
The search volume increased by 980% year-on-year!

author:Jinan Times - New Yellow River

The "night school" that once carried the memory of the times is now "out of the circle" again; "Going to night school" has become the most fashionable nightlife for young people at the moment. What can I learn in night school? Dance, vocal music, intangible cultural heritage handicrafts, beauty and fitness, calligraphy and flower art...... The rich content of the "tide class" not only conforms to the interests and aesthetics of young people, but also allows everyone to find their own spiritual sustenance.

Data from multiple platforms show that since the beginning of this year, the search volume of "night school" on the platform has increased by 980% year-on-year, and the number of comments on related posts has increased by 226% year-on-year. In some social applications, topics related to "youth and night school" continue to appear on the hot search. There was even a phenomenon of 650,000 people competing for 10,000 course places at the same time, which made netizens call "dreaming of returning to college to grab classes" and "it is more difficult than grabbing tickets during the holidays".

On the day of registration for the autumn class of the Shanghai Citizen Art Night School opened by the Shanghai Mass Art Museum, all 27 courses were sold out within three minutes.

"Decompression" is the key word mentioned by many students, in addition to relieving stress and expanding hobbies, the low price is also one of the reasons why people flock to night classes. For only 500 yuan, you can take 12 classes in the past two months, and the courses are rich and dazzling, and anyone can find a favorite in their hearts. In addition, the high quality of the teachers is also the reason why many students choose evening classes.

The search volume increased by 980% year-on-year!

Xu Hao, Deputy Director of Shanghai Mass Art Museum: We not only have state-owned academies and troupes, but also teachers from associations, we also have many folk art institutions, and a group of inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, both national and municipal intangible cultural heritage.

The search volume increased by 980% year-on-year!

Not only have the students gained a lot, but the teachers here have also benefited a lot, gaining recognition, perseverance, and learning from teaching.

The search volume increased by 980% year-on-year!

Teacher Zhou, the teacher of the cross talk class: I also learned a lot of things Xi the other way, when they talk about cross talk on stage, they integrate some things into their lives, and I can see a lot of things that make me feel bright.

The search volume increased by 980% year-on-year!

At present, the Hangzhou Cultural Center has expanded courses for young people, increasing weekday evening and weekend shifts, and adding courses such as coffee appreciation, ukulele, and actors' performances.

Zibo, Shandong Province has generally opened night schools for girls in various districts and counties, and set up seven categories of courses, including taste life, parent-child relationship, and life and health care, and has delivered more than 1,000 classes, benefiting more than 50,000 people.

The search volume increased by 980% year-on-year!

Luolong District, Luoyang, Henan Province, has opened a number of citizen art night schools, including paper-cutting, baking, flower arrangement, tea art, mobile phone photography, etc., to enrich the nightlife of citizens.

Shanghai's Citizen Night School has opened 143 citizen art night school service points, with a total of 660 online and offline courses, benefiting nearly 15,000 citizens.

The search volume increased by 980% year-on-year!

Xia Jiechang, Vice President of the Institute of Finance and Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: The popularity of night schools reflects the vigorous cultural life needs of young people, and also reflects their spiritual needs and self-improvement concepts for enriching their hearts and pursuing their dreams. The blossoming of night schools in many places reflects the determination of public cultural services to "sink" and actively explore changes.

Evening schools in different cities reflect the characteristics of different cities

During the visit, the reporter also found an interesting phenomenon: the preferred night school painting style is also different in different places. For example, night schools in Shanghai cover a wide range of topics: musical instruments, dance, baking, handmade leather goods, incense, improvisation, and so on. Beijing's night schools can be described as "mavericks": mural making, film development and even ore collection, the historical heritage and niche literary temperament are vividly on paper. In Shenzhen, many night schools offer Cantonese, Japanese, French and other language courses. There are also evening schools in other cities that reflect strong local characteristics, such as Thangka and Mongolian in Hohhot, blueberry cultivation in Foshan, and tea brewing around the stove in Changsha.

Combined with local characteristic cultural resources, improve skills, beautify the body and mind

In Zunyi, Guizhou, a night school offers a course that combines local history and culture with handicrafts.

Paper-cutting, flower arrangement, Chinese painting, dance...... In the Zunyi Cultural Center and community school, there are more than 10 kinds of courses for citizens to choose from. Here, everyone unlocks new skills, makes friends, and cultivates their bodies and minds.

The search volume increased by 980% year-on-year!

In the classroom of a community college in the old town of Honghuagang District, Zunyi City, Liu Zhihua, a provincial intangible cultural heritage inheritor of Guizhou's paper-cutting art, is explaining the skills of paper-cutting and paper-cutting to the students of the night school. Zunyi City is rich in red culture, and the story of the Long March is the theme that Mr. Liu often creates. Through Xi, the young students of the evening school also have more opportunities to learn about the history of this heroic city.

The search volume increased by 980% year-on-year!

Li Muran, Zunyi citizen: I think the paper-cutting course can help us understand some of our red culture. I think it's a great opportunity for our students to stay true to our cultural assertiveness.

