
Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

author:Green Bricks

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Text: Ting Mustard

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With the rapid rise of science and technology and the replacement of technology, life is really getting better and better.

On the counter, the dazzling array of food made people's mouths water.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

However, in today's increasingly high awareness of food safety, there are still some "black-hearted" businesses here.

shoddy, false marketing, or even outright "selling".

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

The following ten types of products are "hard-hit areas", and nine out of ten of them are "scams" on the market.

Have you ever stepped on these pits?

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

olive oil

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

Olive oil, known as "liquid gold", could even organize a "mercenary" in medieval Europe.

Back in the Middle Ages, rushing to Byzantium, a barrel of olive oil will not know how much wealth you can get in exchange.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

Even in modern times, good quality olive oil is still "sky-high".

A small bottle costs hundreds or thousands, but there are still countless people who "flock to it".

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

However, some "black-hearted merchants" are eyeing its value.

They falsify low-quality, cheap, or even cooking oils that are not olive oil at all into extra virgin olive oil and make it into the market.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

A huge profit, let them make a lot of money.

But the olive oil market was "destroyed" by them, and it became such a "chaotic" mess.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

Dried fruits and vegetables

If you want to say who is a classic case of "marketing scam", dried fruits and vegetables must be brought out and said.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

The pace of life is getting faster and faster, and there are fewer and fewer young people cooking, and sometimes they don't even have time to eat a piece of fruit.

In order to supplement the necessary "nutrients" of the human body, dried vegetables and fruits broke in under the banner of supplementing fruit and vegetable nutrition.

But these "dried vegetables and fruits" are all wrapped in a golden "coat" on the outside.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

How much of the nutrients of the fruits and vegetables can be left behind by them who are "soaked" in the oil pan?

It is important to know that the nutrients contained in fruits and vegetables are easy to "dissipate" in a high temperature and high heat environment.

In addition, the excess oil caused the calories to "soar", causing many dried fruits and vegetables to deviate from their original intentions and become junk food.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

Protein powder

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

I don't know when words like "heat bombs" and "carbs" broke into our lives.

Under such a trend, staple foods have become the culprit of "obesity", and weight loss and fat loss have become a trend.

In order to replenish the protein needed by the human body without eating meat and eggs, protein powder came into being.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

It's just that it is obviously a product launched for fat loss people, but somehow it has broken into the lives of ordinary people.

In the daily diet, the protein powder obtained from food has long been sufficient, and even has a tendency to exceed the standard.

Excess protein will "pile up" in the body, and they will not be digested and even face the risk of being "oxidized".

If you are not pregnant, convalescent, or fitness, consuming protein powder will do more harm than good.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

Flavored fragrant rice

The "first shot" of this year's 315 party pointed to the "flavored rice" disguised as "Thai fragrant rice".

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

A few drops of flavor can double the value of ordinary rice, and "transform" it into a foreign "foreign product".

You know, according to the statistics of 2020, the total amount of rice exported by Thailand does not exceed 1,000 tons.

Thanks to the efforts of these merchants, the so-called "Thai fragrant rice" in circulation in China is far greater than this data.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

The harm of long-term exposure to flavor is self-evident, but these "conscienceless" merchants have sent it to the dining table of thousands of households.

After solving the problem of having enough to eat, they focused on people's hope of "eating well".

Not only does it hurt customers' money, but it even damages their health, and such a product is abhorrent.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

Maple syrup

The "maple syrup" made from the sap of the sugar maple tree is a "national treasure" condiment in Canada.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

Because of its pleasing color and high sugar content, many sweets have a treasure for their sweet tooth.

However, due to the lack of an industrial chain for the production of maple syrup in China, its price has remained high.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

Some "unscrupulous merchants" have set their sights on this "business opportunity".

They looked for alternatives, looking for a "caramel color" similar to maple syrup.

Corn syrup, both in terms of liquid consistency and color, is quite suitable for their requirements.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

Under their operation, the corn syrup put on a "gorgeous" coat and became 100% "genuine".

