
Micro-observation of current affairs丨The road is simple, and hard work is essential

author:Poster News
Micro-observation of current affairs丨The road is simple, and hard work is essential

Carrying out the education on the theme of studying Xi implementing Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era is a major task of party building this year and a major event that has a bearing on the overall situation.

During this year's local inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping carried out on-the-spot research and guided the theme education, giving a vivid party lesson to the vast number of party members and cadres, and promoting the solid and in-depth development of the theme education.

"Work hard to investigate the facts, make practical moves, and seek practical results", "do a solid job in work, lay a solid foundation, and take solid steps", "really do a good job in theoretical Xi and investigation and research, really examine and rectify outstanding problems, and really do a good job of benefiting the people and benefiting the people"......

"Reality" is the foundation of entrepreneurship and the foundation of being a person and doing things. The key to the series of requirements put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping is to run the practical requirements through the whole process of theme education and achieve tangible results.

On the new journey, in the face of various uncertain and unpredictable factors, we have internalized Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era and externalized it in practice through solid thematic education, and constantly promoted new progress and breakthroughs in Chinese-style modernization.

In-depth investigation and research on "pulse examination and dissection of sparrows"

"Guangdong is a window. Come to Guangdong to have a look and learn about the new progress and new atmosphere since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. ”

In April this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Guangdong for the first time after the launch of the theme education. From Zhanjiang, Maoming to Guangzhou, in four days, the general secretary traveled thousands of miles, went deep into enterprises, ports, and rural areas, researched and pondered all the way, and pointed out the direction for Guangdong to "walk in the forefront of promoting Chinese-style modernization".

"What problems still need to be solved in the next development?" In Baiqiao Village, Genzi Town, Gaozhou City, Maoming, the general secretary walked into a lychee orchard and carefully inquired about the cultivation of lychees.

"If the lychee industry wants to develop, it will not work if it does not solve the problem of preservation. The general secretary said, "the development of characteristic industries is an important way to achieve rural revitalization, and we must focus on doing a good job in 'local specialties' to promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside with industrial revitalization." ”

From a lychee orchard, we focus on the development of rural characteristic industries, and then think about how to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨The road is simple, and hard work is essential

△On April 10, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping communicated cordially with the passengers on board at the berth wharf of Xuwen Port, Xuwen County, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong.

"The questions were very detailed and specific...... This is the true feeling of the grassroots masses when they see this "people's servant."

"I was deeply encouraged, and once again received a vivid and profound education in following the party's mass line and vigorously promoting the style of investigation and research. This is the voice of the party members and cadres who accompanied the inspection.

Investigation and study is the basic skill for doing a good job in all aspects of work. General Secretary Xi Jinping has deep thoughts on the profound meaning of investigation and research: "Looking back at the development process of our party, we can clearly see that when the whole party attaches importance to and adheres to and strengthens investigation and study from top to bottom, and the party's work decisions and guidelines conform to objective reality, the party's cause will develop smoothly."

Since the launch of the theme education, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited the local area many times and done a good job in investigation and research.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨The road is simple, and hard work is essential

△On October 10, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping had a cordial exchange with the employees of the company during his inspection of Jiangxi Sinopec Jiujiang Branch.

At the Jiujiang branch of Sinopec in Jiangxi, the general secretary listened to the company's introduction of how to "prevent a drop of oil and a drop of excess sewage from entering the Yangtze River" and how to strive to "not let the smell go to the sky and the dirty oil not to the ground".

"The bar is set high, and we are working step by step. I hope that you will adhere to the green and intelligent direction in accordance with the deployment requirements of the CPC Central Committee for new industrialization, work hard and forge ahead, and make new contributions to ensuring national energy security and promoting the high-quality development of the petrochemical industry. The general secretary encouraged.

During the inspection, the general secretary presided over a symposium on further promoting the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. This is the fourth symposium on the theme of the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and the consistent attention contains the CPC Central Committee's way of governing the country by "seeking long-term momentum, implementing long-term policies, and building a foundation for long-term stability".

