
Implement policies according to the city and speed up the reform of the pre-sale system...... The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development deploys key tasks in 2024

author:Securities Times

From December 21 to 22, the National Conference on Housing and Urban-Rural Construction was held in Beijing, which systematically summarized the work in 2023 and clarified the key tasks in 2024 to promote the high-quality development of housing and urban-rural construction to a new level.

The meeting pointed out that in 2023, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (hereinafter referred to as the "Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development"), together with relevant departments, will introduce "no mortgage subscription for housing", reduce the down payment ratio and interest rate, implement individual income tax policies related to supporting residents to exchange for housing, and guide local governments to implement city-specific policies, one city, one policy, and precise policies to stabilize the market, promote urban renewal in an orderly manner, and steadily promote the construction of affordable rental housing, public rental housing and shantytown resettlement housing.

In 2024, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will adhere to the positioning that houses are for living, not for speculation. Stabilize the real estate market, adhere to city-specific policies, one city, one policy, and precise policies, meet the demand for rigid and improved housing, optimize real estate policies, and further increase the implementation of policies for first and second houses.

We will continue to do a good job in ensuring the delivery of real estate, ensuring people's livelihood and ensuring stability, properly handle the risks of real estate enterprises, rectify the order of the real estate market, strengthen the supervision of pre-sale funds, and accelerate the reform of the pre-sale system.

At the same time, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will work with the State Administration of Financial Supervision to guide real estate financing to meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises under different ownership systems.

Relevant experts pointed out that in terms of the realization of the balance between supply and demand, the reform of the pre-sale system, etc., there were relatively few expressions in the past, which is a new highlight of the current policy to be actively concerned.

Focus on stabilizing the "two pillars" of the real estate industry and the construction industry

The meeting pointed out that 2023 is a year of economic recovery and development after the three-year transition of new crown epidemic prevention and control. The national housing and urban-rural construction system focuses on stabilizing the "two pillars" of the real estate industry and the construction industry, steadily implementing urban renewal actions and rural construction actions, and promoting the transformation of the construction industry.

In terms of the real estate market, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, together with relevant departments, has introduced policy tools such as "no need to subscribe for a loan", reducing the down payment ratio and interest rate, implementing individual income tax policies related to supporting residents to purchase housing, and reducing intermediary fees for second-hand housing sales, so as to guide local governments to implement policies according to the city, one policy for each city, and precise policies to stabilize the market. Solidly promote the work of ensuring the delivery of buildings and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of home buyers.

In terms of housing security, the construction of affordable housing, the construction of public infrastructure for both ordinary and emergency purposes, and the transformation of urban villages have been launched. Steadily promote the construction of affordable rental housing, public rental housing, and shantytown resettlement housing. Support new citizens and young people to withdraw housing provident funds to rent and live in peace.

In terms of urban construction, we will promote urban renewal in an orderly manner, comprehensively carry out urban physical examinations, implement urban renewal with the focus on the problems found in urban physical examinations, carry out pilot projects for the construction of complete communities, improve service facilities such as "one old and one young", and carry out the activities of "national balls into the community" and "national balls into parks". By the end of November, about 66,000 urban renewal projects of various types had been implemented across the country. Among them, 53,000 old residential areas in cities and towns have been newly renovated, benefiting 8.82 million residents, 32,000 elevators have been installed, 746,000 parking spaces have been added, 14,000 community service facilities such as elderly care and childcare have been added, and about 100,000 kilometers of urban gas and other pipelines have been renovated.

In terms of the development of the construction industry, the approval time for enterprise qualification has been shortened to 2 months. Promote the construction of good houses with the reform of construction methods, and promote the pilot of intelligent construction cities. Actively participate in the work of clearing up the arrears of enterprises.

Implement policies according to the city, one city and one policy to achieve a balance between real estate supply and demand

The meeting emphasized that 2024 is a key year for the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will comprehensively promote the quality and efficiency of housing and urban-rural construction, give full play to the foundation and supporting role of economic and social development, and continue to promote the economy to achieve effective qualitative improvement and reasonable quantitative growth.

The meeting pointed out that in the housing and real estate sector, adhere to the positioning that houses are for living, not for speculation, and adapt to the new situation of major changes in the supply and demand relationship of the real estate market. Stabilize the real estate market, adhere to city-specific policies, one city, one policy, and precise policies, meet the demand for rigid and improved housing, optimize real estate policies, and further increase the implementation of policies for first and second houses.

Yan Yuejin, research director of the E-House Research Institute, believes that this meeting mentioned that it is necessary to increase the implementation of the policy of the first house and the second house, indicating that the policy on house purchase in 2024 will be further relaxed, and at the same time, the existing policies should be digested and absorbed.

In terms of ensuring the delivery of buildings, the meeting pointed out that we should continue to do a good job in ensuring the delivery of buildings, ensuring people's livelihood and ensuring stability, properly handle the risks of real estate enterprises, rectify the order of the real estate market, strengthen the supervision of pre-sale funds, and accelerate the reform of the pre-sale system.

Li Yujia, chief researcher of the Housing Policy Research Center of the Guangdong Provincial Urban Planning Institute, pointed out to the media that this proposal indicates that the delivery of the building has entered the stage of tackling tough problems, and the rigid responsibility of the local government to complete the delivery of the building should be consolidated for the hard gap of funds and the difficulty of the delivery of the building. The reform of the pre-sale system means that the new development and sales model of pre-sale and current sale will be comprehensively promoted, and the transformation to the current sales model will be gradually transformed to the current sales model, so as to completely solve the problem of guaranteed delivery and even unfinished buildings under the pre-sale system. ”

It is worth mentioning that this meeting once again made it clear that it is necessary to meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises of different ownership systems without discrimination. The meeting said that the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will work with the State Administration of Financial Supervision to guide real estate financing. At the same time, it is necessary to actively promote urban renewal actions and do a good job in problem-oriented and goal-oriented work.

In Yan Yuejin's view, on the basis of emphasizing the idea of "treating everyone equally", the mention of guiding real estate financing this time shows that the relevant work will be further promoted in 2024 to ensure that the financing work is carried out in an orderly manner. "Actively promoting urban renewal actions, which is slightly different from the traditional expressions of affordable housing and urban villages, but in turn, it also shows that the work of urban villages still needs to be solidly promoted. ”

In addition, in terms of building a new model of real estate development, the meeting proposed to establish a new mechanism for the linkage of "people, housing, land and money", improve the basic system of the whole life cycle of housing from development and construction to maintenance and use, accelerate the solution of the housing problems of new citizens, young people and migrant workers, and create a new track in the housing field.

"On the whole, in terms of the realization of the balance between supply and demand, the reform of the pre-sale system, etc., there are relatively few expressions in the past, which is a new highlight of the current policy to be actively concerned about. Yan Yuejin thinks.

Editor-in-charge: Ye Shuyun

Proofreading: Liao Shengchao

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