There are even some merchants who are ashamed to "fabricate" the origin of their products and turn them into foreign "imported products".

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

Vegetarian chicken and vegetarian duck

It is said that eating too much meat is not good for the body, and some businesses plan to start with "vegetarian alternatives".

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

Like vegetarian chicken, vegetarian duck, and even vegetarian shrimp, countless "vegetarian foods" are dizzying.

Under the banner of "vegetarian", they have carried the banner of food safety and stepped onto people's tables.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

However, in fact, as long as you think about it, you can understand that vegetarian imitation meat must be heavy oil and salt.

What is there any health under heavy oil and salt?

Moreover, they are based on legumes, and their protein content is not low.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

For this reason, if we abandon the nutrients originally brought by meat, isn't it "abandoning the basics" and abandoning health?

Therefore, it is more appropriate to snack on them than so-called "healthy foods".

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

Feitian Moutai

Scams around famous liquor are always indispensable, and Feitian Moutai is one of the "hardest hit areas".

Like what kind of "special channel", or "fake one pays three", countless tricks to deceive people are stunned.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

Some people recycle Moutai bottles at a high price, not for "environmental protection", but for "irrigation" and resale.

There are also some merchants who sell Feitian Moutai at a low price to attract the attention of customers.

They will often send some genuine products first, and when they have finished appraising, they will be reminded of the idea of making the difference.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

Since then, they have issued some OEM fake liquor to make huge profits.

Give these customers two dates first, and then give them a few "slaps", this is their "business philosophy".

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

Many people have been deceived into bankruptcy because of their greed.

I thought I had seized the opportunity, but I didn't admit it, but I fell into a bottomless hole.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?


The vermicelli has a good taste and is smooth to eat, and many people love it.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

However, the vermicelli we often talk about is generally sweet potato vermicelli by default.

Of course, in addition to sweet potato vermicelli, yam vermicelli, potato vermicelli, and countless varieties.

The difference between them is more obvious, and it can be distinguished from the price.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

But "tapioca vermicelli" has sprung up, and "sweet potato vermicelli" has seized the living space.

It bears the name of sweet potato vermicelli, but neither the texture nor the taste can be compared.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

If you come across low-priced "sweet potato vermicelli", be sure to distinguish carefully.

Authentic sweet potato flour is dark, not so transparent, and the price is not too cheap, generally around ten yuan.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

82 Lafite

How much Lafite was produced in France in 1982 has become a mystery to the world.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

Whether it is in TV dramas or various high-end banquet venues, it can always be seen.

As if without it, this banquet would not be of high grade.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

If you think about it with your toes, you can understand how the red wine production capacity in 1982 can be sold now.

It's nothing more than some empty bottles that are recycled and filled with some red wine, which is used to "pretend" the classics of 82 years.

But customers are still paying the price of 82 years to "enjoy" contemporary products.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

Black sesame paste

How long has the black sesame paste that can "nourish hair" stand on the "altar"?

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

eats "sweet and greasy" food, but under the banner of "health", he calls himself a "healthy" food.

Perhaps, black sesame seeds do have this miraculous effect.

But how many "accessories" are added in the production process of black sesame paste?

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

The rice noodles are infused with saccharin, which makes the starch and glucose intertwined and it is panickingly sweet.

Moreover, there is no scientific basis for black sesame seeds to "nourish hair", it is just the "experience" of the older generation.

If you eat yourself as "high blood sugar" for this reason, it is really a bit "worth the loss".

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?


Nourish yourself with food, but carefully identify the nutrient content of these foods and don't insist on them for "special purposes".

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

In addition to government agencies, food safety issues must be maintained by everyone.

When you find counterfeit and shoddy products, don't "keep your voice down", and be sure to report objective problems.

Top 10 most common food scams in China, how many have you bought?

Don't let "Sanlu" repeat, don't let "gutter oil" reappear.

The road to food safety is still a long way to go, and everyone should work together for the sake of everyone's food safety.

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