The search volume increased by 980% year-on-year!

With the exception of a few popular courses, most of the courses offered by the Citizen Evening School are offered free of charge to the public through the purchase of services by the government. Recently, there has been a steady increase in the number of applicants at each teaching site.

The search volume increased by 980% year-on-year!

Li Yan, training director of Zunyi Cultural Center: We have a total of 13 categories and nearly 190 people in this issue. Night school students are getting younger and younger, and young people prefer to make the most of their evening time and enrich their lives.

The rapid growth of service consumption and the increase in the supply of public cultural services

Attending evening classes became another way to open up the nightlife of young people. During the interview, the reporter found that more and more elderly people are also exploring and using online classes to enrich their lives and open up new life experiences.

At 8 p.m., Qin Liling, a retired elderly man from Kunming, Yunnan Province, sat by the electronic pipe organ in her bedroom and Xi learned to play the Yunnan Dai folk song "Phoenix Tail Bamboo in the Moonlight" with the night school teacher on the Internet.

The search volume increased by 980% year-on-year!

Qin Liling, a student of the night school online class: When I saw the miracle performance of Jiuyue at the Spring Festival Gala, my eyes lit up, there was such a piano! Later, I thought, it would be good if we could learn. Online classes are more convenient for us seniors.

The search volume increased by 980% year-on-year!

More than 1,000 kilometers away in Nanchang, Jiangxi, in the dance studio of Jingjiu Community, Qingshanhu District, at this moment, the dance team composed of retired elderly people is taking dance lessons through online classes. The aunts faced the screen and followed Xi the dance teacher to learn the dance moves one by one, practicing meticulously and devotedly.

The search volume increased by 980% year-on-year!

Li Xuehong, a resident of Jingjiu Community, Qingshanhu District, Nanchang City: Our art troupe dance team did not invite another teacher, they all learned Xi teacher's courses online, some teachers are more famous, but you can't go to her class, so we Xi learn her courses through live broadcast and online classes.

The search volume increased by 980% year-on-year!

In March this year, the National University for the Elderly was officially established to carry out online and offline teaching activities for the elderly across the country. At the same time, the online national public service platform for elderly education was also launched, bringing together 436,000 elderly education course resources. Up to now, there are 2.339 million online registered users, and the total number of visits to the whole platform is 56.29 million, and the data is still rising, and the demand for online classes among the elderly is growing day by day.

According to the latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics, retail sales of services increased by 19.5% year-on-year from January to November, 0.5 percentage points faster than from January to October. Service consumption has shown rapid growth, among which the demand for entertainment and information has increased significantly.

The search volume increased by 980% year-on-year!

Dong Chao, Director of the Institute of Circulation and Consumption of the Ministry of Commerce Research Institute: With the economic and social development and the improvement of income level, residents' consumption has shown a trend of upgrading from basic survival to development and enjoyment. While satisfying material needs, people pay more and more attention to spiritual needs, and the demand for cultural consumption to meet people's needs for a better life is increasing day by day.

On the one hand, the demand is growing, and on the other hand, the supply is also constantly exerting force. In recent years, the mainland has attached great importance to the construction of a public cultural service system. With the introduction and implementation of policy documents such as the "Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a Modern Public Cultural Service System" and the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Construction of a Public Cultural Service System". The mainland's investment in public cultural construction has grown steadily, and the efficiency of public cultural services has been markedly improved.

Xia Jiechang, Vice President of the Institute of Finance and Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: "Behind the night school fever" and "online class fever" are the continuous breakthroughs in China's urban cultural services and community education innovation, and it is also a concrete embodiment of the continuous improvement of public service accessibility and practicability in various places. The spiritual and cultural life of the masses of the people has been continuously improved, showing a good development trend of prosperity and vigor.

A community in Hangzhou runs a night school to "specialize" the parents of the howler baby

In a community in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, a free course of the "Smart Parents Academy" was also launched, and just a few days ago (17th), the first course officially ended. In the course of three months, from parent-child relationship to husband and wife relationship, from how to communicate effectively to effectively deal with emotional out-of-control, from rebellion to school violence, through 9 classes, the confusion of parents of children of all ages was solved from different topics and perspectives. Through the community class, many parents learned how to communicate better with their children, and the children also said that "Dad's attitude has changed" and "Mommy has stopped yelling at me". So far, it has served more than 200 parents of students in the jurisdiction.

"Night school fever" reflects everyone's yearning for a better life

Some people say that adults also want to have their own interest classes, and the "night school" is the children's palace for adults; some people say that night school is a way of self-healing outside of fast-paced work and life, and they get the "experience card" of life relaxation here; some people say that they "restart their life" in night school and find their own life and unfulfilled dreams.

Whatever it is, they have found a new grip on life. These "small desks" scattered throughout the city add a touch of soothing and relaxation to the fast-paced city life, and also reflect the citizens' yearning for a better life.

Source: CCTV news client