralized drinking water sources and township centralized drinking water sources reach the standard rate of 100%, and the water environment functional areas in urban areas meet the requirements, and the water quality of undelineated functional areas is not less than five categories;

Year (9) | 成县: 数 (shù) 数 (shǔ) ecological environment

In recent years, Chengxian County has firmly established and practiced the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", adhered to ecological priority and green development, based on good ecological advantages, guided by Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, guided by the "two mountains" theory, and conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the central government, provinces and municipalities, so as to maintain the determination of "firmly grasping the green mountains and not relaxing", showing the spirit of "daring to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky", and puffing up the spirit of "not breaking Loulan and never returning" We will unswervingly take the road of "ecological priority and green development", and use a string of numbers to realize the two-way conversion of social and economic benefits, and submit a satisfactory answer to our beautiful small city, so that green ecology will become the bright background color of building a socialist modern, happy and beautiful Xincheng County.

Qi Li reports

Source: Chengxian Rong Media Center Longnan Chengxian release

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