
Children who love to "bite their nails" since childhood, the doctor admits frankly: it seriously affects the health of teeth and oral cavity

author:Department of Urology: Xing Naidong

When we go into the classroom, park or even family gathering, it is not difficult to find such a group of children, their little fingers always unconsciously move to the side of their mouths and start to chew silently. This seemingly harmless action is actually a behavioral Xi called "nail bite", which is not only an unconscious Xi habit, but also a mirror, reflecting the anxiety and pressure in the child's heart.

Let's start with a true story. Xiao Ming, a lively and cute eight-year-old boy, always bites his nails without realizing it. His mother initially thought it was just a small Xi for children, until a regular dental check-up showed that Ming's front teeth had begun to show slight deformation and the bite relationship was affected. This discovery is like a wake-up call, awakening parents' awareness of this seemingly small problem but actually a big hidden danger.

Children who love to "bite their nails" since childhood, the doctor admits frankly: it seriously affects the health of teeth and oral cavity

Behind the nail bite: more than just a Xi

Nail biting, commonly known as "nail bite", is not just a simple bad Xi. There are multiple complex reasons behind this behavior, and understanding these reasons is essential to help children get rid of this Xi.

Psychological factors: not just a manifestation of anxiety

Psychological research has shown that nail biting is often closely related to an individual's psychological state. In children, this behavior is often an outward manifestation of anxiety, nervousness, or restlessness. For example, when faced with school exams, family changes, or the pressure of a social situation, a child may bite his nails to relieve inner tension. In addition, nail biting can also be a self-soothing act to relieve psychological discomfort.

Children who love to "bite their nails" since childhood, the doctor admits frankly: it seriously affects the health of teeth and oral cavity

Imitative behavior: environmental influences

As children grow up, it is easy to imitate the behavior of those around them. If a family member, friend, or classmate has a Xi of biting nails, the child may unconsciously imitate this behavior. This parody is not limited to the family, influencers on TV shows, social media can also be the object of parody.

Children who love to "bite their nails" since childhood, the doctor admits frankly: it seriously affects the health of teeth and oral cavity

The role of home and school

The influence of the home and school environment on a child's behavior cannot be ignored. In a stressful, high-pressure home environment, children may be more likely to develop stressful behaviors such as nail biting. Similarly, in school, excessive competition and stress can lead to similar coping mechanisms in children.

"Small Hand Xi, Big Problem" - The deep impact of nail biting on teeth and oral health

Nail biting, a seemingly harmless Xi, has a profound impact on children's teeth and oral health. This Xi not only changes the normal ecology of the oral cavity, but can also lead to a series of oral health problems.

Changes in tooth morphology

Long-term nail biting can have an impact on the shape of a child's teeth. This Xi may lead to abnormal wear and tear of the front teeth and even abnormal displacement of the teeth. This displacement not only affects the child's chewing function, but can also cause the teeth to be misaligned, affecting aesthetics.

Increased risk of occlusion problems

Biting your nails can cause your teeth to bite abnormally. For a long time, this Xi can lead to incongruity in the upper and lower jaws, causing bite problems. This problem not only affects the function of the mouth, but can also lead to changes in facial morphology.

Children who love to "bite their nails" since childhood, the doctor admits frankly: it seriously affects the health of teeth and oral cavity

Increased risk of oral disease

Fingers are a gathering place for bacteria and microorganisms. Biting your nails allows these microorganisms to enter the mouth directly, increasing the risk of oral infections. For example, the incidence of gingivitis and periodontal disease is higher in children with nail biting Xi.

Impact on oral hygiene

Biting your nails may lead to worsening of your oral hygiene. This behavior makes it easier for food debris and bacteria to hide between your teeth, increasing the risk of tooth decay. At the same time, it may also interfere with normal teeth cleaning, making oral health care more difficult.

Intervention and prevention

Parents and doctors should take active interventions for oral health problems caused by nail biting. This includes raising awareness of oral hygiene, regular dental check-ups, and providing the necessary psychological counselling to help children overcome this Xi.

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