
He was the commander of the three armies designated by Zhuge Liang, and was exiled to the wilderness by Liu Chanyi

author:Historical jianghu

The year 234 AD was a very unstable year in the history of the development of the Shu kingdom. In this year, two heavyweights of the Shu State died one after another, one was Zhuge Liang, the other was the Marquis of Southern Zheng and the general Wei Yan of The Western Expedition. The death of these two people not only greatly weakened the talent reserve of the Shu Kingdom, but also triggered a huge storm that shook the Shu Kingdom.

He was the commander of the three armies designated by Zhuge Liang, and was exiled to the wilderness by Liu Chanyi

Previously, the Shu army was strongly blocked by Sima Yi on the front line of Wuzhangyuan, and the State of Wei fell into a confrontational situation and was deadlocked, Zhuge Liang had a premonition that this expedition would be fruitless, so he had the intention of retreating. When he was critically ill, he designated Yang Yi as the commander of the three armies of the Shu state, and let Yang Yi preside over the overall situation and organize the retreat of the Shu army.

He was the commander of the three armies designated by Zhuge Liang, and was exiled to the wilderness by Liu Chanyi

Who is Yang Yi? Why was zhuge liang so trusted and relied upon at a critical moment? Yang Yi (杨義), courtesy name Weigong (字威公), was a xiangyang native who initially served as a Gong Cao under Guan Yu and assisted Guan Yu in defending Jingzhou.

In the twenty-second year of Jian'an (217), Guan Yu sent Yang Yi to Chengdu to handle official business and met Liu Bei. Yang Yi's shrewdness and ability won Liu Bei's appreciation and praise, "with the language of military and national strategy, political gains and losses, great joy", so he left him in the middle of the dynasty and served as the left general Cao Za. Liu Bei has always had the wisdom of knowing people, and Yang Yi can get his favor, which shows that his military and political talents are extraordinary.

He was the commander of the three armies designated by Zhuge Liang, and was exiled to the wilderness by Liu Chanyi

After that, Yang Yi had a smooth career in the Shu Kingdom, rising step by step, successively serving as Shangshu, Hongnong Taishou, and Jianxing for three years, zhuge Liang seconded Yang Yi to his side, serving as a general of the Xiang Xiang Army, Chang Shi, and Sui Army. Yang Yi was astute and capable, meticulous and meticulous, and every time Zhuge Liang sent troops to the Northern Expedition, Yang Yi "planned the division, raised grain and grain, did not think about it, and Si Su was gone." He assisted Zhuge Liang in drawing up battle plans, raising grain and grain for transportation, and becoming Zhuge Liang's right-hand man who could not be temporarily separated.

It is precisely because Zhuge Liang knows Yang Yi's talents well that he will be designated as the commander of the three armies, which shows the high status of Yang Yi in Zhuge Liang's mind. Zhuge Liang had nine words in the Shu Kingdom, and with the blessing of his will, Yang Yi's career should be said to be a higher level, rising to the top level of the Shu State's rule, and sealing the marquis and worshipping the prime minister, just around the corner.

He was the commander of the three armies designated by Zhuge Liang, and was exiled to the wilderness by Liu Chanyi

Shockingly, however, the facts have developed in the opposite direction. Yang Yi successfully completed Zhuge Liang's orders and led the Shu army to withdraw safely to Hanzhong, thinking that he would be rewarded and rewarded by Liu Chan, "thinking that his merits were the greatest, and it was advisable to be a contemporary Liang Bingzheng", believing that he should take Zhuge Liang's place and fully preside over the Shu dynasty.

He was the commander of the three armies designated by Zhuge Liang, and was exiled to the wilderness by Liu Chanyi

But what Yang Yi did not expect was that Liu Chan's attitude towards him was extremely indifferent. Jiang Huan was given the title of Shang Shu Ling by Liu Chan, and actually succeeded Zhuge Liang. Yang Yikong rejoiced, only got a non-standard position as a "Chinese army division", and "had no command", did not hold military power in his hands, and was completely marginalized by Liu Chan. Yang Yi was dissatisfied, often complaining to others privately, angering Liu Chan and sending him to Hanjia County in the barbaric land, Yang Yi was indignant and committed suicide in exile.

Why was Yang Yi coldly treated by Liu Chan? The end is so bleak? The actual situation at that time should be related to Wei Yan's death. When Liu Bei was dying, in order to prevent the situation that Zhuge Liang single-handedly covered the sky and endangered the imperial power, he deliberately appointed Li Yan as a minister to balance Zhuge Liang.

He was the commander of the three armies designated by Zhuge Liang, and was exiled to the wilderness by Liu Chanyi

But Li Yan was obviously not a level rival with Zhuge Liang, and was expelled from the game by Zhuge Liang a few years later. Liu Chan followed Liu Bei's employment strategy and urgently needed to support another powerful figure to balance Zhuge Liang, and at the same time serve as Zhuge Liang's future successor. As one of the leading figures among the military generals of the Shu state at that time, Wei Yan had outstanding talent and prestige, which became the focus of Liu Chan's solicitation.

In the first year of Jianxing (223), the year Liu Chan ascended the throne, he was immediately promoted to the rank of Marquis of Duting. In the fifth year of Jianxing (227), Wei Yan was promoted to liangzhou assassin. In the eighth year of Jianxing (230), Wei Yan was promoted to former military division and general of the Zhenxi Dynasty, and also received the power of "false festival" equivalent to Zhuge Liang. Liu Chan's mentality of supporting and co-opting Wei Yan had become clear.

However, Yang Yi did not see this clearly, misjudged the situation, and beheaded Wei Yan after Zhuge Liang's death, causing Liu Chan's painstaking efforts to be wasted. Yang Yi's move had already doomed him to a tragic fate, and it was not surprising that he was hit by Liu Chan.

Reference: Romance of the Three Kingdoms

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