
Dong Mingzhu: Without a country, how can there be a home? The comment area is frying, netizens: You said the opposite!

author:The poisonous tongue speaks of history

Dong Mingzhu posted a video entitled "No Country, No Home" on his personal social account, which immediately aroused the rebuttal of netizens, it should be "No home, how can there be a country!"

Dong Mingzhu: Without a country, how can there be a home? The comment area is frying, netizens: You said the opposite!

Everyone understands what Miss Dong means, which means that only when our country is strong, our family will live better, so the logic is fine, but you say that there is no country, how can there be a home, it doesn't make sense.

We know that from ancient society to today's highly developed social civilization, the correct order from one person to one country should be as follows: all people are families, all families are clans, all clans are towns, all towns are cities, and all cities are countries.

The emergence of the state should be the first to have a family, and then there is a country, and the family is the basic form of the country.

If you read the history of human development, you should understand this basic truth, since the emergence of human beings, there have been families, whether it is a patrilineal society or a matrilineal society, there are families, but at that time there were not even cities, let alone countries.

The Inuit don't have their own country, but they do have their own families.

When the Qin Dynasty fell, many people would move their families to the surrounding countries, and when the Qin Dynasty was good, they went back again, whether they went to Wei or Qi, they didn't care, because the family lived together.

Our ancients couldn't have said it more in place, "self-cultivation Qi family rule the country and level the world", "family and country in the world", our Chinese civilization for 5,000 years, in this land we have experienced all dynasties, but fortunately we have survived these people to this day, we live in a great country called New China.

Each of us should love our country, and it is our bounden duty to build a strong motherland together, but I want to say that

In all foreign wars, who are the people who rushed to the forefront and shed their blood?

Don't underestimate the loyalty and love of ordinary people to the motherland, on the contrary, some people emigrate overseas once they have the conditions, rely on the money earned in China to spend in other countries, and then criticize us, I think such talents should be despised by everyone!

Netizen views:

Dong Mingzhu: Without a country, how can there be a home? The comment area is frying, netizens: You said the opposite!
Dong Mingzhu: Without a country, how can there be a home? The comment area is frying, netizens: You said the opposite!
Dong Mingzhu: Without a country, how can there be a home? The comment area is frying, netizens: You said the opposite!

Therefore, Miss Dong, there is a problem with your words, it should be that there is a home first, and then there is a country!

We can't just talk about the concept of the country, ignore the contributions and feelings of every small family, respect every ordinary person in the land of China, respect every family, whether they are poor or rich, this is what an excellent entrepreneur should say!

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