Micro-observation of current affairs丨The road is simple, and hard work is essential

△On September 20, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Li Zu Village, Houzhai Street, Yiwu City, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province.

In Zhejiang, the general secretary went deep into rural areas, commercial and trade markets, exhibition halls, and cultural parks; in Heilongjiang, he went deep into forest farms, villages, universities, etc., and went to the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction sites to visit and comfort the affected people; in Shanghai, he inspected the Shanghai Futures Exchange, the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Achievement Exhibition, and the home of city builders and managers in the new era in Minhang District, etc., to care about the lives of the people and plan for high-quality development......

Start with research and open the way with research.

At the critical moment of the beginning of the new journey, General Secretary Xi Jinping set an example for the whole party with vivid and profound investigations and led the vast number of party members and cadres to make good use of the "family heirloom", grasp the actual situation, make scientific decisions, and grasp the implementation.

With the "nailing spirit", perseverance in implementation

"Implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee to the letter, actively grasp the implementation, gather all efforts to grasp the implementation, grasp the implementation in the spirit of nailing, focus on practical problems to grasp the implementation, and achieve new practical results in the implementation. "In July this year, when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Jiangsu, he put forward clear requirements for the formation of a good situation of vigorous implementation.

△On July 6, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping waved to local residents and tourists at the Pingjiang Historical and Cultural District in Suzhou, Jiangsu.

"Grasping implementation" is General Secretary Xi's consistent work requirement, and it is also a work method vigorously advocated.

As for how to "grasp implementation with the spirit of nailing nails," Xi Jinping wrote in a short commentary entitled "Grasping Implementation Like Hammering a Nail" in Zhijiang Xinyu, "Grasping implementation is like knocking a nail on the wall: if the nail is not on the point, the nail will be crooked; if the nail is on the point, only one or two times will the nail fall; after three or four nails, the nail will still loosen after a while; and only seven or eight times in a row can the nail be firm." ”

To grasp the implementation of the theme education is to really examine and rectify the outstanding problems, highlight the problem-oriented and practical characteristics, really tackle the difficulties, really investigate and reform, respond to the expectations and requirements of the masses with new atmosphere and new actions, and let the masses see the results.

At the conference on the theme education of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that adhering to the combination of "immediate reform" and "long-term establishment" should be timely fixed in the form of a system for the good practices and good experiences of Xi in the theme education middle school to Xi and implement the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

The "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Carrying Out In-depth Education on the Theme Education of Studying Xi Implementing the Xi of Socialist Thought with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era in the Whole Party" lists six outstanding problems to be solved, including theoretical Xi, political quality, ability, responsibility, work style, and honesty and self-discipline.

In light of these problems, all localities have persisted in Xi studying, comparing, inspecting, and rectifying these problems, persevering in implementation, and striving to make the masses feel the actual results of solving the problems.

Ningde, Fujian Province, vigorously advocated the "front-line work method" that can be at the scene and is not at the venue, and selected more than 5,000 party members and cadres to go to the grassroots frontline to implement 15 special actions......

△On November 18, 2023, the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Xiapu County, Ningde, Fujian Province visited the Qixing Sea Community in Xinan Town.

From December 21st to 22nd, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a special democratic life meeting on the theme of Xi and implementation of Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech, emphasizing that the theme education of studying and Xi implementing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is a major measure to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

We should do good things in the hearts of the masses

"Along the way, I heard and saw, I felt relieved and relieved that the recovery and reconstruction work was going according to plan. ”

"We must continue to implement the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work one by one, and continue to work hard to promote the people's lives in a better direction, so that the people can live a better life in the future!"

On November 10, in one day, General Secretary Xi Jinping traveled across Beijing and Hebei, covering rural areas, communities, schools, municipal facilities, and water conservancy projects, visiting farmers, wheat fields, and embankments, visiting and comforting the affected people, and inspecting and guiding post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨The road is simple, and hard work is essential

△On November 10, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the construction site of housing reconstruction in Wanquanzhuang Village, Diaowo Town, Zhuozhou City, Baoding, Hebei Province.

In Wanquanzhuang Village, Diaowo Town, Zhuozhou City, Baoding, Hebei Province, the general secretary said to the villagers: "I have always been thinking about the people in the disaster area. Today, when I came here to take a look, I felt that the policies of the Party Central Committee have been translated into practical measures in various places, and they are still effective. ”

Investigate the people's feelings, solve the people's worries, warm the people's hearts, and the general secretary's ardent care shows the people's feelings of "always rest assured".

The general secretary said: "To test the effectiveness of all our work, we must ultimately see whether the people have really benefited, whether the people's living standards have been truly improved, and whether the people's rights and interests have been truly protected. ”

In the old revolutionary base area of Jiangxi, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to "ensure that the people in the old area share the fruits of reform and development and live a happy life", and put forward requirements in terms of strengthening people's livelihood, improving the social security system, improving the social assistance and charity system, and improving the level of basic public education services.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨The road is simple, and hard work is essential

△On December 14, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping had cordial exchanges with people of all ethnic groups in the community during his inspection of Panlong Community in Liangqing District, Nanning, Guangxi.

In Guangxi, the general secretary went deep into the community, listened to the staff's introduction to carry out theme education, promote convenience and benefit enterprises, etc., encouraged the community to make full use of talents, venues and other resources, to carry out more healthy, beneficial, enlightening and heart-warming cultural activities, and urged the local people to do a good job in people's livelihood and public affairs such as "one old and one young", and actively respond to the concerns of the masses.


Carrying out thematic education is an urgent need to maintain the flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the masses. All localities will transform the achievements of theme education into practical actions, focus on the people's urgency, hardship and hope, and guide party members and cadres to respond to the needs of the masses and promote the solution of problems——

Beijing's "one run at most" notarization matters have increased from the initial 52 to 185; Yinchuan, Ningxia has formulated 27 specific measures to solve the problem of "parking difficulties"; Qujing City, Yunnan Province has provided technical guidance to renovate more than 40,000 rural sanitary household toilets; Donggang District, Rizhao City, Shandong Province, has carried out the activity of "investigating the people's feelings, solving people's worries, and warming the hearts of the people", creating a "micro-position" for grid services, and carrying out "micro-discussions" on the grid, so as to discover the contradictions and disputes around the masses at an early stage and deal with them in a small way, and build an efficient grid management service system......

Micro-observation of current affairs丨The road is simple, and hard work is essential

△ Beijing Fangyuan Notary Office, the masses are consulting notary services.

What is good for the people will be prosperous, and what is good for the people will go to the end.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "Communists must remember that benefiting the people is the greatest political achievement. In planning and advancing our work, we must adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, adhere to the principle that development is for the people, development depends on the people, and the fruits of development are shared by the people, and do good things to the hearts of the masses. ”

Only by putting the interests of the people first and keeping the expectations of the people in mind, solving the most direct and realistic interests of the people, and doing a good job of things that benefit the people's livelihood, warm the hearts of the people, and conform to the will of the people, can we ensure that the theme education achieves practical results and gives the masses a real sense of gain.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨The road is simple, and hard work is essential

△On November 29, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the home of city builders and managers in the new era of Minhang District, Shanghai, and learned about the living conditions of front-line workers in the city living in the housing of community dormitory-type rental tenants.

The road is simple, and hard work is essential.

We have created a glorious past by hard work, and we have to create a better future by hard work. Drawing on the wisdom and strength of forging ahead from Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, and condensing the strong positive energy of seeking truth and pragmatism, taking responsibility for work, and starting a business, we will certainly be able to victoriously promote the great historical cause of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, and constantly create new achievements worthy of the party, the people, and the times.

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